
  • 网络Discovery Learning;Learning by discovery;discovering learning
  1. 发现学习观CAI课件的教学设计原则的探讨

    Principles of discovery learning CAI courseware instruction design

  2. 讨论了发现学习CAI课件设计中应遵循的原则:充分参与,自主发现的原则;

    The authors discuss the principles to be abided by in designing discovery learning courseware instruction .

  3. 第三部分论述了基于Windows2000的Real流媒体技术的远程教学系统设计的理论基础,即建构主义学习理论、个别化学习理论和发现学习理论。

    Thirdly , this article discuss the theory basis of distance instruction system of Real streaming technology based on Windows 2000 , such as constructivism studying theory , individual studying theory and discovery studying theory .

  4. 在教学过程中,将教学内容进行优化组合,用计算机多媒体进行链接,制成教学CAI课件。教学时,将相关的化学实验或化学史实展示给学生,创设教学情境,并由学生发现学习问题;

    In the process of teaching , we make CAI courseware by bettering contents and materials of study with the computer , and we make the students find out questions and resolve them at the same time .

  5. 应用WISC-CR智测量表,采用聚类分析的方法,发现学习困难儿童的智力结构可分为三个亚型。

    Sisty one children with academic difficulties were divided into three subtypes by cluster analysis , based on the WISC CR profile .

  6. 我发现学习一门外语不那么困难。

    I find it not so difficult to learn a foreign language .

  7. 发现学习&建筑理论教学的新思路

    Finding Study : Some New Thoughts of Architectural Theory Teaching

  8. 在多媒体网络环境下实施发现学习

    The Application of Discovery Learning Under the Multimedia Network Environment

  9. 适当引导,提高发现学习效率的原则。

    Principle of proper guidance to improve discovery learning efficiency .

  10. 目前,科学家们发现学习语言能开发大脑的某些部位。

    Now scientists find that learning languages grows parts of the brain .

  11. 这样的孩子会发现学习起来更加困难。

    Such a child will find learning more difficult .

  12. 接受学习和发现学习是两种主要的学习方式。

    The two main way of learning are receipt study and discovery study .

  13. 发现学习与接受学习的比较

    A Comparative Study of discovery Learning and acceptant learning

  14. 我们发现学习英语最难的是听。

    We fin listening hardest in our English study .

  15. 我发现学习英语是容易的。

    I find it easy to learn english .

  16. 谈排球教学中的接受学习与发现学习

    Accept Learning and Finding Learning in Volleyball Teaching

  17. 我发现学习法语很有用。

    I find it useful to learn French .

  18. 充分利用网络资源培养学生发现学习的能力

    Cultivating Students ' Ability in Creative and Discovery Learning with Full Use of Internet Resources

  19. 计算机模拟在科学发现学习中的应用模式研究

    A Research of the Models of the Application of Computer Simulation into Scientific Discovery Learning

  20. 谈发现学习法在英语教学中的运用

    Application of Discovery Learning in English Teaching

  21. 我发现学习知识的最佳方法是通过一个良好的简单示例。

    The way I have found I learn things best is through a nice simple example .

  22. 最棒的是你会发现学习下一门语言时会更快。

    The best part is that youll find it much faster to learn your next language .

  23. 着重探讨了物理发现学习教学模式和物理问题解决教学模式。

    Emphasis is put on approaching the teaching modes of learning in discovering and problem-solving in physics .

  24. 进一步分析阐述了这种数学实验学习乃是一种建构学习、发现学习和创新学习:最后,对数学实验教学的评价进行了初步探索,给出一些可供参考的想法。

    Finally , writer carry on the preliminary exploration to experiment teaching , give some reference idea .

  25. 在向网络求助后,她发现学习也可以轻松快乐起来。

    After turning to the Internet for help , she found that learning could be relaxed and enjoyable .

  26. 发现学习有利于引导学生主动思考、培养探索精神;

    Learning by discovery is helpful to guide students to think initiatively and to develop the exploratory spirits .

  27. 课程改革提倡学习方式的转变,倡导学生开展合作学习、发现学习、自主学习。

    Course reform advocates the change of learning style . It encourages cooperative learning , discovery learning and autonomous learning etc.

  28. 认知结构教学理论重视学科的基本结构、主动学习以及发现学习法。

    Teaching theory of cognitive structure attaches importance to its basic structure & initiative learning and finding out learning methods .

  29. 研究者发现学习动机是制约语言学习者的重要因素,它的作用不容忽视。

    Researchers found that motivation is the key factors affecting language learners , thus its impact should not be neglected .

  30. 人们发现学习策略在成功的学习过程中占有重要地位。

    And the fact has been uncovered that learning strategies are playing a vital role in achieving successful language learning .