
  • 网络Brand Media
  1. 在调查报告的结尾处,Contently还是给传媒界打了一针强心剂,称各大品牌和传媒最终还是会在彻底惹怒读者之前,找到问题的解决办法。

    Concluding its study , the company suggests with a dose of optimism that brands and publishers will eventually figure things out before they turn readers off completely .

  2. 把品牌概念引入传媒领域,就是要在搞好节目策划创作的同时,通过一系列包装和推介手段,树立起强势品牌,以达到提升竞争力的目的。

    Taking this concept into the media , we should set up a strong brand to improve competition through a series of promotion .

  3. 品牌是电视传媒整体形象高度集中的反映。品牌作为区分标志,具有识别功能;

    The brand is the television media whole vivid high degree of concentration reflection , the brand took the discrimination symbol , has the recognition function ;

  4. 品牌理念在传媒业的运用,为中国传媒业在产业发展的过程中展示了方向。

    As it is used in the medium enterprise , the rational sense of famous brand makes our China 's medium enterprise lay bare the direction in the course of the Industrial development .

  5. 品牌意识乃至传媒品牌将成为推动我国传媒新的变革的力量,也是21世纪我国传媒竞争的焦点所在。

    Form brand consciousness to the media brand , It will become the strength which will impel new transformation on media of our country , and will also be our country media competition focal point in the 21st century .

  6. 结果表明,依靠品牌熟悉和文化传媒,影像加强器产生了不同的效果。

    The results suggest that image-intensive tools generate different returns depending on the level of brand familiarity and cultural media .

  7. 文章认为,品牌延伸对大众传媒,犹如一把双刃剑,运用得好,可以降低成本,节省费用,缩短品牌打造的时间,形成媒体规模运行,提高经济效益。

    To mass media , brand extension is like a couteau . Well-used , it can lower the cost , save the expenses , shorten the time that brands need to become famous and form the scale of media operation so as to increase economic benefit .