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  • 网络blue blood;the upper class
  1. 他是英国名门贵族嫡系出身。

    The best blood of English flows in his veins .

  2. 我想,名门贵族的青少年对她的所都并不陌生。

    I believe juvenile nobility itself is no stranger to her establishment . '

  3. 出生经商世家,也算是当地的名门贵族。

    It was a local blue-blooded family .

  4. 我们家确确实实是名门贵族。

    We were really society nobility .

  5. 在我们这个社会中那些出身名门贵族的人决不比他人高贵。

    It was not only those that were born in the purple were nobler than others in this society .