
  • 网络transmitting channel
  1. 而在RFS中,节点通过适时切换发送信道,重新选择转发节点,从而进一步减少了路径间冲突,高效地实现了数据并行传输。

    Nodes reselect forwarding nodes by switching channels timely in RFS , and then further dropping the conflict between the paths , effectively transmit data in parallel .

  2. 此操作触发一个事件,将任意数字发送到信道random-number。

    This action triggers an event that sends a random number to the channel random-number .

  3. 另一种方法是对公共载波调频或调相的方法发送并列信道的组合数字信号。

    An alternative method is to transmit the combined digital signal from the parallel channels by frequency or phase modulation of common carrier .

  4. 在本设计方案中,整个系统由扩频信号发送、多径信道仿真和Rake分集接收三大模块构成。

    It consists of spread spectrum signal sending , multi-path channel simulation and Rake receiving modules .

  5. 通过对该算法的运算量进行分析,提出了两点改进以减小运算量。(3)利用MATLAB搭建链路仿真平台,对前导的发送过程、信道模型、接收端的处理过程等进行编码。

    Based on the analysis of computation I presented improvement from two points in order to reduce the computation . ( 3 ) I used MATLAB software to build link simulation platform and program for the transmission and reception .

  6. 本文研究了对信道状态信息估计的误差进行补偿的算法,通过在发送端进行信道补偿,在TH预编码和功率分配的基础上,进一步改善系统性能。

    This thesis studys the compensation arithmetic for the estimation of CSI , by the use of the channel compensation on the transmitting side , the THP and power allocation can improve the system performance . 4 .

  7. 本文还将OFDM系统与MIMO技术相结合,充分利用发送端已知信道信息的条件,将自适应比特功率分配应用于MIMO-OFDM系统。

    In this thesis we combine OFDM system with MIMO technology , and makes full use of the transmitter channel information . An algorithm of adaptive bit power allocation in MIMO-OFDM system is also proposed .

  8. 导出半相关平坦衰落条件下发送端已知信道状态信息(CSI)时多输入多输出(MIMO)无线通信系统平均容量的表达式,并基于此表达式,分析指数相关模型下系统的容量。

    This paper derives the expression of mean capacity of MIMO systems for semi-correlated flat-fading and the CSI at the transmitter . Based on the expression , we use exponential correlation model to investigate the system model .

  9. 基于发送端已知信道状态信息假设,提出了一种多入多出正交频分复用(MIMO-OFDM)系统优化功率加载方案。

    Assuming that the channel state information ( CSI ) at the transmission side was known , the optimal power allocation scheme was proposed for the multi-input multi-output ( MIMO ) orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing ( OFDM ) ultra wideband ( UWB ) .

  10. 在数据传输模式下,迭代地获得发送数据和信道状态信息。

    In the data transmission mode , the CSI and transmitted data is obtained iteratively .

  11. 当发送端不具备信道状态信息时,空时编码是一种能充分利用MIMO系统信道容量的实用技术。

    To make full use of the capacity of MIMO channels , space-time coding is a set of practical signal techniques when there is no channel state information ( CSI ) at the transmitter .

  12. 在争用信道成功之前,一个节点发送RTS争用信道的失败次数,在一定程度上反映了信道的繁忙状况。

    Before the node accesses the channel successfully , the number of times the node sent the RTS packet in some extent reflects how busy the network is .

  13. 然后再用这检测得到的发送信号辨识传输信道。

    Then , the paper identified the transmission channel with the detected transmitted signals .

  14. 该协议能够保证发送节点快速接入信道,从而大大提高信道的使用效率。

    It improves channel utilization greatly and guarantees that a node accesses the channel rapidly .

  15. 这些技术的实现都是在发送端已知完全信道状态信息的假设前提下得到的。

    Implementation of these technologies is under the assumption of channel state information completely known at the transmitter .

  16. 因此我们可以利用部分信息来提高原本发送端不需要信道状态信息系统的性能。

    Hence , for the system with no CSI at the transmitter , we can use the partial CSI to improve the system performance .

  17. 第三章中给出了传统的发送训练序列估计信道的方法,基于最大似然准则,并利用最小二乘原理估计出信道。

    In chapter three , based on likelihood ( ML ) criteria and least square ( LS ) theory , channel estimation is achieved by sending training sequence .

  18. 在该协议中,各节点根据各自特定的发送方式以及瞬时信道状态来联合调整发送速率和发送功率,以达到最大化各自链路效用的目的。

    Based on their specific transmission type and the instantaneous channel measurements , each node tries to maximize its own link-utility by jointly adjusting transmission rate and power .

  19. 在光通信中,数据经过发送设备、传输信道、接收设备后不可避免地会出现误码,从而影响通信系统的可靠性。

    In optical communication , data after sending equipment , transmission channel , receiving equipment inevitably will appear error , which affect the reliability of the communication system .

  20. 在人工控制应用中,发信机通过将发射机选择信号发送到适当的信道比选模块上来决定使用哪一台发射机进行应答。

    In manually controlled applications , the dispatcher decides which transmitter site to use for reply by issuing a transmit select signal to the proper site voter module .

  21. 空时编码主要利用在不同的发送支路上的信道编码来增加信道容量,是下一代通信的一种极有潜力的技术。

    Space-time coding is mainly using channel coding in the different sending branch to increase the capacity . It is a very potential technology for the next generation of mobile communication .

  22. 极值段的长度和极值段的中值受位误码率、发送站点数、信道发送速率这3个因素的影响。

    The length of the optimum range and its median is infected by the channel parameters such as bit error rate , contenting station number and the transmit rate of the channel .

  23. 发送端利用上述信道进行时域波形准正交的离散信息符号序列传输;接收端根据信息符号波形的准正交特性,实现准正交分离。

    At transmitter the quasi-orthogonal discrete information symbols sequence is transmitted over the channel above , and the orthogonal separation is realized according to the quasi-orthogonal property of information symbols at receiver .

  24. 为了实现空间复用,在每个时隙中增加两个竞争阶段,使得一个时隙中可以有最多3个节点同时进行数据发送,提高无线信道的使用率。

    In order to achieve spatial multiplexing and improve the wireless channel utilization rate , two contention stages are added in each slot so that up to three nodes can send data in the same slot .

  25. 其次是信道分析,作为数据发送主要的传输信道:印刷电路板和同轴电缆建立信道模型,为信道预均衡提供了理论基础;

    Secondly , signal channel analysis concentrates on the dominant channel materials of data communication , which are PCB and coaxial cable . In this thesis , the channel model and pre-emphasis theory has been built up .