
hé jiě
  • reconciliate;settlement;settle;conciliate;compromise;rapprochement;accommodation;make up;become reconciled
和解 [hé jiě]
  • (1) [become reconciled;settle]∶平息纷争,重归于好。今法律上指当事人约定互相让步,不经法院以终止争执或防止争执发生

  • 使争吵的两派和解

  • (2) [settlement]∶在法律上,指诉讼当事人之间为处理和结束诉讼而达成的解决争议问题的妥协或协议。一般来说,和解的结果是撤回起诉或中止诉讼而无需判决。在这种情况下,和解作为当事人之间有约束力的契约,可以防止重新提出诉讼。当事人双方也可以将和解的条款写入一个协议判决,由法院记录在卷

和解[hé jiě]
  1. 这对夫妇试图和解但未成功。

    The couple made an unsuccessful attempt at a compromise .

  2. 目前还没有和解的希望。

    There is no prospect of compromise in sight .

  3. 他们的政策改变促成了与英国的和解。

    Their change of policy brought about a reconciliation with Britain .

  4. 目前,敌对双方和解的可能性似乎很渺茫。

    There now seems little chance of rapprochement between the warring factions .

  5. 美国的谈判者决定再作一番努力,力争达成和解。

    The US negotiators decided to make another try at reaching a settlement .

  6. 在她看来,送花是主动和解的表示。

    She saw the flowers as a propitiatory offering .

  7. 他曾对和解抱有希望。

    He had entertained hopes of a reconciliation .

  8. 她随心所欲地雇用人和解雇人。

    She hires and fires people at whim .

  9. 已经实现和解。

    A peaceable settlement has been reached .

  10. 他们已决定撤销对那家报纸的指控,在庭外和解。

    They decided to drop the charges against the newspaper and settle out of court .

  11. 他们和解了吗?

    Have they made it up yet ?

  12. 他们希望实现和解。

    They hope to effect a reconciliation .

  13. 她对和解已不再抱有希望。

    She abandoned hope of any reconciliation .

  14. 已达成和解。

    An amicable settlement was reached .

  15. 他们的握手似乎是和解的表示。

    Their handshake appeared to be a gesture of reconciliation .

  16. 在法庭讼案中,他们提出和解费数额太少。

    In court filings , they argued that the settlement was inadequate .

  17. 解决这一争端需要双方都有和解的意愿。

    Resolving the dispute will require a mood of conciliation on both sides

  18. 他们应该和西方的老对头和解。

    They should make up with their ex-enemy in the West

  19. 总统谈到了在领土问题上达成和解的必要性。

    The President spoke of the need for territorial compromise .

  20. 没有他们的同意,不可能达成政治上的和解。

    Without their assent a political settlement cannot be reached .

  21. 他从来没想过自己和苏珊会和解。

    He never believed he and Susan would be reconciled

  22. 德夫林在生命的最后几天与天主教会达成和解。

    Devlin was reconciled with the Catholic Church in his last few days .

  23. 夫妇俩已经分居了,但是他想要和解。

    The couple have separated but he wants a reconciliation

  24. 她同意支付4,000英镑的庭外和解赔偿金。

    She accepted an out-of-court settlement of £ 4,000 .

  25. 媒体夸大了达成和解的可能性。

    The media played up the prospects for a settlement

  26. 他们抱一种和解的态度去参加谈判。

    They approached the talks in a conciliatory spirit .

  27. 他是一个憎恶采用暴力而坚决主张和解的人。

    He was a man who abhorred violence and was deeply committed to reconciliation

  28. 很多人在暗中祈求和解。

    Many were secretly praying for a compromise .

  29. 为了争取庭外和解,莫尔肯同意赔款。

    In an attempt to settle the case , Molken has agreed to pay restitution

  30. 然而,有迹象表明双方可能都在寻求和解。

    Nonetheless there are signs that both sides may be searching for a compromise .