
kǒu tóu bào ɡào
  • oral report
  1. 我已经向经理作了口头报告。

    I have made an oral report to the manager .

  2. 基于口头报告的道路事故点电子地图定位研究

    Study of Road Accident Point Positioning on Electronic Map Based on Oral Report

  3. 浅析RICH教学法口头报告课中存在的认识误区

    Exploring Some Wrong Understandings of Presentation in RICH Teaching Approach

  4. 美国学生的口头报告(presentation)是被学生喜欢的研究性学习方式,已经自然地融于学生的学习活动之中,为我国研究性学习的开展提供了借鉴。

    The American students ' presentation is one of the patterns of researching learning students like better , it has been mixed together naturally with students'learning activities , which can provide some reference for the implementation of researching learning in China .

  5. 他向美国联邦调查局作的口头报告中有不实之辞。

    His oral reports to the FBI were laced with falsehoods .

  6. 良好的中英文沟通技巧,书面及口头报告。

    Good Chinese and English communication skills , both written and oral .

  7. 作业四:期末口头报告。

    Fourth assignment due : Oral presentation of term paper .

  8. 学生们做口头报告并参与讨论及小组计划。

    Students give oral reports and participate in discussions and group projects .

  9. 课堂作业则包括三篇分析论文的简报与口头报告。

    Class assignments include three brief analytical papers and one oral presentation .

  10. 学生以要求的阅读做三次简短的口头报告。

    Students make three short presentations , based on the required readings .

  11. 写作中心同时也提供在口头报告上的协助。

    The Writing Center also offers consultations on oral presentations .

  12. 本项研究的数据取自六个受试的口头报告。

    Data were colleted from six subjects using the verbal reporting method .

  13. 口头报告与讨论的标准必须是高水准的。

    The standard of presentation and argument will need to be equally professional .

  14. 你的口头报告结果如何?

    What was the result of your oral presentation ?

  15. 我得做一个关于反种族歧视立法历史的口头报告

    I have to do this oral presentation on the history of anti-discrimination legislation

  16. 十分钟的关于个人兴趣和经历的口头报告。

    Ten-minute oral presentation of an area of particular personal interest and experience .

  17. 研究论文报告与口头报告为本课程的重点。

    The research paper and oral presentation are essential components of the course curriculum .

  18. 嗨,鲍勃,你的口头报告得怎么样了?

    Hi , Bob , how are you getting along with your spoken report ?

  19. 我要强调学生口头报告在这堂课占很重要的部分。

    I would also stress that student presentations form a key component of the course .

  20. 学员需呈交一份报告书并作相关的口头报告。

    Students have to submit a written report and make oral presentation of their work .

  21. 本课程也注重实验结果的书面与口头报告。

    The written and oral presentation of experimental results is also emphasized in the course .

  22. 最后一个实验的结果,必须由同组组员共同完成口头报告。

    The results from your final experiment will be presented orally collectively by your group .

  23. 在这里,我们发现了比起面部测试更有趣的口头报告。

    And here we find much more interesting verbal reports than compared to the faces .

  24. 学生需要完成三份科学论文口头报告以及递交五份专题论文。

    Students are required to make three oral paper presentations and to submit five theme papers .

  25. 口头报告与书面文件都必须要确实符合你所假设的观众的需求。

    The oral presentation and written document should serve a real need for your assumed audience .

  26. 口头报告的研究论文涉及新奇重大的研究论点。

    The research papers involving novel and significant research ideas are being invited for oral presentations .

  27. 专题由概念化和物质化阶段发展到最后的口头报告和点评讨论。

    Projects evolve through stages of conceptual and material development to final presentation and critical discussion .

  28. 为此,我们做了很多关于这个实验当中口头报告的分析。

    So we 've done a lot of analysis of the verbal reports in these experiments .

  29. 然后他们被要求给出一个口头报告,并对所评判的文章进行评价。

    And then they were required to give a report which included their evaluation about the essays .

  30. 这些问题将用在口头报告过程中的问答部分。

    These questions will be used to jump start the Q & A session of the presentation .