
  • 网络Reflexivity;Reflexive;reflexibility
  1. 他的核心理念是反身性(reflexivity),即一个参与者的看法和真实事件之间的双向反馈回路。

    His core idea is reflexivity , which he defines as a two-way feedback loop , between the participants ' views and the actual state of affairs .

  2. 索罗斯关于市场的反身性。

    The reflexivity of market described by George Soros .

  3. 这就是反身性原理。

    That is the principle of reflexivity .

  4. 公司价值形成的反身性机制与中国上市公司的实证研究

    The reflexivity mechanism of forming process of corporation value and empirical test of Chinese public corporate

  5. “生活世界”;复杂性;动力;纽结;解释学循环;反身性;莫比乌斯带。

    World of life ; complexity ; dynamic ; knot ; circle of hermeneutics ; reflexivity ; Mobius strip .

  6. 她认为,这种原则是具有反身性和批判性的,有助于解决当代全球的正义问题。

    She believes that this principle is a reflexive and critical , will contribute to solve the contemporary global justice issues .

  7. 哈拉维围绕这一问题开展了独具特色的研究,用“衍射”隐喻取代了反身性,目的是想使科学研究回到生活世界,显现出一种历史生成论的科学观。

    She replaces reflectivity with the metaphor of diffraction hoping science to return to the living world , which develops a historical and becoming view of science .

  8. 事实证明,当政府的政策目标前后不一致时,反身性泡沫的问题会变得更为严重,而政府政策目标往往前后不一。

    The problem of reflexive bubbles turns out to be even more acute when the government 's policy objectives are inconsistent , as they so often are .

  9. 在拉里·萨默斯看来:反身性是一个正确的、重要的、并且与社会科学众多现有思想流派紧密相联的思想概念。

    In the view of Larry Summers : Reflexivity as an idea is right and important and closely related to various streams of existing thought in the social sciences .

  10. 之所以可以研究日常理性,是因为日常生活中的互动具有权宜性、反身性和索引性,并且受情境影响。

    The reason why we study daily reason is that the interaction in daily life has the following features , such as expediency , reflection and index , which also affected by situations .

  11. 通过以上三个方面的反身性建构,或许能够为人走出自我异化提供些许参考,最终走向人的自由而全面发展。

    By the construction of the reflexivity of the above three aspects , that may be able to provide some reference to be out of the self-alienation , and be toward the free and full development of the human ultimately .

  12. 实证结果证明了公司价值形成反身机制的存在性。

    The result of empirical test testifies existence of reflexivity mechanism of forming process of corporation value .