
  • 网络investable assets
  1. 2013年,全球共有1370万位高净值人士,其可投资资产至少有100万美元。

    In 2013 , there were 13.7 million HNWIs worldwide with investable assets of at least $ 1m .

  2. 在可投资资产在人民币1亿元以上的超高净值中国人中,有51%的人说他们在海外有投资。

    Among the ultra-high-net-worth Chinese those with at least 100 million yuan of investable assets 51 % said they had money invested overseas .

  3. 决定可投资资产规模的决定性因素,其一是成熟度的提高,另外一个是人均国内生产总值(gdp)增幅。

    Growth in sophistication is one of the main determinants of investable asset size , the other being GDP per capita growth .

  4. 汇丰银行也在试验一种全球卓越理财服务(premier),目标客户是通常拥有大约10万美元以上可投资资产的中等富裕人群不过,这一标准会根据每个国家的具体情况而有所变化。

    HSBC is also trialling a global premier banking service , which is aimed at moderately affluent customers who usually have about $ 1 00000 or more in investible assets although this can vary according to each country .

  5. 拥有数千万可投资资产的超高净值客户在讨价还价方面非常厉害,获得了近乎免费的服务。

    Ultra-high-net-worth clients with tens of millions to invest were negotiating hard and getting a semi-institutional service .

  6. 这项研究共调查了20个国家的2000位拥有150万美元以上可投资资产的富人。

    The study surveyed 2,000 people from 20 countries with investible assets of $ 1.5 million or more .

  7. 可投资资产达到或超过25万英镑的财富管理客户数量增长了15%。

    The number of people with investable assets of 250,000 or more who have become wealth-management clients rose by 15 per cent .

  8. 增长最快的是可投资资产超过1亿美元、在超级富人榜中名列前茅的那部分。

    The highest growth took place at the top of the ultra-wealthy category in the ranks of those with more than $ 100m in investable assets .

  9. 全球的富裕个人估计拥有40万亿到50万亿美元可投资资产,比托付管理的机构基金规模还要庞大。

    Wealthy individuals are estimated to have between $ 40000bn and $ 50000bn of investable assets , which is more than the size of institutional funds under management .

  10. 那些将自己拥有的一切都用来创建企业的企业家,最初可能满足不了私人银行对最少可投资资产的要求。

    Entrepreneurs who have thrown everything they own into creating a business may not initially meet a private bank 's test of a certain minimum threshold in investable assets .

  11. 处在市场最顶端的理财机构,是那些知名投行和管家式财富管理公司,它们服务的是拥有至少1000万美元可投资资产的客户。

    At the top end of the scale , there are big-name investment banks and family offices , which cater for clients with a minimum of $ 10m of investable assets .

  12. 但对于熟悉对冲基金、房地产大宗商品和私人股本风险并拥有充足可投资资产的投资者,他们可以拥有使用全部7种资产类别量身定制的投资组合。

    But investors who understand the risks of hedge funds , real estate commodities and private equity - and have sufficient investible assets - can have a portfolio tailored from all seven asset classes .

  13. 在我们访问那些拥有八位数或九位数可投资资产的客户时,其中很多人经常会表示,在大型银行那里,相比于后者的规模,他们感觉自己非常渺小。

    We interview clients who have investable assets of eight or nine figures and many often comment that they feel they are very small in relation to the overall size of a large bank .

  14. 实际上,许多私人银行的最低标准通常是25万或50万英镑的可投资资产,不过一些要求更严的理财经理可能会坚持将标准定在500万英镑或更多。

    In fact the entry level of many private banks is often around 250,000 or 500,000 of investable assets , although some of the more exclusive wealth managers may insist you have 5m or more .

  15. 去年,可投资资产超过100万美元的亚洲人达到340万人,这使得亚洲第一次超越北美,成为富豪人数最多的地区。

    Asia has overtaken North America for the first time as the region with the most super-wealthy individuals as the number of people with $ 1m or more in easily investable assets hit 3.4m last year .

  16. 这个结论来自于美国信托发布的一份报告,该报告是基于对美国684名拥有300万美元或更多的“可投资资产”的成年人所提出的包含数百个问题的一项调查。

    That 's according to a report released by U.S. Trust , based on a survey that asked 684 adults in the U.S. with $ 3 million or more of " investible assets " hundreds of questions .

  17. 一年前一项类似的调查显示,在可投资资产超过100万美元的人数方面,亚洲超越了欧洲,这些资产不包括房地产和收藏物品。

    It comes a year after a similar survey found that Asia had overtaken Europe in the same category , defined as those with $ 1m or more immediately available for investing , excluding property and collectable items .

