
tónɡ luǎn shuānɡ shēnɡ
  • identical twins;monozygotic twins
  1. 同卵双生之间的比较已经够令人头疼。

    Comparisons are tough enough on identical twins .

  2. 很明显,同卵双生胎具有相同的基因,因此它们的变异也相同。

    The identical twins , obviously , have the same genome and thus the same mutations .

  3. 同卵双生双胞胎和双卵双生双胞胎分享仅50%的基因。

    Siblings and dizygotic twins share only 50 % of their segregating genes .

  4. 文章结合本世纪文献报道作过卵性诊断的Rb双生子共33对,计算出同卵双生患病一致率和Rb的遗传指数(76.56%);

    According to the data of 33 pairs of twins with retinoblastoma collected from the literatures during this century , the concordance rate of Rb twins and genetic index of Rb ( 76.56 % ) were calculated .

  5. 小鼠胚胎分割方法及同卵双生试验

    Procedures of bisecting embryos and production of monozygotic twins in mouse

  6. 研究人员比较了几对双胞胎,其中既有同卵双生胎也有异卵双生胎。

    Researchers compared sets of twins , some identical and some fraternal .

  7. 以同卵双生对家系为模型对血压水平的家族性聚集研究

    Aggregation of blood pressure level in monozygotic twins families

  8. 爱丽丝和我长得很像,因为我们是同卵双生的双胞胎。

    Alice and I look very similar , because we are identical twins .

  9. 或许克隆同卵双生的双胞胎会对我们有所帮助。

    Some help might come from those " clones " in our midst-identical twins .

  10. 那人有一个同卵双生兄弟。

    The guy has an identical twin .

  11. 很可能有一个同卵双生姐妹。

    Ashley Whitford has an identical twin .

  12. 结果:各激素组内相关系数同卵双生大于异卵双生;

    Results : The intraclass correlation coefficient was greater in the MZ twins than in the DZ twins .

  13. 由于是同卵双生,这对孪生兄弟生来便具有相同的大脑,并且他们的大脑的生长过程也是同样的。

    Being identical , the twins had identical brains at birth , and their growth processes were the same .

  14. 如果说同卵双生的一致性几率高于异卵双生的一致性几率,也许能说明基因的影响更为重要。

    If concordance is higher among identical twins with their identical genes , then genetic effects are probably more important .

  15. 如果同卵双生比异卵双生更相似,这就意味着基因影响了性状,例如遗传性。

    If identical twins are more similar than fraternal twins , this means genes affect the trait , ie it is heritable .

  16. 例如同卵双生儿,他们的成年体格似乎是与他们出生时的体重差异相对应的。

    Identical twins , for example , seem to end up at sizes that reflect the difference in their initial birth weights .

  17. 为确定某些经历是否会影响衰老,研究人员对同卵双生的双胞胎进行了研究,这些双胞胎在基因的设定下衰老速度完全一样。表示“”,例如:

    They looked at identical twins , who would genetically age at a similar pace , to determine whether certain experiences affected ageing .

  18. 婴儿时期分开并个别抚养的同卵双生儿,被发现在个人的特质上,具有惊奇的一致性,因而可能是遗传特征。

    Personal idiosyncrasies that have been found to be surprisingly concordant among MZ twins separated in infancy and reared apart may be emergenic traits .

  19. 为确定某些经历是否会影响衰老,研究人员对同卵双生的双胞胎进行了研究,这些双胞胎在基因的设定下衰老速度完全一样。

    They looked at identical twins , who would be genetically predisposed to age at a similar pace , to determine whether certain experiences affected ageing .

  20. 1例为同卵双生兄弟之间肾移植,术后仅用激素治疗3周,未用其他免疫抑制剂,未发生急性排斥反应。

    The hormone treatment was needed for only 3 weeks in a renal transplantation between monozygotic twins , without using other immunosuppressors , and no acute rejection occurred .

  21. 行为遗传学告诉我们即使在个人的范围上很多生活中的结果都似乎是路径依赖性的,或者仅仅是无法预测的,即使是同卵双生的人。

    Behavior genetics tells us that even on the scale of individuals a great deal of life outcomes seem path dependent , or simply unpredictable , even for identical twins .

  22. 由于同卵双生的双胞胎基因完全相同,而异卵双胞胎不完全相同,所以研究人员可以分辨出决定某些性格特征及使人容易快乐的共同基因。

    Because identical twins share the same genes and fraternal twins do not , the researchers could identify common genes that result in certain personality traits and predispose people to happiness .

  23. 通过对芜湖市中、小学和幼儿园的58887名学生的普查,发现198对双生子,双生子发生率为3.4‰,其中同卵双生占60.77%,异卵双生占39.23%。

    There were 198 pairs of twins being found in 58 887 children in kindergartens , primary and middle schools in Wuhu . The frequency of twins was 3.4 ‰, of which the monozygotic ( MZ ) and dizygotic ( DZ ) twins were 60.77 % and 39.23 % respectively .