
  • 网络Brand;Brand Name;BrandName
  1. Nasa拥有一个十分性感的品牌名称,但却在那些无需耗费巨资的项目上几十亿、几十亿地扔钱。

    Nasa has a very sexy brand name but has spent billions and billions of dollars on projects that don 't need to cost billions and billions .

  2. 大多数服务被冠以ovi的品牌名称ovi在芬兰语中的意思是“门”。

    Most carry the brand name Ovi which is Finnish for door .

  3. 它以Tattle这一品牌名称在市场上出售。

    It 's marketed under the trade name ' Tattle ' .

  4. 通用汽车公司和福特公司都认为它们需要用更有气派的品牌名称销售高档车。

    Both GM and Ford believe they need classier brand names to sell upmarket cars .

  5. 另外它也能通过光、声、语音等警报模式向你报警。总之,Protect的目标正如它的品牌名称所示——保护你免受危险的侵袭。

    With a combination of lights , audible alarms , and voice commands , the primary goal of the Protect is to do as its name implies - protect you by alerting you of present danger .

  6. 关于Commodore货,能否告知我方贵司所经销的品牌名称?该牌子是为那些用户开发的?这样的话,我就可以知道我对该品牌的质量熟习否。

    For Commodore items-can you advise what brand or who you developed them for so I can be familiar with the quality ?

  7. 瑞士奢侈品研究咨询机构DLG公司2014年发布的报告显示,有73%的中国人在线搜索名贵手表时是按品牌名称搜索的,这个比重几乎是美国人的两倍。

    According to Digital Luxury Group 's ( DLG ) 2014 report , 73 % of online searches for luxury watches are about brand names , almost twice the rate of Americans .

  8. 依据企业(组织)形象识别或交流识别系统(CIS)设计原则,从品牌名称设计、品牌标志设计、品牌包装设计等几方面,探讨了中国男子篮球甲A联赛的品牌表现设计方法。

    According to the design principles of image identification or communication identification systems ( CIS ) for enterprises ( organizations ), the brand design method for CBA is being discussed in this essay in the aspects of brand appellation design , brand mark design and brand package design .

  9. 历史经验表明,只要企业取得成功,人们就会习惯于它的新名称,无论这个名字起初听起来多么古怪——想一想当初因使用合成词作为品牌名称而遭调侃的Accenture(埃森哲)或Diageo(帝亚吉欧)。

    History suggests that if a company is successful , people do get used to its new handle , however outlandish it seems at first ( think of Accenture or Diageo , at first ribbed for their portmanteau brands ) .

  10. 没有中间商,没有零售开销,以及几乎没有广告预算,它不支付或出售昂贵的,甚至是价格低廉,品牌名称,但只有它自己制造的品牌ZENNI。

    Nomiddlemen , no retail overhead , and practically no advertising budget , it does not pay for or sell expensive , or even inexpensive , brandnames , but only its own manufactured brand ZENNI .

  11. 功能翻译理论为品牌名称翻译提供了理论依据。

    Functionalist approaches provide a theoretical basis for brand name translation .

  12. 汉语语词在商品品牌名称中的运用

    Chinese Words : Their Use in Choosing Brand Names for Commodities

  13. 论文化顺应在品牌名称翻译中的动态作用

    On the Dynamic Functioning of Cultural Adaptation in Brand Name Translation

  14. 这件外套后面绣上了我们的品牌名称。

    This jacket has our brand name stitched across the back .

  15. 请告诉我品牌名称、数量以及发货单号码。

    Please tell me the brand name , quantity and invoice number .

  16. 品牌名称的偏离现象研究

    A Study on the Phenomenon of Deviation of Brand Name

  17. 品牌名称的音译需迎合译入语民族的文化底蕴

    On transliterating brands by meeting the cultural connotation of the target-language-speaking nation

  18. 品牌名称是产品的标记。

    A brand name is the sign of a product .

  19. 品牌名称:雾灵山生态回归游。标准色:绿色,蓝色,白色。

    Brand name : Ecology and Return of Wuling Mountain .

  20. 凤凰现在已经淘汰了奖品牌名称。

    Phoenix has now phased out the Award Brand name .

  21. 品牌名称是影响广告定位的重要因素。

    The name of brand is the important positioning-influencing factor .

  22. 品牌名称的优劣对于一个企业、对于一个商品非常重要。

    A good name is vital to an enterprise and its products .

  23. 在多语言国际市场环境中创建本地品牌名称的研究&一个批判性的回顾与展望

    Creating Local Brands in Multilingual International Markets A critical review

  24. 这个品牌名称也可以翻译为醉酒莫言。

    This brand name can also be translated as drunken Mo Yan .

  25. 我们也可以接受打印品牌名称下,我们的顾客需要。

    We can also accept print brand name under our customers required .

  26. 如何防止其他人注册我的品牌名称?

    What 's to stop others registering my brand name ?

  27. 西方品牌名称汉译趣谈

    Chinese Translation of the Brand Names in the Western Countries

  28. 但是,品牌名称和首字母缩写词属于此规则的例外情况。

    Brand names and acronyms are exceptions to this rule , however .

  29. 品牌名称的文化误区

    The Wrong Cultural Area of the Commodity Brand Names

  30. 品牌名称的翻译&接受理论的视角

    Translation of Brand Names in Perspective of Reception Theory