
  • 网络Avoidance;null and void;repudiate
  1. 第四部分分析公约宣告合同无效制度的法律效果。

    In the fourth chapter , author analyzes the legal consequences of declaration of avoidance of contract .

  2. 宣告合同无效的声明,必须向另一方当事人发出通知,方始有效。

    A declaration of avoidance of the contract is effective only if made by notice to the other party .

  3. 确认这一经济合同无效。

    The economic contract was confirmed to be void .

  4. 这些法规通常导致合同无效,并且给予涉案当事人各种处罚或者没收财物

    These statutes often make the contracts void andthe parties involved to various penalties and forfeitures .

  5. v.取消;宣告作废由于签署人中有一位年纪太轻,法官宣告这个合同无效。v.估价;

    annul The judge annulled the contract because one of the signers was too young .

  6. 不能提供这些细节就会导致合同无效。

    Failure to supply these details will render the contract invalid .

  7. 如不真实,保险人即可宣告合同无效。

    If it be untrue the insurer may avoid the contract .

  8. 第一节建设工程施工合同无效的几种情形。

    The first section construction project turn-key contract invalid several situations .

  9. 第三章分析了引起劳动合同无效的原因。

    Chapter three analyses seven causations which induce labour contract invalid .

  10. 主管部门宣布该合同无效。

    The contract was declared null and void by the competent authority .

  11. 如果没有人作证该合同无效。

    The contract is not valid if it has not been witnessed .

  12. 试析合同无效时返还财产的法律性质关贸总协定与我国复关

    Research on the Legal Nature of Restitution of Property After Contract Being Void

  13. 合同无效而返还财产的限制

    Restriction of Restitution of Property for Invalidity of Contract

  14. 合同无效的法律后果研究

    Research on the legal Consequences After Contract being Void

  15. 某些误解可以导致合同无效。

    Certain mistakes will render a contract void .

  16. 由于签署人中有一位年纪太轻,法官宣告合同无效。

    The judge annulled the contract because one of the signers was too young .

  17. 法院宣告合同无效与当事人诉讼请求衔接的探讨

    Approaching People 's Court Declaring Contract Invalid accordant to the Litigant 's Lawsuit Requirement

  18. 劳动合同无效的法律后果

    Legal Consequences of Invalidation of the Labor Contract

  19. 采取欺诈或者胁迫手段订立的合同无效。

    Contracts that are concluded by means of fraud or duress shall be void .

  20. 合同无效后处理之原则

    Principle of dealing with the null contract

  21. 合同无效之缔约过失;

    Contracting fault of ineffective contract ;

  22. 第三部分关于宣告合同无效权的行使程序和限制条件。

    The third chapter is about the restraints for both parties to declare the contract avoided .

  23. 保险合同无效;

    The insurance contract is void ;

  24. 尽管错误的陈述是无意的,但保险人还是受到欺骗。从而保险合同无效。

    Even though the mis-statement is unintentional , the underwriter will still be deceived and the policy voidable .

  25. 并分析了物的担保合同无效或被撤销时,保证人应如何承担保证保证。

    And analysis of material security contract invalid or revoked , the guarantor shall undertake to guarantee to guarantee .

  26. 合同无效或被撤销后,有关当事人要求承担返还财产、赔偿损失等民事责任。

    For the void contract or voidable contract , the possible remedies include restitution and paying tor the damages .

  27. 《劳动法》关于劳动合同无效的规定过于严格,致使众多的劳动合同变成无效劳动合同。

    The provision of " labour law " is so strict that many labour contracts have been invalid unnecessarily .

  28. 保证人知道或者应当知道主合同无效不能表明保证人有过错。

    It is not the evidence of his fault that guarantor knew or should know that chief contract is invalid .

  29. 这次大会将会使我们有效地进行合作.如果没有人作证该合同无效。

    The conference will enable us to co-operate effectively . The contract is not valid if it have not is witness .

  30. 如果该合同无效、可撤销、或不可强制执行,第三人的权利也受同样的影响。

    If the contract is valid , invalid or unenforceable , the third party 's rights will be also similarly affected .