
  1. 作者根据已有理论成果,提出了一个新的理论命题,并在此基础上重新审视了依照出资比例分配控制权的已有结论,突破了同股、同权、同利的基本原则。

    The author puts forward a new theory proposition according to already theory achievements , examines the existed conclusion assign the control power according to proportion of investment again on this basis , and breaks through the basic principle of same stock , same right , same profit .

  2. 股份公司作为一种真正的法人制度,实行同股同权、同股同利、风险共担,成为现代化企业的重要组织形式。

    Shared company is one of key forms of organization of the modernization company .

  3. 最重要的是,股票的发行必须实行公开、公平、公正的原则,保证同股同权、同股同利。

    Most importantly , issuance of shares must exercise openness , fairness and impartiality , with equal shares enjoying equal rights and profits .

  4. 完整回答如下:农村商业银行的股本划分为等额股份,同股同权,同股同利。

    Complete answer is as follows : The capital stock of rural commercial bank differentiates to wait for frontal share , with coequal , with with benefit .

  5. 股权分置改革就是要进行制度纠错,恢复上市公司、股票和股市的本来面目,使非流通股成为流通股,真正实现同股同价、同股同权、同股同利。

    The reform is to correct the system error , and to resume original feature , to make non-circulating stocks to become circulating stocks , to realize the same stock has same price , right and profit .