
qǔ xiāo
  • cancellation;cancel;remove;abolish;scrap;call off;annulment;reject;rescind;void;do away with;write off;negate;rescission;scrub
取消 [qǔ xiāo]
  • (1) [cancel;reject;call off;do away with]

  • (2) 使原有的制度、规章、资格、权利等失去效力

  • 取消不合理的规章制度

  • (3) 删除或消去

  • 取消一大段文字

  • (4) 停止计划

  • 由于大雪取消了足球赛

取消[qǔ xiāo]
  1. 乘客取消航班订位,定金概不退还。

    If you cancel your flight , you will forfeit your deposit .

  2. 明摆着的解决方法是取消聚会。

    The obvious answer would be to cancel the party .

  3. 这匹马因伤被取消了比赛资格。

    The horse was scratched from the race because of injury .

  4. 如欲取消,请至少提前24小时告知。

    We need at least 24 hours ' notice of cancellation .

  5. 因天气恶劣,所有航班均被取消。

    All flights have been cancelled because of bad weather .

  6. 我们别无选择,只有取消这项任务。

    We had no option but to abort the mission .

  7. 比赛因天气恶劣被取消。

    The game was called off because of bad weather .

  8. 如果在10天以内取消,不收费用。

    No charge will be made if you cancel within 10 days .

  9. 他因使用违禁药被取消比赛资格。

    He was disqualified from the competition for using drugs .

  10. 他被取消了需要认真对待的权利。

    He has forfeited his right to be taken seriously .

  11. 你可能会被取消驾驶资格达三年之久。

    You could be disqualified from driving for up to three years .

  12. 海上起风浪会导致渡轮航班取消。

    Heavy seas can cause cancellation of ferry services .

  13. 特约演奏临时取消了。

    The gig was pulled at the last moment .

  14. 在国外使用此卡的2%附加费已经取消。

    The 2 % loading for using the card abroad has been removed .

  15. 她药检未通过,被取消了资格。

    She was disqualified after failing a drugs test .

  16. 比赛因大雨取消了。

    The game was cancelled owing to torrential rain .

  17. 本公司保留在一定条件下取消这项协议的权利。

    The company reserves the right to cancel this agreement in certain circumstances .

  18. 我现在取消订单是不是太晚了?

    Is it too late to cancel my order ?

  19. 因为缺乏兴趣这次旅行被取消了。

    The trip was cancelled through lack of interest .

  20. 这次会议十有八九要被取消。

    In all likelihood the meeting will be cancelled .

  21. 他们的婚姻仅过半年就宣告取消。

    Their marriage was annulled after just six months .

  22. 这两名运动员请求取消对他们的停赛处罚。

    The two players are appealing against their suspensions .

  23. 任何形式的作弊都意味着自动取消资格。

    Any form of cheating means automatic disqualification .

  24. 布告牌上有一则通知说这堂课取消了。

    There was a notice on the board saying the class had been cancelled .

  25. 扬言要进行的罢工被取消了。

    The threatened strike has been called off .

  26. 经济制裁业已取消。

    The economic sanctions have been lifted .

  27. 搜查最后被取消了。

    Eventually the search was called off .

  28. 他被取消了出席会议的资格。

    He was banned from the meeting .

  29. 这种税应该取消。

    This tax should be abolished .

  30. 我记得他因为健康不佳而被迫取消的情况绝无仅有。

    I can remember very few occasions when he had to cancel because of ill health .