
  • 网络acoustic beauty
  1. 园林听觉美对现代景观的效果也起到了很好的作用。

    Acoustic beauty is also very important to the modern gardens .

  2. 其中,听觉美乃是中国古典园林艺术所追求的高妙境界之一。

    Acoustic beauty is the highlight of the Chinese classical garden .

  3. 以艺术学、计算机网络科学的理论为基础,通过网络多媒体软件中国古代服装史的创作实践,可以探寻网络艺术的视觉美、听觉美与计算机网络技术的融合规律。

    So this paper explores the combined theory of art and network technology in making the visual , audio beauty in Chinese classic clothing business .

  4. 电视广告的整体美主要由视觉美、听觉美、文学美构成。

    The integrative beauty in television advertisement consists chiefly of visual beauty , auditory beauty and literary beauty , each of which has features of its own .

  5. 文学美不可感知,只能意会,其内容超重于形式,而视觉美和听觉美则可以感知,其形式超重于内容。

    And that the literary beauty cannot be perceived but appreciated only by mind , and its content overbalances its form , whereas the beauty visual and auditory can be perceived , and their form overbalances their content .