
  • Spider-Man;the amazing spider-man
  1. 在2019年电影《蜘蛛侠:英雄远征》结尾,蜘蛛侠的秘密身份被曝光,现在看起来彼得·帕克(汤姆·赫兰德饰演)、MJ(赞达亚饰演)和他们所有的亲友都要应对随之而来的后果。

    At the end of 2019 's " Spider-Man : Far From Home , " Spider-Man 's secret identity was revealed to the world , and now it seems Peter Parker ( Tom Holland ) , MJ ( Zendaya ) and all of their closest family and friends are dealing with the consequences of that .

  2. 《蜘蛛侠:英雄无归》日前发布了第一支预告片,在第三部中这位高人气超级英雄将继续在漫威电影宇宙中手吐蛛网飞檐走壁。

    The first trailer has been released for “ Spider-Man : No Way Home , ” a continuation of a trilogy that has given us the popular superhero web-swinging around in the Marvel Cinematic Universe .

  3. 三代蜘蛛侠会同时出现在一部电影中吗?

    Can three Spider-Men fit into one movie ?

  4. 那是因为影迷们想知道:这部电影中会出现几个蜘蛛侠?传言所说的三代蜘蛛侠同框是否为真?

    Fans want to know : Just how many Spider-Men are we dealing with in this movie ?

  5. 别忘了,一部电影中出现多个蜘蛛侠是完全可能的:获得奥斯卡奖的《蜘蛛侠:平行宇宙》就做到了。

    And let us not forget the movie that showed us multiple spider-people in a film can work : The Academy Award-winning " Spider-Man : Into the Spider-Verse . "

  6. 被全世界识破真实身份后压力山大的彼得到奇异博士的至圣所求助,请教这位在复仇者联盟系列电影中结识的至尊魔法师是否有咒语可以让全世界忘记彼得·帕克和蜘蛛侠是同一个人。

    The stress of the world knowing who he really is sends Peter to Doctor Strange 's Sanctum Sanctorum , where he asks the Sorcerer Supreme ( whom he got to know in the Avengers movies ) if there is a spell he can cast that would make the world forget Peter Parker and Spider-Man are the same person .

  7. 他走私了两本漫画书蜘蛛侠和X战警。

    And he had smuggled in two comics , two comic books & Spiderman and X-men .

  8. 在蜘蛛侠(反派称呼他为WebHead)和章鱼博士大战之时,李老爷子从坠落的残骸中救下了一名女子。

    In the middle of a battle between Web Head and Doctor Octopus ( Alfred Molina ), Lee saves a woman from falling debris .

  9. 我在脑袋里面把他们数了个过场:超人干了这个,蜘蛛侠干了那个,X战警又做了些别的。

    I rattled them off in my head : Superman doing this , Spider-Man doing that , the X-Men doing the other .

  10. 第四部《蜘蛛侠》将在2012年上映,又是一部3D电影,其中将主要讲述蜘蛛侠还是学生的故事。

    The new episode The Amazing Spider Man will be on2012 in3D which would reveal the stories when our big hero is still at school .

  11. 在印度版《蜘蛛侠》中,主人翁的名字由彼得•帕克(PeterParker)改成了帕维特•普拉哈卡(PavitrPrabhakar)。

    There , Spidey 's alter ego , Peter Parker , is known as Pavitr Prabhakar .

  12. 代表莱夫特出庭的是他的辩护律师LaurenceLi。Li提到了蜘蛛侠,或者应该说是蜘蛛侠的另一个自我彼得•帕克(PeterParker)。

    Spider-Man , or rather his alter ego Peter Parker , was brought up by Mr Left 's defence .

  13. 而东映版蜘蛛侠的超能来自一只手镯,故事中他操纵着一部能变形的机器人与怪兽教授(ProfessorMonster)率领的邪恶势力作战。

    His alter ego , ' Supaidah Man , ' controls a giant transforming robot to battle an enemy named Professor Monster .

  14. 满足蜘蛛侠和Marvel的超级英雄!

    Meet Spider-Man and the Marvel Super Heroes !

  15. 《神奇蜘蛛侠2》(TheAmazingSpider-Man2)和《饥饿游戏:嘲笑鸟(上)》(TheHungerGames:Mockingjay,Part1)等耗资巨大的影片没有达到票房预期。

    Expensive films like " The Amazing Spider-Man 2 " and " The Hunger Games : Mockingjay , Part 1 " missed their box-office mark .

  16. 神奇四侠夜魔侠无敌钢铁侠HappyHogan(钢铁侠人物)CurtConnors(蜘蛛侠人物)…

    Fantastic Four , Daredevil , Invincible Iron Man , Happy Hogan , Curt Connors ...

