
fǎn xǐ
  • Backwash;backbone wash
  1. 改性纤维球滤料可采用叶轮搅拌加水反冲洗再生,反洗周期24h较合适;

    The modified fibrous globule filtering material can be regenerated by means of back washing with a cycle of 24 h.

  2. 对含碘的30%TBP-煤油的反洗实验表明,NaOH能比较有效地去除有机相中的碘。

    The tests of back-wash of I-containing 30 % TBP-paraffin shows that NaOH solution is able to remove iodine effectively from an organic phase .

  3. 投加0.02ppm的非离子型PAM后,UF标准比产水通量基本达到稳定,并且常规反洗能够冲洗出大量的碎的絮体。

    Genera backwashing can flush tiny floc . Adding non-ionic PAM by 0.02 ppm , standard ratio of water flux can stable basically and large amount of broken floe is flushed by general backwashing .

  4. 然后利用中空纤维聚氯乙烯(PVC)膜超滤提纯银杏黄酮粗品,确定了基本运行参数、超滤反洗周期和反洗时间、膜通量的衰减变化规律及最佳运行方式和反洗方式。

    The PVC ultrafiltration hollow fiber membrane was used to purify crude ginkgo biloba extract . The basic operating parameters , ultrafiltration backwashing cycle , backwashing time , membrane flux attenuation variation were determined , and also the best operational way and backwash way were investigated .

  5. 通过对GSL系列高速过滤器反冲洗压力、强度的分析计算,来确定最佳反洗参数;

    The best parameter of inverse cleanup is defined through the analyses and calculation of water pressure on inverse washing and clearing of GSL high-speed filter .

  6. PCF孔隙调节型纤维过滤器是一种过滤精度高、反洗彻底、滤速可达100m3/(m2.h)、自用水率低的水处理设备。

    PCF varying pore fiber filter is a water treatment device , which has such characteristics as high filtration accuracy , backwash thoroughly , filtration rate as high as 100 m3 / ( m2 · h ), low self water consumption .

  7. 为了提高中试系统的产水率,本研究采用一套混凝-PAC吸附-微滤小试装置先后对上述两种膜反洗水(MBW)进行回收处理。

    To improve the water productivity of both pilot systems , a bench-scale coagulation-PAC adsorption-microfiltration system was adopted for treating the above-mentioned membrane backwash water ( MBW ) .

  8. 本文研究开发了混凝-微滤工艺处理膜反洗/清洗水,使其达到《生活饮用水卫生标准》(GB5749-2006)要求,以提高膜装置的产水率。

    In this study , a coagulation-microfiltration process was operated to treat the membrane backwash water and membrane clean water to meet Standards for Drinking Water Quality ( GB5749-2006 ) . The aim of the experiment was for improving the productivity of the membrane process .

  9. 浸入式中空纤维膜组件在线反洗参数分析

    Study on cleaning in line parameters of submerged hollow fiber module

  10. 反洗完毕后,活性炭过滤器投入运行。

    After finishing backwashing , active carbon filter goes into operation .

  11. 试验研究了两套处理系统的膜反洗水和处理后出水的水质。

    Quality of the backwash water and treated water was studied .

  12. 混凝&压滤技术在回收反洗、排泥水中的应用

    Application of COAGULATION-FILTER press technology in backwash and mud water recovery

  13. 差:反洗频率不符合公司推荐要求;

    Poor : Backwashing frequencies do not meet Company recommendations ;

  14. 压力过滤器反洗污水处理方法的探讨

    Discussion on Backwash Sewage Handling Method of Pressure Filters

  15. 压力式过滤器反洗控制参数的选择

    Selection of Backflushing Control Parameter of Pressuring Filter

  16. 新型可反洗再生天然气过滤分离器

    A novel back wash natural gas filter

  17. 连续反洗砂滤机

    Continuous and Reverse Washing Sand Filter

  18. 连续反洗砂滤机反粒度过滤反冲洗效果的探讨


  19. 为了回收工业水、生活水在生产过程中形成的反洗水、排泥水,采用混凝&压滤技术将反洗水、排泥水回收。

    Uses coagulation-filter press technology to recover backwash and mud water from industrial water and sanitary sewage .

  20. 其中排污水、反洗水和飞灰分别占8.63%、23.06%和0.87%。

    Drainage , backwashing and ash alkali were taken up 8.63 % , 23.06 % and 0.87 % respectively .

  21. 试验过程中对进料温度、进料速率及反洗浸泡时间等因素对过滤的影响进行了考察和优化,得到了较合理的过滤工艺条件;

    The factors ( feeding temperature 、 feeding rate and soaking time ) affecting filtration were investigated and optimized .

  22. 锅炉房水处理中反洗正洗用的自来水都从地沟排走,造成浪费;

    In water treatment of boiler room , tap water with backwashing and washing drains from trench , creates waste ;

  23. 浅议槽罐结合、逆流反洗、浮选分离洗盐工艺

    Brief Discussion on Salt Washing Process with Combination of Tanks and Drums , Countercurrent Backward Wash , Floatation and Separation

  24. 这种封隔器的反流通道采用了已获国家专利的新型密封装置,具有结构简单、解封可靠、反洗通道密封性能好和适用范围广等优点。

    The new packer adopts a patented sealing element , which has simple structure and reliable sealing ability , and can be widely used .

  25. 反洗实验结果表明,经二次反洗后,磁性吸附剂和骨碳吸附剂的吸附量仍可以达到原来的98%和98.5%。因此,具有良好的实际应用价值。

    Furthermore , through second regeneration , the efficiency of the magnetic adsorbent and bone char could also attain 98 % and 98.5 % .

  26. 吸附钼后的吸附剂用氨水反洗,得到的钼酸铵溶液,通过蒸发、浓缩、中和结晶出仲钼酸铵,从而回收其中的钼。

    After the solution of ammonium molybdate is neutralized by vaporizing and thickening , the secondary ammonium molybdate is crystallized , and the molybdenum from it is retrieved .

  27. 不同类型的超滤膜通过周期性的反洗可以使跨膜压差有较好的恢复率,这表明了超滤作为高浊度海水反渗透预处理是可行的。

    TMP of all the six membranes recovered well after backwashed periodically . It is shown that it is possible to pretreat high turbidity seawater by the ultrafiltration .

  28. 试验还考察了油浆灰分含量对过滤结果的影响及反洗处理后过滤器初始压力降的恢复情况,为生产性过滤装置的设计提供了试验依据。

    Rational filter processing parameters were obtained . The influence of ash contents on filtration and resumption of initial pressure drop of the filter after blowing back were also investigated .

  29. 为了改变传统的天然气过滤分离器难以适应天然气工业大规模长距离输送的不利生产现状,研制开发了一种新型可反洗再生天然气过滤分离器。

    The traditional natural gas filter is hard to meet the need of long-distance transportation of natural gas on a large scale , therefore a back wash natural gas filter is developed .

  30. 介绍工业废水处理工艺中使用纤维球过滤器的优越性,重点介绍螺旋桨式反洗搅拌结构的合理设计及改造。

    Advantages of fabric ball filters used for the treatment process of industrial waste water were mainly introduced . Reasonable design and transformation of reverse washing mixing structure of propeller type were presented in detail .