
  • 网络Reference Point;REF
  1. 此方法的优点是不需要在星载SAR的视场中使用任何位置确知的参考点,并且与卫星的姿态数据无关。

    This approach has an advantage that requires no reference points and is independent of satellite attitude knowledge or control .

  2. 主要阐述了摄影测量中编号参考点的设计以及利用matlab工具对其进行图像处理和识别的相关技术。

    The design of the code reference points for photogrammetry and the related techniques of image processing and recognition of the points with matlab are mainly introduced .

  3. ECG信号同步参考点检测方法

    Methods of detecting synchronous reference point in ECG signal

  4. 3G终端中S参考点的实现研究

    Study of the Implementation of S Reference Point in 3G Terminal Devices

  5. 结论三维适形放疗联合腔内近距离治疗,作为治疗鼻咽癌复发与局部残存病灶的一种方法是有效和可行的,建议近距离治疗时采用放置后装模的CT图像进行参考点选择。

    Conclusions As a method of treated recurrent and residual nasopharyngeal carcinoma , conformal radiotherapy combined with brachytherapy was effective and feasible .

  6. 本文证明了n端子网络的等效电路构造方法,并给出了参考点转移前后的节点方程的转换关系式。

    A constructing method for n-terminal equivalent subnetwork is developed , and a transformation of voltage equations for transposing reference nodes is given .

  7. 基于参考点和ICP算法的点云数据重定位研究

    Research of Point Clouds Reorientation Based on Reference Point and ICP Algorithm

  8. 该方法根据乳腺超声图像灰度分布自适应地选择全局参考点,采用MeanShift算法局部迭代定位出种子点,成功地解决了自适应种子点获取问题。

    This method can adaptively and automatically obtain the global reference point according to image intensity distribution and locate the seed point using Mean Shift Algorithm .

  9. 这个方程给出了,某种物质平衡时温度和压强的关系,所有关于参考点的信息,都包含在常熟C中。

    And that gives you a relationship between the pressure and the temperature then , for a substance where all the reference point information is contained in this constant , C.

  10. 所以你有一个参考点p1的对数,这里T1也是一个数字。

    So you have log of a reference point , T1 here is a number .

  11. 在无参考点海洋SAR定位方法中,多普勒中心频率估计对定位精度有着重要的影响。

    Estimation of Doppler central frequency has an important effect to accuracy of fixed position in the fixing approach with no reference points for ocean SAR .

  12. 开尔文,T1,,298,degrees,Kelvin。,这就是你的参考点,你想找出,方程对温度和压强的依赖。

    T1298 That 's your reference point and you want to find out the pressure temperature dependence in an equation .

  13. 用这种连接器就不需要连接垫板。J代表距离参考点Y的距离(安装托架顶部)。

    No adapter plate is used with this coupling . J represents distance above reference point Y ( top of mount bracket ) .

  14. 实验数据表明:使用此方法可以有效的降低数据访问量,提高K近邻查询性能。2.采用多参考点的距离映射方法方面进行改进。

    Experimental results show that using this method can effectively reduce the amount of data access and improve the nearest neighbor query performance . 2 . Multi-reference-points distance mapping methods .

  15. 并对目前流行的多媒体同步建模方法(如时间线模型,参考点模型,层次模型,Petri网模型等)进行分析和比较,给出了不同同步模型的优缺点和适用范围。

    Then , some popular multimedia synchronization modeling methods such as timeline model , reference point model , hierarchy model and Petri-Net model are analyzed and compared .

  16. 论述了电子凸轮的分类及设计原理,对横针机构进行了理论分析,应用VB编程推导出了横针机构中针杆参考点与花模凸轮廓线的对应关系。

    Theoretical analysis on transverse needle mechanism is proceeded . The corresponding relation between the reference point of needle bar and the cam contour is derived .

  17. 逐一讨论并实验了中心参考点定位、Gabor滤波器设计、Gabor滤波与重构、特征提取和匹配。

    We discuss and experiment on locating reference point , designing Gabor filters , filtering and constructing , extracting features and matching .

  18. 3GPP针对3G网管系统定义了标准的接口信息模型,即IRP(IntegratedReferencePoint集成参考点)技术。

    3GPP has defined the standard connection information model in view of the 3G network management system , namely IRP ( Integrated Reference Point integration reference point ) technology .

  19. 你可以看到另外一种形势,在这种形式中p1和T1被选为参考点。

    So , another way that you 'll also find this written is very often p1 and T1 will be some reference .

  20. 首先,本文针对H.263编码器的特点,提出了在传统的DCT变换前加预先零块判断和变换运动估计参考点等改进算法。

    One is on judgment of zero block before DCT , the other changes the reference points which can be used to motion estimation .

  21. 本建议介绍TMN的概念,定义了接口、参考点和块,并描述功能、信息和物理的体系结构。

    This Recommendation introduces the TMN concept , defines interfaces and reference points and blocks which describes the functional , information and physical architecture .

  22. 体模和近源区参考点实测剂量与TPS计算值符合较好。

    The dose we did in the experiments on the phantom and close area of the source is well accord with values that calculated in the TPS .

  23. 总能计算得出Cu(100)c(2×2)/H表面的功函数为4.47eV,氢原子在这一体系的吸附能为2.37eV(以孤立氢原子为能量参考点)。

    The total-energy calculations showed that the chemisorption energy of atomic hydrogen in the case of Cu ( 100 ) c ( 2 × 2 ) / H surface was about 2.37 eV with respect to an isolated atomic hydrogen as reference .

  24. 实验测试结果表明本设计可以实现N-ISDN在U参考点的物理接入,保证线路的全双工通信。

    Experiment results indicate that this design could carry out the physical connection in the U reference point of N-ISDN and ensure the line full-duplex digital communications .

  25. 该方法克服了过去以mark点或普尔钦斑点为参考点的缺点,不需要使用者在脸上做mark点,而且允许人脸在小范围内偏转。

    The proposed method overcomes the shortcomings of conventional ones that adopt the mark and Purkinje as the reference points , and it does not need users to mark the marks on faces and allow the moderate variations of hear pose .

  26. 为了拾取ECG中微弱信号,需要应用信号同步平均技术来提高信噪比;其效果取决于同步参考点的检测精度。

    In order to pick up low level signal in ECG , it is necessary to use signal synchronous averaging technique to improve SNR , and the effect is determined by the accuracy of detecting synchronous reference-point .

  27. 此外,参考点的选取还影响着DFT方法的计算结果,当以数据窗中心点为参考点时,频率偏移情况下相量的计算误差最小。

    Besides , the selection of reference point affects the precision of phase calculating by DFT . When the point is the middle of data window , the error is the least .

  28. 其次,对IMS体系架构作了重点的分析研究,包括部分重要功能实体和参考点功能,着重对SIP协议和Diameter协议的体系结构和在IMS中应用作了详细的分析。

    Secondly , analyzes the IMS architecture , including some important functional entities and reference points function , takes focus on the architecture of SIP protocol and the Diameter protocol and analyzes the application in IMS .

  29. 应用星载InSAR数据对参考点确定的不同格网大小进行了试验,得出了理想格网间距大小为30-60像素的结论。

    The experiments on the different grid space of the reference point are performed to the space borne InSAR data . It is the conclusion that the perfect grid space is 30-60 pixels .

  30. ATOS光栅扫描仪是目前技术最先进的三维扫描系统之一,该系统通过参考点对多个扫描视图进行拼合。

    ATOS raster scanner is one of the most advanced three-dimensional scanning systems . It splits the many scanned views through reference points .