  17. 今年可谓“续集”年,许多电影的续集纷纷登上大荧幕:《美国队长2:冬日战士》,《超凡蜘蛛侠2》,《X战警2:逆转未来》都是不错的大片。

    It 's been a year of movie sequels , with Captain America : The Winter Soldier , The Amazing Spider-Man 2 and X-Men : Days of Future Past all hitting theaters .

  18. 索尼影业(SonyPictures)根据经典系列漫画改编的影片《超凡蜘蛛侠》(TheAmazingSpider-Man)已经在票房收入方面彰显出巨大威力。

    The Amazing Spider-Man , Sony Pictures ' reboot of the comic book franchise , is already showing some superpower at the box office .

  19. 马克韦布的3D电影续集《超凡蜘蛛侠2》中,身着蜘蛛侠服的年轻人彼得帕克已经高中毕业,准备担负起保卫世界的责任。

    Marc Webbs 3D sequel The Amazing Spider-Man 2 , starts as Peter Parker , the young man under the Spiderman suit , is graduating from high school and preparing to take on the world .

  20. 为了这部《神奇蜘蛛侠》(TheAmazingSpider-Man),艾玛不得不将她那标志性的红发染回本来的金色。

    For The Amazing Spider-Man , Emma had to abandon her signature red tresses to return to blonde , her natural color .

  21. 到了周二,所有的铁杆粉丝们好像都在twitter上讨论,蜘蛛侠是否会回到漫威电影世界,加入到他的漫画同胞们当中去。

    By Tuesday , or so it seemed , all of geekdom was atwitter over the possibility of Spider-Man joining his comic book brethren in Marvel 's cinematic universe .

  22. 主持此次审理的法官夏正民(MichaelHartmann)似乎不是“蜘蛛侠”迷,在听取了对此类比的解释后,他表达了不同的看法。

    Justice Michael Hartmann , chairing the tribunal and seemingly not a Spider-Man aficionado , took a different view after the reference was explained to him .

  23. 有关股价的讨论或做空者的活动与蜘蛛侠(Spider-Man)扯上关系,这并不常见。

    It is not often that Spider-Man features in share price discussions or the activities of short-sellers .

  24. 索尼公司上一次在夏季取得成功的大片还要追溯到2013年的《黑衣人3》(MeninBlack3)和《神奇蜘蛛侠》(TheAmazingSpider-Man),今年夏天,它的日子比谁都难过。

    Sony , which as recently as 2013 found major warm-weather hits in " Men in Black 3 " and " The Amazing Spider-Man , " had the most difficult summer of all .

  25. 坐在那对不可思议的蜘蛛侠爱侣旁边的会是HeidiKlum,NickiMinaj和VictoriaBeckham以及她的3个儿子。

    Seated by The Amazing Spider-Man lovebirds will be Heidi Klum , Nicki Minaj and Victoria Beckham with her three sons .

  26. 如果你的眼光敏锐,你会发现所有的蜘蛛侠、所有的X战警、所有的神奇四侠以及绿巨人和夜魔侠的电影中,总会有一位消瘦的白发老人。

    If you keep a keen eye , you will find a thin old man with white hair in all the Spider-man movies , all the X-Men movies , all the Fantastic Four movies , and the Hulk and Daredevil movie .

  27. Ifans的作品包括《超凡蜘蛛侠》和《诺丁山》。

    Ifans ' credits include The Amazing Spider-Man and Notting Hill .

  28. 它也正在利用自己的规模优势。最近迪士尼公司同意斥资40亿美元收购惊奇娱乐公司(MarvelEntertainment)——这家漫画公司凭借《钢铁侠》(IronMan)和《蜘蛛侠》(Spider-Man)创下了电影票房纪录。

    It is using that size to its advantage , recently agreeing to buy Marvel Entertainment -- the comic book company now churning out box office hits like Iron Man and Spider-Man -- for $ 4 billion .

  29. 索尼已经公开了这个角色的未来计划,宣布在2016年推出蜘蛛侠新的派生作品《险恶六人组》(TheSinisterSix),2018年推出《超凡蜘蛛侠3》(TheAmazingSpider-Man3)。

    Sony has been very public about its future plans for the character , announcing a Spider-Man spin-off called The Sinister Six for 2016 and The Amazing Spider-Man 3 for 2018 .

  30. YoshiyaAyugai曾参与重新设计《飞天小女警》的角色形像。MarvelEntertainmentInc.和GothamEntertainment曾在2004年针对印度市场对《蜘蛛侠》(Spider-Man)形像进行翻创,尽管原形像已深入人心。

    Marvel Entertainment Inc. and Gotham Entertainment introduced a transcreated ' Spider-Man ' to the Indian market in 2004 , although the original had been familiar there for a long time .