
fǒu dìnɡ cí
  • negator
  1. 词缀un-和-less常用来构成否定词,如unhappy和careless

    The affixes " un - " and " - less " are often used make negative words , such as unhappy or careless .

  2. 如所知,中介逻辑的命题演算系统MP有三个命题联结词,即蕴涵词→,对立否定词和模糊否定词~。

    It is known that MP has three propositional connectives : The implication symbol →, the opposite negation and the fuzzy negation ~ .

  3. 其次,在定式句中他们能够正确地将题元动词置于否定词、动词短语副词以及被搁浅的量化词的右侧;在疑问句中也不将题元动词提升至C位置。

    Secondly , they correctly place thematic verbs on the right of negators , VP-adverbs and stranded quantifiers in finite clauses , and in questions they do not raise thematic verbs to C. Thirdly , they provide overt nominative subjects for nearly all the finite clauses .

  4. 3否定词NICHT在句子中通常的位置;

    The position of the word no ( NICHT ) in sentences ;

  5. 中古汉语VP-neg式疑问句句末否定词的虚化问题

    On Weakness of Negative Word at the End of VP-neg Interrogative Sentence in the Chinese Language of the Middle Ancient Times

  6. 一个否定词并不必然表明否定的状态。

    A negative word need not necessarily indicate a negative state .

  7. 本文的选题源于笔者对汉语和韩语否定词的思考。

    This thesis comes from the Chinese and Korean negative thinking .

  8. 情态动词与否定词连用可构成否定句。

    You use negative words with modals to make negative clauses .

  9. 汉语方言否定词的读音

    The Pronunciation of The Negative Morphemes in Some of The Chinese Dialects

  10. 量词和否定词交互关系产生辖域歧义。

    Quantifier and negation interact with each other to produce scope ambiguity .

  11. 模糊错误逻辑分解转化词与内涵否定词的逻辑关系

    Logical Relationship between Fuzzy Error Logical Decomposition Words and Connotative Negative Words

  12. 试论白语的否定词和否定表达形式

    On the Negative Words and Forms of Negative Expression in Bai Language

  13. 《左传》否定词未研究

    Study on negative word " Wei " in " Zuo Zhuan "

  14. 汉语否定词无语法化过程的语用学研究

    Grammaticalization of the Chinese Negative Particle Wu : A Pragmatic Approach LEARNING CHINESE

  15. 日中机器翻译的中文否定词的位置确定法

    A Method for Deciding the Position of Chinese Negatives in Japanese-Chinese Machine Translation

  16. 3选择问句里选择项末的否定词已经虚化;

    The negative word after the choices in alternative question has been weak ;

  17. 英语否定词的分类及英汉翻译技巧(英文)

    The Classification and Translation Technique of English Negation ;

  18. 甲骨文否定词研究

    The Study of the Negative Word of Oracle-bone Inscriptions

  19. 浅析否定词及否定句对《印度之行》主题的帮助

    On the negation in A Passage to India

  20. 汉哈语否定语素及否定词的对比研究

    Contrastive Research of the Negative Morphemes and Negative Words Between Chinese and Kazakh Language

  21. 第四部分是汉韩否定词语义特征对比。

    The fourth part is the Han Chinese negative words and semantic features comparison .

  22. 英语中不含否定词但表达否定意义的句子,叫间接否定句或含蓄否定句。

    Negation expressed without any negative words is called indirect negation or implied negation .

  23. 英语否定词在语言表达中的应用

    The Application of Negative Words in English

  24. 谈英语否定词的应用

    On tbe Usage of English Negative words

  25. ‘非人类的’是一个包含前缀‘非’否定词。

    ` nonhuman ' is a negative term containing ` non ' as a prefix .

  26. 英语否定词的用法

    The Uses of Negative Words in English

  27. 英语中的否定词、否定词缀及否定句型相对繁多,汉语中却几乎没有专门的否定词缀,并且否定词和否定句型相对简单。

    There are more negative morphemes , words and structures in English than in Chinese .

  28. 我是多说了一个否定词。

    I used an extra negative .

  29. 否定词的否定属性

    Negation and Non-negation of Negation Words

  30. 如果重音落在否定词NOT上,则否定词NOT具有窄式否定范围;

    If the negative word NOT receives a light stress , the negation has wide scope .