- 名apocalyptic Literature

Daniel is one of the earliest cases of what we call apocalyptic literature .
But Apocalytic addresses were not know for their brevity .
We must make our endeavor to enforce early literature education and humanize Chinese curriculum ;
This significance is exemplified as follows : 1.It enlightens us that literary creation should awake the subject 's spiritual awareness and call for the freedom of life ;
Bible is not a systematic theology textbook , although it does give a whole lot systematic truth , but includes lament , narratives , letters , apocalyptic symbolism etc.
The apocalyptic writer sets himself up usually , far in the distant past , like this guy says he 's Daniel writing in the sixth century , and you can tell he 's got it all right .
It advocates the diversification of literary aesthetics and opposes the unitary literary criticism ;
The process of contemporary literature from its rise to fall reveals us : literature should revert to its source as a pure art ;
Atwood , based on her great concern about the practical environmental problems , created Oryx and Crake , which has become a representative of contemporary environmental apocalypticism .
Rational Care and Deity Implication : Two-sided Analysis of Western Literature Spirit
Therefore , literary translation may gain both theoretical and practical insights from the theory of intertextuality .
The third chapter analyzes the enlightenment on the road of development of literature and the awkward living environment of the pioneers and the positive and negative influence of the cause for the literature visualization narration trend on literature development .
Practically , it promotes a deeper apperception of the value of Pride and Prejudice , providing the inspiration for deep understanding and appreciation of other literary works . It also serves as a reference for literary teaching , literary translation , etc.
It is against vulgar literary tastes and pursues healthy ones ;
Linguistics has established the theoretical foundation of literary competence for the enlightenment of the system of literary sign .
Therefore , we can come to a conclusion : a literary phenomenon or the disappearance and reemergence of a group of historical figures , to some sense , are determined by time , society and humanity such receptive background .
Finally , the inspired thoughts of humanistic language , which combined with a lot of examples in literary works , are implemented to study literary language . A detailed and deep analysis on the characteristics of literary language , including form characteristics and content characteristics are made .