
  • 网络risotto
  1. 我敢打赌你以后看着黑松露意大利调味饭,都不得不想到它的基因。

    I bet you will never look at that black truffle risotto again without thinking of its genes .

  2. 我去莎拉家,冰箱里还剩些意大利调味饭。

    I 'm going to Sarah 's. There 's still some of that risotto left in the fridge .

  3. 去年冬季,米勒先生推出了令人惊艳的黑松露主题菜单,搭配精选的库克香槟(KrugChampagnes),头盘为烤扇贝配西芹黑松露意大利调味饭(risotto)浇帕马森芝士泡沫汁;

    This past winter , Mr. Mille 's stunning black-truffle-themed menu , served with a selection of Krug Champagnes , began with grilled scallops and celery-and-black-truffle " risotto " in a Parmesan foam ;

  4. 因此,她找到拉丁·米尔斯的房子并给他送去了一份意大利调味饭及一杯正确搭配的红酒让他品尝。

    So she went to Lucien Mills'house and sent him a dish of risotto and a cup of right wine to let him taste .

  5. 在过去一年中,米其林二星巴黎大厨贝纳拉尔·阿克拉姆(BenallalAkrame)把他以海鲜为主的高级法国菜带到了这个有30个座位的时髦餐馆。这里的品尝菜单可能包括来自法国Prat-ar-Coum的丰满牡蛎,它们盛放在意大利调味饭上。

    For the past year , the two-Michelin-starred Parisian chef Benallal Akrame has brought his seafood-focused haute French cuisine to this contemporary 30-seat spot , with a choice of tasting menus that may include plump oysters from Prat-ar-Coum , France , on a bed of risotto .

  6. 尽管意大利食物十分美味,但有些食物却并非以健康而闻名:披萨、意大利面和意大利调味饭都是高热量、高碳水化合物的菜肴。

    Delicious as it is , some Italian food isn 't known for being healthy : pizza , pasta and risotto are all calorie-laden , carb-heavy dishes .