
  • 网络Zhou Xiaochuan;mr zhou
  1. 今年3月,周小川表示,这一职能可由国际货币基金组织(imf)的计价单位由一篮子货币组成的特别提款权(specialdrawingright)来履行。

    In March , Mr Zhou said that role could be filled by the special drawing right , a basket of currencies used by the International Monetary Fund as a unit of account .

  2. 周小川提议,通过在imf创建“以sdr计值的开放式基金”,来缓解这一问题,美元余额可以兑换成sdr。

    Mr Zhou proposes to alleviate this problem by creating " an open-ended SDR-denominated fund " at the IMF into which dollar balances could be exchanged for SDRs .

  3. 周小川还表示,SDR应当基于包括人民币在内的一篮子货币。

    Zhou Xiaochuan also said SDRs should be based on a basket of currencies , including China 's renminbi .

  4. 周小川表示,这份提议将需要超凡的远见和勇气,此外他还指出,约翰梅纳德凯恩斯(JohnMaynardKeynes)在上世纪40年代就曾提出类似建议。

    Mr Zhou said the proposal would require extraordinary political vision and courage and acknowledged a debt to John Maynard Keynes , who made a similar suggestion in the 1940s .

  5. IMF的一位发言人周三说,北京两天前通知该组织,说根据周小川的日程安排,他可能得取消出席会议并在会议上发言的计划。

    An IMF spokesman said Wednesday that Beijing had informed the fund two days ago that Mr. Zhou 's schedule might cause him to cancel his attendance at the meeting and the cancellation of his lecture .

  6. 我们认为,周小川的话支持我们的判断,即政策变化的时机可能更晚,而不是更早,渣打银行(StandardCharteredbank)外汇研究主管卡勒姆亨德森(CallumHenderson)在一份简报中表示。

    We think that Zhou 's comments support our call that the move might come later rather than sooner , said Callum Henderson , head of FX Research at Standard Chartered Bank in a note .

  7. 中国人民银行行长周小川在3月6日表示,今年的广义货币供应量(M2)增长目标将会更灵活,意在给予实体经济更多支持。

    Separately , People 's Bank of China Governor Zhou Xiaochuan said on Friday that this year 's broad money supply growth target will be more flexible , aiming to better support the real economy .

  8. 在今年4月的20国集团(g20)峰会前夕,中国央行行长周小川提议,用国际货币基金组织(imf)管理下的一篮子货币代替美元作为全球储备货币。

    Ahead of the April group of 20 leading nations summit , Zhou Xiaochuan , central bank governor , proposed replacing the dollar as the global reserve currency with a basket of currencies managed by the International Monetary Fund .

  9. 于是,周小川提议,以由国际货币基金组织记账的特别提款权(简称SDR)为基础,转入一种全新的储备货币。

    Zhou 's proposal to move to a new reserve currency along the lines of the S.D.R. 's , or special drawing rights , in which the International Monetary Fund leeps its accounts .

  10. 上周末在埃森举行的七国集团(G7)峰会上,保尔森向中国央行行长周小川谈到加快汇率改革进程的必要性。

    He spoke to Zhou Xiaochuan , governor of the People 's Bank of China , at last weekend 's Group of Seven summit in Essen of the need for faster progress .

  11. 在G20伦敦峰会前夕,央行行长周小川关于建立国际储备货币取代美元的提议,在国际上引起了巨大的反响,改革当前国际金融体系的呼吁日益高涨。

    On the eve of London G20 summit , Zhou Xiaochuan , Governor of Central Bank , proposed to establish an International Currency to replace the USD , has caused a very great international response and it appeals to reform the current International Financial System .

  12. 中国央行(PBoC)行长周小川屡次阐述了人民币盯住美元政策终将改变的前景。但他这么做只是为了缓和局势,效果常常适得其反。

    Numerous statements by People 's Bank of China Governor Zhou on the prospects eventually for a shift in the policy of pegging the renminbi the dollar , although meant to calm down the situation , have frequently been counterproductive by encouraging precisely the opposite outcome .

  13. 即使连周小川也语出谨慎。

    Even Mr. Zhou sounded a note of caution .

  14. 许多人将希望周小川是正确的,而另外很多人将感到失望。

    Many will hope Mr Zhou is right and many will be disappointed .

  15. 周小川认为,长期答案是创造一种超主权储备货币。

    The long-term answer , he adds , is a super-sovereign reserve currency .

  16. 周小川表示,然而中国并不急于此事的达成。

    Zhou said China is in no hurry for this to happen , however .

  17. 周小川表示所使用的任何货币工具都不能被排除。

    Zhou Xiaochuan says the use of any monetary tools cannot be ruled out .

  18. 周小川敦促美国提高储蓄率是不对的。

    Zhou xioachuan is wrong to urge a higher savings rate in the US .

  19. 周小川周四在北京对记者说「要慎重」。

    There must be prudence , Mr. Zhou said to reporters in Beijing on Thursday .

  20. 周小川使得一部分注意力又重新转移到了美国方面。

    Mr Zhou managed to transfer some of the attention back on to the US .

  21. 周小川经常讲,他希望提高中国金融体系的市场化程度。

    Mr. Zhou regularly remarks that he wants to make China 's financial system more market-based .

  22. 周小川的副手易纲将代替他发言。

    Mr. Zhou 's deputy , Yi Gang , will give the lecture in his place .

  23. 一直非常谨慎的央行行长周小川几星期前发话警告,试图让市场稳定下来。

    Zhou Xiaochuan , the governor of central bank , has tried to calm down the market .

  24. 我想央行行长周小川的补充消除了中国再次降息的可能性。

    I think Governor Zhou 's remarks dismissed the possibility of China further lowering its interest rate .

  25. 在这方面,最突出的倡导者是温文尔雅的周小川行长领导的中国央行。

    The most prominent advocate is the central bank , led by Zhou Xiaochuan , its urbane governor .

  26. 尽管这些创新对于新型金融工具非常重要,周小川仍然表示需要加以防范。

    While these innovations are important of new financial tools , Zhou Xiaochuan says that caution is required .

  27. 正如周小川所承认的那样,决定储备货币的不是官员们,而是强大的经济实力。

    As Mr Zhou admits , reserve currencies are decided not by bureaucrats but by powerful economic forces .

  28. 这不是恐吓,周小川严肃地建议用一种储备货币来抗衡美元的地位。他的观点值得一听。

    He has made serious proposals for a reserve currency to rival the greenback and he deserves a hearing .

  29. 急于维持美元全球角色的美国反对周小川的提议。

    The US , anxious to preserve the dollar 's global role , has rejected Mr Zhou 's proposal .

  30. 中国央行行长周小川在去年11月份表示,该行的中期目标是完全实现利率市场化。

    The central bank chief said in November that the bank 's medium-term goal was to fully liberalize rates .