
zhōu zhuǎn qī
  • turnover period;turnover time
  1. 资金周转期的新算法

    A new algorithm on calculating capital turnover period

  2. 周转期与利用方式、pH以及有机质含量无明显相关。

    However their turnover period was little affected by land use form , pH and organic matter content .

  3. 混交林群落的N、P富集率和利用系数均低于纯林的,而周转期则均大于纯林的。

    For both N and P elements , the enrichment ratios and the utilization coefficients were lower , and the recycling periods were higher in mixed forest than in pure stand .

  4. 采用14C底物标记技术测定了三种不同质地(红砂土菜地、黄筋泥桔园和茶籽园)的红壤微生物生物量C的周转期。

    A 14 C-labelling technique was used to study turnover of microbial biomass C of 3 red soils with different texture , i.e .

  5. 周转期为7~10a,平均8a;

    Turnover period 7 ~ 8 a and average 8 a ;

  6. 而土壤库中养分循环速率最高是N(3.1%),最低是Mg(0.6%),相应的周转期分别为32.3年和166.7年。

    Of the nutrient cycling rates in the soil pool N was the highest ( 3.1 % ) and Mg was the lowest ( 0 6 % ), and N periodic cycling time was 32 3 years and that of Mg was 166 7 years .

  7. 使用Xtext的开发经过了优化,从而可以缩短周转期,因此将新特性添加到已有DSL中只需要几分钟的时间。

    Development with Xtext is optimized for short turn-arounds , so that adding new features to an existing DSL is a matter of minutes .

  8. 年存留量分别为7.96、3.62、30.51和693.18mg/m2;周转期分别为40、58、18和5年。

    Annual retention of Cu was 7.96 , Pb 3.62 , Zn 30.51 and Mn 693.18 mg · m - 2 . The turnover periods of Cu , Pb , Zn and Mn were 40,58,18 and 5 year , respectively .

  9. 可以作为滞后指标的包括:年终销售额、周转期、市场占有率等。

    Examples include : Year-end Sales , Cycle Time , and Market Share .

  10. 红壤微生物量氮的周转期及其研究意义

    Turnover period of microbial biomass nitrogen in red soils and its significance in soil fertility evaluation

  11. 现在举一个20个大型建筑公司年平均资金周转期的例子。

    Let 's use an example the average annual inventory turnover in 20 large construction firms .

  12. 其次,本文重构了营运资金概念和营运资金周转期概念。

    Secondly , the concept of working capital and turnover of the working capital have been reconstructed .

  13. 中度酸雨处理和重度酸雨处理的凋落物半分解时间和95%分解时间(周转期)均延长。

    The semi-decomposed and 95 % litter decomposition cycle were all extended under the moderate and severe acid rain treatment .

  14. 萄葡牙航空公司称,如果发生了类似事件,其承修商就需要备份更多这样的特殊部件以满足协议周转期的要求。

    If that is the case , our providers need to stock more of these special items to meet agreed turnaround times .

  15. 他们的资产着眼于战略、预售、现金流和压缩周转期,使其保持生产力和优势。

    Their asset light strategy , pre-selling , cash flowing and compressing the cycle time gave them the productivity and cutting advantage .

  16. 集团于去年进一步改良生产流程,成功缩短生产周转期及降低库存量。

    Further enhancement of the production flow was implemented last year , resulting in an even shorter turnaround time and lower stock levels .

  17. 任何公司的成功之道-尤其是周转期的模式下-都是能如何快速除去能力差的员工和如何能够留住顶尖人才员工。

    The key to the success of any company but especially one in turnaround mode is how quickly they get rid of underachievers and what they do to retain top talent .

  18. 中小企业客户数量多、分布广、资金周转期短,在目前的经济形势下,商业银行对中小企业客户的议价能力更强。

    Quantity of middle and small firms customers is large , distribution is wide , turnover period of fund is short . Commercial banks have a stronger ability to bargain with middle and small firms customers under the present economic situation .

  19. 虽然用渠道理论得出的经营活动营运资金周转期被用来作为评定公司营运资金管理绩效的一种重要手段,但是这个新的指标并未用作其他的管理和实证研究上。

    Although the cycle of working capital from operating activities , which derive from channel management is regarded as an important means respecting evaluating the performance of working capital management , and this index have not applied to other theoretical researches .

  20. JIT采购不但可以减少库存,还可以加快库存周转、降低提前期、提高采购件的质量及获得满意交货等效果。

    JIT purchase can not only reduce storage level , but also increase inventory turnover rate , bring down lead time , improve quality of purchasing parts , and achieve satisfactory delivery goods .

  21. 而在生产型企业中,减少库存占用,加快资金周转,缩短交期,最大限度地满足客户的需求,这些目标的实现与否直接影响着企业的经营。

    However , for a manufacturing company , its business should be close tied with the achievement of the goals in reducing inventory occupation , accelerating cash flow , shortening delivery and satisfying with customer demand in maximize .