
  • 网络Brand Equity
  1. 自1991年以来,品牌权益(brandequity)一词风靡全球,已经成为企业获得持久竞争优势的重要决定因素。

    Brand equity has been one of the most important determinant for a company to obtain the permanent competitive advantage .

  2. 基于象征意义的轿车品牌权益形成机理研究

    On Formation Mechanism of Sedan Brand Equity Based on Brand Symbolism

  3. 创建品牌权益是品牌建设的核心任务。

    Building brand equity is the key task for brand marketing .

  4. 体育明星代言对于品牌权益影响的实证研究

    Empirical Research on Sporting Star Endorsement 's Influences on Brand Equity

  5. 基于顾客的品牌权益测评:品牌联想结构分析法

    Measurement of Customer-Based Brand Equity : A Brand Association Structure Approach

  6. 第四章着重分析如何衡量品牌权益。

    The fourth chapter analyzes how to measure brand equity .

  7. 品牌权益是关于品牌研究的前沿理论。

    Brand equity is a forward theory in brand research .

  8. 公司社会营销对基于顾客品牌权益的影响

    The Effect of Corporate Societal Marketing Acting on Customer - Based Brand Equity

  9. 你认为品牌权益能使公司处于竞争优势吗?(为什么?)

    Do you think brand equity provides a competitive advantage for a company ?

  10. 商业房地产和品牌权益将会下跌。

    Commercial real estate and brand equities will decline .

  11. 基于消费者效用的品牌权益模型及应用

    Modeling the Utility - based Brand Equity and Application

  12. 顾客价值导向的品牌权益模型及实证分析

    Empirical Test of Brand Equity Based on Customer Value

  13. 其中,特价促销比折扣促销对品牌权益的负向影响大。

    Special price promotion can cause more influence to brand equity than discounts .

  14. 非价格促销对品牌权益及其各维度均有正向影响。

    Non-price promotion can cause positive influence on brand equity and its each dimension .

  15. 品牌权益及其测评体系分析

    Analysis of Brand Equity and Its Measurement

  16. 我们之所以失去市场份额,原因在于我们稀释了品牌权益的价值。

    We have lost share because we diluted the value of our brands ' equity .

  17. 本文在对顾客的品牌权益研究成果进行综述的基础上,提出了基于顾客的饭店品牌权益的假设模型;

    On the basis of reviewing literature , this thesis puts forward a customer-based hypothetical model .

  18. 因此我们希望利用这些因素来分析长荣航空的品牌权益。

    Consequently , students want to use these factors analyze the brand quality of EVA AIR .

  19. 同时,利用相关数据,建立企业客户投资回报模型,并对企业的长期品牌权益进行了评估。

    It also develops a customer investment return model and evaluates the long-term brand equity of the company .

  20. 品牌权益是企业以往营销努力的积淀,它反映了企业品牌建设的成效和品牌的价值。

    Brand equity results from past marketing efforts , and indicates brand value and the effectiveness of marketing .

  21. 品牌权益指品牌所赋予的产品附加价值,它是品牌理论的核心内容;

    Brand equity , a core content of brand theory , refers to the value brand adds to product .

  22. 本研究以超市零售业为例探讨服务业中一个非常重要的问题:服务品牌权益。

    This paper studied the supermarket retail services as an example a very important question : Service Brand Equity .

  23. 研究结果发现,联合式混合捆绑对品牌权益维度&感知质量、品牌知晓和品牌忠诚以及品牌权益均有正向影响。

    The result suggests that mixed-joint bundle will affect the dimensions of brand equity and the overall brand equity positively .

  24. 在赞助商提供赞助的同时,我们的市场开发团队也要为赞助商提供优质、高效的服务。这其中最为重要的一项则是为赞助商的品牌权益予以最大限度的保护和宣传。

    Of the most important items are sponsors of the brand rights and interests shall be the best protection and promotion .

  25. 基于购物网站进行的理论研究,提出了购物网站顾客价值与服务品牌权益的闭环关系模型,并做了实证检验。

    Closed-loop relationship model of customer value and service brand equity on website was proposed , and an empirical test was made .

  26. 同时,本文提出并验证了快速消费品行业促销方式对品牌权益影响机制的模型,对于指导企业设计有效的促销活动、在拉动短期销售的基础上提升长期品牌权益有一定借鉴指导意义。

    In the meanwhile , this paper advances and validates the influence model of sales promotion modes and brand equity in FMCG industry .

  27. 其中购物网站顾客价值与网站服务品牌权益既是自变量又是因变量,中介变量为网站品牌忠诚和服务质量;调节变量为顾客网络涉入度和经济因素。

    And mediating variables for brand loyalty and service quality ; degree of customer involvement network and economic factors is the moderator variables .

  28. 品牌权益和关系权益属于企业静态资源范畴,而顾客导向和企业家导向则属于企业动态能力范畴。

    Brand equity and relational equity fall into the category of static resources and customer orientation and entrepreneurial orientation fall into the category of dynamic capabilities .

  29. 本文在查阅大量关于基于顾客的品牌权益评估的相关文献的基础上,采用实证研究方法,以飘柔洗发水为例,探讨了基于顾客的品牌权益的影响要素以及要素的各种作用。

    Related literatures , the factors of customer-based brand equity and their relations will be studied in this thesis through the demonstration of a shampoo brand .

  30. 有学者把基于顾客角度的品牌权益看作是消费者因为品牌营销行为的反应从而对品牌知识产生的影响。

    Some scholars point that the customer-based brand equity as brand marketing , which could be the response of consumer behavior which can impact brand knowledge .