
shuānɡ pán
  • double disk
  1. 针对单盘铣刀齿轮粗加工中齿廓余量不均匀问题,提出了一种效率高且齿廓余量均匀的双盘铣刀齿轮粗加工方法。

    To avoid the non-uniform tooth profile allowance in gear rough machining with a single disk milling cutter , a gear rough machining method with a double disk cutter is presented , resulting in improved efficiency and uniform tooth profile allowance .

  2. 这种双盘靶一定程度上避免了初级等离子体喷射的影响,可以提高烧蚀次级X射线的干净性。

    This double disk target 's design has avoided the influence of the spraying plasma from primary disk to a certain extent , and increased the clearance for ablated secondary disk .

  3. PLC和人机界面在双盘收线机中的应用

    The Application of PLC and Man-Machine Interface in Dual Spoolers

  4. PLC模糊控制系统在双盘冷却器风机上的应用

    Application of PLC Fuzzy Control System on the Blower of Duo Disk Cooler

  5. 基于DCS打浆控制系统的双盘磨为研究对象,简要介绍双盘磨控制系统的工作原理。

    Thought of refiner with refining control system based of DCS , its working theory is introduced .

  6. 另一种是双盘,而且附带以前未曾公开的TheGratefulDead(感恩而死)乐队的名曲《He'sGone》的封面。

    the other is a double-set that features a previously unreleased cover of The Grateful Dead 's " He 's Gone . "

  7. 应用Amplatzer双盘闭合器关闭小儿继发孔房间隔缺损

    Applying Amplatzer device for transcatheter closure of atrial septal defects

  8. 双盘转子-非同心SFD系统的非协调响应和分叉特性

    Non-Synchronous Response and Bifurcation Character of Two-Disk Rotor System with a Non-Centralized SFD

  9. 带同心SFD的双盘悬臂柔性转子的稳态圆响应和稳定性分析

    On Stability of Steady State Circular Response of Aeroengine Rotor Squeeze Film Damper System

  10. 方法:用双盘法在3d自由进食条件下对36名空勤人员进行了硒代谢平衡的研究,并以36名地勤人员作为对照。

    Methods : Selenium metabolic balance studies were carried out in 36 male pilots eating self-selected diets for three consecutive days by duplicated plate diet analyses , and 36 male ground crew served as control .

  11. 着重介绍PLC和触摸屏PT在双盘摩擦压砖机控制系统中的实际应用,主要阐述了该控制系统的实现途径及其优越性。

    This paper introduces the practical application of PLC and PT in the double disk friction brick press transformation , and expound the ways to realize the control system and its advantages .

  12. RT-3DE显示封堵器呈双盘状,表面无异常回声附着,随心脏舒缩封堵器伞盘有变化;

    RT-3DE visualized occluder devices as double round disc which no abnormal echo attached .

  13. RAID是目前主流的块级存储技术方案,其中RAID-6具有双盘容错功能因而广为应用。

    RAID is a major program of block-level storage technology . Among them , a double-disk fault-tolerant RAID-6 has wide applications .

  14. 双盘单速金相试样预磨机M-2是一种湿式磨光机,它利用不同粒度的金相砂纸,对各种金属及合金的试样进行磨光。

    Double disc single speed metallographic sample pre mill M-2 is a wet grinder , it uses the different size of the metallographic sandpaper , on a variety of metal and alloy samples .

  15. 对双盘悬臂柔性转子-非同心型挤压油膜阻尼器(SFD)系统进行了非线性动力学分析。

    We used Poincare map and bifurcation map to analyze the nonlinear dynamic response of a eight degree of freedom rotor system with two disks supported on a squeeze film damper ( SFD ) as shown in Fig.

  16. 结果:RT-3DE显示封堵器呈双盘状,测得封堵器伞腰直径为27±5mm,与实际封堵器大小(26±5mm)比较无显著差异(P>0.05);

    RESULTS : RT-3DE could clearly visualize the device 's double-disc like shapes and sites in 3 dimensions . There was no significant difference between the measurements of occluder waist sizes with 3DE and actual ones ( 27 ± 5mm vs 26 ± 5 mm , P > 0.05 ) .

  17. 双盘摩擦压力机机架失效分析

    Failure Analyses on the Framework of Twin Disc Friction Pressing Machine

  18. 浅谈双盘摩擦压力机安装中的补强措施

    Introduction of Reinforcement Measures in Installation of Double Plates Friction Press

  19. 叶片振动影响下双盘转子-轴承系统的稳定性与分岔

    Stability and Bifurcation of the Double-disk Rotor-bearing System with Blade Arrays

  20. 带摩擦的双盘发电机模型的混沌现象

    Chaotic phenomena of the two - disk dynamo with friction

  21. 谈谈双盘磨打浆机的气动式控制

    Application and Improving of the Pneumatic Control Based on Refiner

  22. 双盘裂纹转子非线性响应特性

    Analysis of Nonlinear Response of Cracked Rotor with Two Discs

  23. 双盘工作电极参比电位采样快扫伏安方法

    Twin Disk Working Electrode : Potential Sampling Method for Cyclic Voltammetric Measurements

  24. 双盘悬臂裂纹转子-轴承系统的动力学分析

    Dynamics analysis of a dual-disk over-hung rotor-bearing system with crack

  25. 经导管用蘑菇双盘封堵器封堵心房间隔缺损

    Acme Disk Transcatheter closure of secundum atrial septal defects using amplatzer device

  26. 利用共轴型同轴线分支结构,实现了双盘锥天线一体化;

    A double discone antenna is integrated by the coaxial branch pipe .

  27. 带挤压油膜阻尼器双盘转子的参数变化对系统响应的影响

    Response of two-disk rotor with squeeze film dampers and its variation with parameters

  28. 经胸超声心动图在国产双盘伞封堵室间隔缺损的应用价值

    Applied Value of Transthoracic Echocardiography on Occlusion of VSD Using Domestic Two-plate Occluder

  29. 双盘摩擦压力机计算方法的研究

    A Study of the Calculating Method for Double - Disk Friction Screw Press

  30. 弹性机匣-滚动轴承双盘碰摩转子系统动力学特性

    Dynamic characteristics of rub-impact of dual-disc rotor system on flexible casing-rolling bearing supports