  18. Tiger21本月早些时候发表了一篇对其会员的调查。该公司总部位于纽约,拥有115名会员,这些会员都是自己创业的富人,拥有超过70亿美元的可投资资产。

    Tiger 21 , a New York-based group with 115 members , all of whom are " self-made " and have more than $ 7bn in investable assets between them , published a survey of its members earlier this month .

  19. 报告称,这一庞大的富人群体平均可投资资产是133万元,他们在所有私人资产上的份额从2010年的15.5%增加到2012年的16.4%。

    The average amount of investable assets of this mass affluent group was 1.33 million yuan , and their share in the overall private assets rose from 15.5 percent in 2010 to 16.4 percent in 2012 , the report said .

  20. 在财富分布方面,2008年-2010年,中国高净值人士拥有的可投资资产占全国总量的比例分别为19.9%、21.4%、22.4%。

    In the aspect of wealth distribution , from 2008 to 2010 , percent of investable assets held by Chinese high net worth individuals in total amount of the whole country is 19.9 % , 21.4 % and 22.4 % respectively .

  21. 证券投资基金资产配置过程是指基金管理人如何在可投资资产之间进行长期资金分配,以及如何根据市场短期变化动态调整组合资产比例的过程,资产配置是证券投资基金资产运作过程中的核心环节。

    The asset allocation of security investment fund is the process how the fund managers decide to allocate fund among various asset classes , and how to dynamically adjust the proportion of each basic investing asset according to short market opportunity .

  22. 可投资资产在10万美元到100万美元的中国消费者数量可能比一年前增长17.2%,今年年底达到1200万,《福布斯》报告昨日表示。

    THE number of Chinese consumers with investable assets of between US $ 100,000 and US $ 1 million may jump 17.2 percent from a year ago to 12 million by the end of this year , a Forbes report said yesterday .

  23. 与业内许多机构一样,它希望将业务从传统的私人银行业务转向投资管理,并已把对客户可投资资产的最低要求从50万英镑提高至100万英镑。

    Along with much of the industry , it is hoping to expand its remit from conventional private banking to investment management , and has raised its minimum requirement for investable assets that clients must hold from £ 500,000 to £ 1m .

  24. 报告还指出,美国可投资资产逾100万美元的人数超过300万,中国达到这个标准的人数超过50万,但增长速度比美国快50%。

    The US has more than 3m people with more than $ 1m of investible assets , while China has more than half a million but the number is growing 50 per cent faster in China than in the US , according to the same report .

  25. 据调查,一些人说他们认为每代人都应该创造自己的财富,另一些人说在孩子成长时给孩子的成功做投资更为重要。该调查涵盖了642名富人,每个人至少有300万美元的可投资资产。

    Some said they believe that each generation should create its own wealth , while others said it 's more important to invest in children 's success while they are growing up , according to the survey of 642 individuals who have at least $ 3 million in investable assets .

  26. 招商银行和管理咨询公司贝恩公司26日联合发布《2015中国私人财富报告》,报告显示,2014年末,中国大陆高净值人群规模突破100万人,相较2010年年底已经翻番;大陆个人总体可投资资产达到112万亿人民币。

    There were more than 1m high net worth individuals in China 's mainland last year - double the figure for 2010 , according to the China Private Wealth Report 2015 released Tuesday by China Merchants Bank and management consultants Bain & Co. The mainland 's private wealth market reached RMB112 trillion last year , the report said .

  27. 治理机制并不构成可投资的资产类别,而是一个基于国家的投资分析框架。

    Governance regimes do not constitute investable asset classes , but are a framework for country-based investment analysis .

  28. 新加坡交易所表示,最终的目标是把东盟打造成“可投资的资产类别”。

    This would ultimately allow for the creation of ASEAN " as an investable asset class " , according to the Singapore Exchange .

  29. 证券投资基金资产配置是指基金管理人决定如何在可投资的资产类别之间进行分配资金的过程。

    The asset allocation of security investment fund is the process that the fund managers decide on how to allocate fund among various asset class .

  30. 索洛表示,为了实现这一目标,“可能需要限制商业银行的行动自由,包括限制抵押品的使用方式,限制贷款额度和银行可投资的资产类别”。

    To achieve this , Prof Solow says , " may require limits on the freedom of action of commercial banks in how they use their collateral , in setting limits on lending , on the type of assets they can invest in " .