
gǔ shēng jiè
  • Paleozoic erathem
古生界[gǔ shēng jiè]
  1. 它是江南&雪峰基底拆离推覆体由SE向NW方向水平挤压作用下中上扬子古生界盆地沉积盖层产生递进(衰减)变形的结果。

    When the Jiangnan-Xuefeng basement decoupling nappe horizontally extruded from SE to NW , the sedimentary cover of Middle-Upper Palaeozoic basin progressively ( decreasingly ) deformed and resulted in kink structure .

  2. 锆石U-Pb同位素年龄印证了矿区及外围缺失二叠系以后古生界及中生界的地层或岩浆岩。

    The U-Pb isotopic ages of Zirconium proved that the district is lack of the strata or magma of after Permian period in Paleozoic group and Mesozoic group .

  3. 现今古生界主要残存于鲁山周口阜阳淮南线以北地区,下古生界残厚约1000m,上古生界残厚约400m~800m。

    So far the dominant remnants of Paleozoic are distributed to the north of Lushan-Zhoukou-Fuyang - Huainan . The remnant thickness of Lower and Upper Paleozoic are about 1000m and 400 & 800m separately .

  4. 进而结合牙形刺CAI与镜质组反射率(Ro)的对应关系,对上述各系的有机质成熟度进行了评价,对本区海相中、古生界油气勘探具有十分重要的意义。

    The organic maturities of Cambrian through Triassic are evaluated according to the correlation of conodont CAI with vitrinite reflectance ( Ro ) . The significance of this study is that it will benefit oil and gas exploration from marine facies of Paleozoic and Mesozoic Units in this area .

  5. 剩余资源量约为150×108t油气当量,主要分布在富油气凹陷中勘探程度较低的第三系深层、滩海和古生界等勘探领域。

    In the basin , residual hydrocarbon resource is chiefly situated in those domains such as the deep-seated beds of the Tertiary of rich hydrocarbon sags , the shallow sea and the Palaeozoic , which are less explored .

  6. 盆地基底为华北板块的南缘,岩性主要由古生界组成,沉积盖层发育较全,厚达12000m,是一个中、新生代陆相沉积盆地。

    The basement of the basin is the southern edge of the North china Plate , which lithologically consists of the Palaeozoic . As a Mesozoic and Cenozoic terrestrial facies sedimentary basin its cover is well developed with a thickness of 12000m .

  7. 中国南方中、古生界油气系统及勘探选区

    Mesozoic & Paleozoic Petroleum Systems and Exploration Targets in South China

  8. 鄂尔多斯盆地下古生界气藏地质建模技术

    Geological model on the Lower Paleozoic carbonate reservoir in Ortos basin

  9. 美国得克萨斯古生界和中生界鲕粒的微孔隙度

    Microporosity in Ooids : Mesozoic and Palaeozoic of Texas , USA

  10. 华北盆地中南部下古生界的生烃史

    Lower Paleozoic hydrocarbon-generation history in the mid-south of North China Basin

  11. 中生界及部分古生界地层泥页岩的水敏性较强,最易出现井眼失稳问题。

    Water sensitivity in Mesozoic and some Palaeozoic structure is high .

  12. 古生界为泥盆系。其次为寒武奥陶系和石炭二叠系;

    Devonian System of paleozoic secondly Cambrian-Ordovician System and Carboniferous-Permian System .

  13. 塔东上元古界&下古生界碳酸盐岩天然气藏预测

    Prediction of upper proterozoic-lower Palaeozoic Carbonate Gas Reservoir in East Tarim

  14. 塔河地区西南部古生界碎屑岩综合储层预测

    Integrated Reservior Prediction of Paleozoic Clastic Rock in Southwest Tahe Area

  15. 华北下古生界碳酸盐岩储集性初步分析

    Reservoir property analysis of Lower Paleozoic carbonate rocks in North China

  16. 沉积盆地下古生界碳酸盐岩地区热历史恢复方法探索

    Study of the thermal history reconstruction for Lower Paleozoic carbonate succession

  17. 鄂尔多斯盆地上古生界高分辨率层序地层分析

    Analysis of high-resolution sequence stratigraphy for Upper Paleozoic in Ordos Basin

  18. 黔东下古生界区域盖层与找气前景

    Lower Palaeozoic Cover and Prospect for Natural Gas in Eastern Guizhou

  19. 南堡油田古生界古潜山油藏裂缝描述预测及勘探

    Paleozoic buried hill reservoir fracture prediction and exploration in Nanpu oilfield

  20. 塔里木盆地古生界砂岩热成熟度与有效储层的预测

    Sandstone Thermal Maturity and Effective Reservoir Prediction of Paleozoic of Tarim Basin

  21. 苏皖中、古生界天然气类型及成藏模式分析

    Jiangsu-Anhui Mesozoic-Paleozoic Gas Types and the Analysis of Pool-forming Model

  22. 塔里木盆地北缘下古生界烷基环己烷分布特征

    Distribution of alkyl-cyclohexanes of Lower Paleozoic in northern margin of Tarim Basin

  23. 苏北盆地古生界天然气勘探前景

    Exploration potential of gas in Paleozoic in the Subei Basin

  24. 鄂尔多斯盆地下古生界地层地史模拟与油气聚集

    Geohistory modeling and hydrocarbons accumulation of Lower Paleozoic strata in Ordos Basin

  25. 苏皖下扬子区中古生界油气勘探方向

    Target of Meso-Paleozoic Hydrocarbon Exploration in Jiangsu-Anhui Lower Yangtze Region

  26. 民和盆地发育在中祁连隆起带上,基底为元古界、下古生界,盖层为侏罗系至第四系。

    Minhe Basin is situated on central Qilian uplift belt .

  27. 论鄂尔多斯盆地下古生界烃源岩的成藏演化特征

    Discussion on evolution of source rocks in Lower Paleozoic of Ordos Basin

  28. 华北区古生界原生油气藏勘探前景

    Exploration prospect of Paleozoic primary oil and gas pools in Huabei area

  29. 塔里木盆地北部震旦系古生界层序地层特征

    Sequence stratigraphic features of Sinian Paleozoic in North Tarim Basin

  30. 三维模式识别技术在古生界潜山油藏预测中的应用

    Application of 3-D Pattern Recognition to Prediction of Paleozoic Buried Bill Reservoirs