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  1. 苏州私家名园中的景名文化

    Culture of Garden Name in the Private Park of Suzhou

  2. 简单介绍了苏州园林的几个代表名园,并就其构景艺术及理念进行了分析。

    Several representative famous gardens of Suzhou gardens were briefly introduced and their scenic arts and ideas were analyzed .

  3. 昔日的美景和辉煌一去不复返,一代名园最终沦为一片废墟。

    Its former beauty and glory no more , the entire garden lay in clusters of ruins and debris .

  4. 第一节论述水绘园这座文化名园的景致特色和文化内涵。

    In the first chapter , The first section discusses the characteristics and culture connotation of this Shui Hui Garden .

  5. 位于市中心的豫园保存完整,是“奇秀甲于东南”的江南名园。

    Yuyuan Garden Under well preservation , the Yuyuan Garden in city center is a famous garden featuring southern China structures .

  6. 浅析禅宗思想对中国古典私家园林的影响&以苏州名园狮子林为例

    An Analysis of Impaction of Zen on the Chinese Traditional Private Garden & the Famous Linger Garden of Suzhou as Example

  7. 该文探讨的是苏州四大名园以外的私家名园中的景名文化。

    This paper mainly discusses the cultural content of name in the private parks of Suzhou except the most famous four gardens .

  8. 北京有大量的世界级文化遗迹,为什么还需设立历史名园名录呢?

    Beijing has a great number of world-class cultural relics . Why is it still necessary to set a " historical gardens " list ?

  9. 古典名园局部景点的再现&记颐和园耕织图景区复建及环境工程

    The Partial Scenery Reappearance of the Classical Garden & On the Rebuilding and Environment Program of the Farming and Weaving Scenic Area in the Summer Palace

  10. 这一外交失败,以惨痛的名园劫难向我们证明了传统封建国家外交的穷途末路。

    This diplomatic failures , has proved the coming dead-end of feudal national diplomacy of the tradition to us by the deeply grieved famous garden disaster .

  11. 拙政园是我国“四大名园”之一,被列入国务院首批的全国重点文物保护单位。

    Zhuozheng Garden is one of the top four classical gardens in China and was listed in the first batch of important historical sites under state protection .

  12. 进入20世纪80年代,古莲花池又以其高超的造园艺术被评为国内十大名园。

    In the 1980s , with its lofty gardening arts , the Ancient Lotus Pond Garden was appraised to be one the most famous gardens in China .

  13. 通过对古典名园建筑构成的案例分析,探讨传统园林建筑构成对现代园林的影响,并对中国园林建筑的发展方向提出了展望。

    Classical Garden building case studies to explore the traditional landscape architecture constitute the modern landscape architecture , and landscape architecture , the direction of development prospect .

  14. 紧邻城堡的兼六园是日本三大名园之首,里面种有梅树、樱树和日本枫树。

    Adjoining the castle , the Kenroku-en garden is home to plum , cherry , and Japanese maple trees and is considered one of Japan 's finestgardens .

  15. 扬州历代园林竹景建造的特点主要是以竹名园、以竹名景和以竹辅景。

    Bamboo scenery construction in Yangzhou gardens of all previous dynasties is characterized by naming the scenic spots or gardens with bamboos , and widely using bamboo as auxiliary scenery materials .

  16. 镇内有全国十大私家名园之一的绮园和被誉为“浙江第一阁”的千佛阁。

    Qiyuan Garden , one of the nation 's top ten private gardens and the Thousand-Buddha Pavillon , the most famous one in Zhejiang Province , are both located in Wuyuan Town .

  17. 通过制订历史名园保护规范,将历史名园与城市普通公园管理相区别,更有利于历史名园的保护,也是更好的保护北京的历史和文化遗产

    Related regulations will be made to enforce the full protection of the listed gardens , the differentiation of ordinary and historical gardens in terms of management can better protect Beijing 's historical and cultural heritage .

  18. 我建议不要带了她去什么名园胜景,还是利用晨昏时节,到深巷中散散步。

    Let me suggest that , instead of accompanying her on a visit to a famous park or scenic spot , you take her with you for a stroll in the lane at dawn or dusk .

  19. 北京园艺绿化局上周四宣布,包括颐和园和北海公园在内的北京市25处公园,成功入选首批历史名园名录

    The Beijing Horticulture Greening Bureau announced Thursday that 25 parks and gardens , including the Summer Palace and Beihai Park , are among the first batch to be inscribed on the " historical gardens " list .

  20. 同时对济南当前具有代表性的8处城市名园(6处公园型名园和9处历史名园,其中7处历史名园在公园型名园内)进行实地调查,建立起系统研究的背景平台。

    Meanwhile , to conduct field surveys of the eight current representatives Jinan famous gardens ( six famous parks and nine historic gardens , including seven historic gardens in the famous parks ) for establishing the research background .

  21. 作为历史名园的香山公园,已经成为北京香山地区的经济文化生态中心,它是距离京城最近的一座天然山林风景名胜区。

    As a traditionally famous garden , Xiangshan Park has become the economic , cultural and ecological center of the Xiangshan Park area in Beijing . It is a natural forest scenic area standing nearest to downtown Beijing .

  22. 不幸的是,这一世界名园于1860年10月惨遭英法联军野蛮的劫掠焚毁,以后又经历了无数次毁灭和劫掠,这一恢弘的名园最终沦为一片废墟。

    Unfortunately , this world-known garden was sacked and burned to the ground by the Anglo-French forces in October , 1860 and was later plundered and looted for many times . Consequently , the grand garden fell into ruins .

  23. 明清时期,苏州古城内的名园有百余座之多,园林用地占据了古城面积的很大比例,因此也成为了影响古城变迁的重要因素。

    In Ming and Qing Dynasties , the number of gardens in Suzhou had been more than 100 , it means gardens occupied a large proportion of urban area . Therefore , garden had become an important factor in the process of urban changing .