
tónɡ qínɡ zhě
  • sympathizer
  1. 有时侯,同情者与情人仅一步之遥。

    Sometimes a sympathizer is one step away from a lover .

  2. 不过据说他不只是一个同情者。

    But it 's believed that he was more than just a sympathizer .

  3. 《同情者》(TheSympathizer),VietThanhNguyen著,(Grove出版社,26美元)。这本悲喜交集的处女小说填补了越南战争文学中的空白,让越南人发出了声音,促使我们其他人以新的角度审视40年前的事件。

    THE SYMPATHIZER . By Viet Thanh Nguyen . ( Grove , $ 26 . ) Nguyen 's tragicomic debut novel fills a void in Vietnam War literature , giving a voice to the Vietnamese and compelling the rest of us to look at the events of 40 years ago in a new light .

  4. 把他们描绘成真正的希腊同情者。

    Painting them as the true Greek sympathizers .

  5. 有些人对同情者有怀疑。

    Some people are in doubt about sympathizers .

  6. 你是个犹太人的同情者。

    You 're a Jew sympathizer .

  7. 国际社会必须采取措施,防止其他地方的同情者为这些团体提供资金或物资支持。

    International measures should be taken to prevent sympathisers elsewhere from providing financial or material support .

  8. 那为什么不告诉我们你的真名?难道你是德国的同情者?

    Why didn 't you give us your correct name ? Are you a German sympathizer ?

  9. 越共在1968年发动的春节攻势狂潮,他们将南越同情者拉入黑名单,并且杀害。

    Asthe tet offensive rages in1968 , the Vietcong carry blacklists and assassinatesouth Vietnamese sympathizers at will .

  10. 这些人有一部分是原来的司机和售票员,还有一些是他们的朋友和同情者。

    It was composed of ex-motormen and conductors in part , with a sprinkling of friends and sympathisers .

  11. 金融区西装革履的员工中,不乏抗议活动的同情者,但也不是那么容易找到。

    Solidarity for the protesters can be found among the suits in the financial district , but not easily .

  12. 你肯定是是一个共和党同情者?你到底是替群众说话还是替共和党说话?你的国家是啥?

    You must be a GOP sympathizer ? And you 're feeling defensive for them ? What about your country ?

  13. 多数的争论已经变成了人们所熟悉的类似列车冲突,权利主义者向右,同情者向左。

    Much of the debate has fallen into the familiar tramlines of a clash between an authoritarian right and a compassionate left .

  14. 虽则有少数党员和少数党的同情者曾经进行了这一工作,但是不曾有组织地进行过。

    Although a few Party members and sympathizers have undertaken this work , it has not been done in an organized way .

  15. 上周六,击落苏-24战机的飞行员遭到逮捕,这是对所谓政变阴谋者和同情者大范围清洗的一部分。

    The pilots were rounded up on Saturday , as part of what has become a wide-ranging purge of supposed plotters and sympathisers .

  16. 据称,经常光顾国立酒店的有许多南方的同情者,1864年,约翰·威尔克斯·布斯也是在该酒店下榻,策划刺杀林肯的计划。

    The hotel was infamous as a hangout for Southern sympathizers , and even John Wilkes Booth stayed there in 1864 while plotting his Lincoln assassination .

  17. 该报道称,一些不愿透漏姓名的官员说,美国方面担心好战分子会抢夺运输中的核武器或者向实验室或生产燃料的设施中安插同情者。

    Citing unnamed officials , the report says there is U.S. concern about the potential for militants to snatch a weapon being transported or to insert sympathizers into laboratories or fuel-production facilities .

  18. 围绕着一名居住在美国宾夕法尼亚州的传教士,美国和土耳其之间的紧张关系达到了政变之后的最高点。土耳其谴责此人策划了这场未遂的叛乱。针对所谓政变同情者的镇压正在撕裂土耳其。

    Tensions between the US and Turkey hit a post-coup high yesterday over a Pennsylvania-based cleric Ankara accuses of masterminding the failed putsch , as a crackdown on alleged sympathisers tore through the nation .

  19. 她说:“总是会有这种理念的同情者,最近的一些报导也指出,这些极右团体正越来越久经世故。所以这些团体确实能带来一定程度的威胁。”

    Kolenikova says right-wing groups are becoming more professional . " There will always be sympathizers of this ideology and some recent reports also say these far right groups are getting more sophisticated , " Kolenikova added . " So yes indeed there is a level of threat that these groups could pose . " Manifesto posted online

  20. 基层的意见是同情罢工者。

    Opinion at the grassroots level is sympathetic to the strikers .

  21. 有许多普通日本民众没有受到海啸和核危机影响,他们要么同情受灾者,要么就羞于被看到在享受生活。

    Many ordinary Japanese unaffected by the tsunami and nuclear mess either feel a sympathy for the victims or are ashamed to be seen enjoying themselves .

  22. 我们非常同情这些死难者的家属。

    We sympathize deeply with the families of the victims .

  23. 大家都同情那些受难者。

    All hearts bleed for the sufferers .

  24. 我们不会忘记在美国驻汉城大使馆前集体祈祷的韩国小朋友们,以及那些在开罗的清真寺里深表同情的祈祷者。

    We will not forget South Korean children gathering to pray outside our Embassy in seoul , or the prayers of sympathy offered at a mosque in cairo .

  25. 我挺同情那些管理者的:外界要求他们在这些连宗教学者都无法达成一致的问题上作出评判,与此同时,政客和狂热的媒体还在这些职场争端上煽风点火,传播自己的有害思想。

    My sympathy is with the managers : they are asked to judge questions that divide religious scholars while politicians and a febrile press inflame these workplace disputes to spread their own toxins .

  26. 还有谣传说他们同情废奴主义者,但这并没有提高麦金托什家的声誉。

    Rumors of Abolitionist sympathies did not enhance the popularity of the Macintoshes .

  27. 行动中的同情将使学习者与菩萨协调。

    Compassion in action will harmonize those who study with such a Bodhisattva .

  28. 基于爱与同情,那些掌握者就从一个全新平台来看待生命,并以一种协同状态共同生活在一起。

    Out of a state of love and compassion , those who master perceive life from a new platform and co-exist in a state of synergy together .