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  1. 本文采用恒界面池(Lewis池)研究了氢氧化三烷基甲胺在碱性氰化液中苹取金的宏观动力学特征。

    In this paper the macro-kinetics of gold extraction from alkaline cyanide solution by trialkyl-methyl ammonium hydroxide in kerosene has been studied in a Lewis cell .

  2. 研究表明,硫代硫酸盐能够非常有效地从废弃印刷线路板中浸取金。

    Experiments indicate that gold can be effectively leached from printed circuit boards scrap with thiosulfate .

  3. 北海石油是否有利可图,政府的举措是否是断绝财源,这些部题一直叫人难判断。杀鸡取金蛋;只图眼前需要,断绝将来财源。

    It is always hard to see whether the North Sea oil is profitable and whether the Government action is killing off the golden goose before it lays golden eggs .

  4. 而从酸浸渣中浸取金的溶出率高,可达91.0%以上,数据重现性好,试剂消耗大大降低,操作稳定。

    However for leaching the residue , the leaching rate of gold was significantly improved uP to above 91.0 % , the oPeration became much easier and the consumption of reagents was largely decreased .

  5. 从氧化型含金矿石中浸取金和银提出了分银渣综合回收贵金属的工艺流程:首先用氯酸盐浸取金铂钯,接着再用硫代硫酸盐浸银;

    It suggested that the technologic process of comprehensive recovery precious metal from silver separating residue firstly leach out gold by leach reagent chlorate , following silver by ammoniacal thiosulfate containing copper , which the leach rate of gold , silver .

  6. 本文分析了用硫脲法浸取金的理论根据,讨论了硫脲浓度、矿浆浓度、Fe~(3+)浓度及温度和浸取时间等影响因素,得到适合该氧化矿的浸金条件。

    In this paper the gold leaching from oxygen ore in Xiao Qinling by using thiourea , theory was analysised . The effects of the concentration of thiourea , ore , Fe3 + , temperature condition , stagnated time etc. were also discussed .

  7. 因此他从头上取下金王冠,把它戴到她的头上。他问了她的姓名,问她愿不愿意做他的妻子&这样她就可以做一切花儿的皇后了。

    He took the gold crown from his head , and placed it on hers , and asked her name , and if she would be his wife , and queen over all the flowers .

  8. 从此,老汉过个十天半月就偷偷来取一次金砂,日子很快富裕起来。

    Since then , the old man furtively fetched the gold sand once every half a month or so , so he became rich soon .

  9. 某些金精粉中单体金和裸露金所占比例虽然较高,但采用常规氰化法直接浸取时,金的浸出率仍然很低。

    The detailed investigation has shown that although gold concentrate powders have a higher proportion of liberated or exposed gold particles , the results obtained by direct leaching them using conventional cyanide process are not very satisfactory .

  10. 伊丽莎白曾让他把她的一根金链子戴在脖子上。链子上有一张非常小的、你妈妈的照片。我们都认为是有人为了偷取那条金链子而杀死了威廉。可怜的伊丽莎白对威廉的死非常伤心。

    Elizabeth had let him wear a gold chain of hers round his neck.On the chain was a very small picture of your mother.We all think that someone murdered William to steal the gold chain.Poor Elizabeth is terribly unhappy at William 's death .

  11. 用溴化法浸取金矿中的金是一种较新的非氰化浸金方法。

    Leaching gold from ore by the bromination method is a new method in stead of cyanide process .

  12. 他不时从他的表链上取下一个金铅笔盒,在书边上做个记号。

    Now and then he took a gold pencil-case from his watch-chain and made an entry in the margin .

  13. 提高岩金钻探岩矿心采取率和取心质量岩金矿山级差品位指标的探讨

    On Improving the Recovery and Quality of Coring in Mountain Gold Drilling An Approch to the Grade Difference Index of Gold Mines