
  • 网络historical sociology
  1. 国际关系的历史社会学:基于流派的考察

    Historical Sociology in International Relations : A Review of the School

  2. 这需要以历史社会学的观点对其进行综合分析。

    These needs to be analysised multiply ina point of historical sociology .

  3. 评安德森历史社会学的理论与方法

    Comment on Anderson 's Theory and Method of Historical Sociology

  4. 雷蒙·阿隆的历史社会学方法析论

    The Historical Sociology Approach of Raymond Aron

  5. 清代任职回避制度的历史社会学分析

    An Analysis from the Social Relationships Visual Angle : the Assignment Evasion System in Qing Dynasty

  6. 从历史社会学的角度分析了她的婚姻观及其现实意义。

    This essay tries to analyze her views on marriage and their significance of reality from historical sociology angle .

  7. 托克维尔最早对法国大革命的起因作出丰富具体的历史社会学解释。

    Alexis de Tocqueville offered an original explanation on the cause of the French revolution in terms of historical sociology .

  8. 雷蒙·阿隆是横跨多个学科的法国理论家,在国际关系领域,他以历史社会学方法建构国际关系理论著称。

    Raymond Aron , a famous French theorist in different disciplines , is well known for his historical sociological approach in building IR theories .

  9. 《创造精确性:关于核导弹制导的历史社会学》。1990年麻州剑桥:麻省理工学院出版。

    MacKenzie , Donald . Inventing Accuracy : A Historical Sociology of Nuclear Missile Guidance . Cambridge , Mass . : MIT Press , 1990 .

  10. 作者还从认识论的角度考察了历史社会学方法的复杂内涵以及该方法难以传承的原因。

    The author analyzes the complicated connotations of the historical sociological approach from the perspective of epistemology and the reasons why this approach cannot be applied to other IR studies .

  11. 综述了这方面的研究进展及这些成果在古气候和环境研究、生理生态学、林学、群落学甚至历史社会学等领域的应用。

    This paper reviewed the current studies on this field and their applications in the study of paleoclimate and environment , ecophysiology , forest management , forest community and history etc.

  12. 中国教会教育史研究述评以中国大陆学术界为分析范围历史社会学视角中的美国大学教育学院研究评《教育学院之困境》

    An overview of the history of Chinese Christian education & Researches based on the mainland ; A Study on Ed Schools from a Perspective of Historical Sociology : A Commentary on " The Trouble with Ed Schools ";

  13. 将历史学与社会学结合的产物&社会史、历史社会学的研究特点引入中国近代体育史研究,是解决上述问题的重要途径,它为现时中国近代体育史研究应付史学危机指明一条新路。

    Taking the research characteristic of society history and historical sociology into the research on Chinese modern sports history is an important way to solve aforesaid problem . It also point a new way to deal with the historical science crisis for research on Chinese modern sports history .

  14. 年开始,STS课程与历史学师资和人类学课程合作建立了一套有系统的科技与社会历史、社会学博士学位课程(HSSST)。

    Beginning in1988 , the STS Program , in collaboration with the History Faculty and Anthropology Program , created a doctoral program in the History and Social Study of Science and Technology ( HSSST ) .

  15. 下学期我教历史和社会学。

    I 'll be teaching history and soci-ology next term .

  16. 犹太人圣诞节期间之所以会吃中国食物,这其实还有历史、社会学和宗教方面的原因。

    The circumstances that birthed Jewish Christmas are also deeply historical , sociological , and religious .

  17. 其次是社科专业,包括历史、社会学、文学、公关和政治学。

    Next is social science . This includes history , sociology , literature , public relations and political science .

  18. 日本学者从历史、社会学、国际政治学等视角对战争责任问题已有相当的研究积累;

    Japanese scholars have accumulated enormous research on war responsibility from the angle of history , sociology , and international politics .

  19. 故事讲不是从一个宗教角度就其本身而言,但有效地被提出以历史,社会学,和人文方式由今天主导的新约院。

    The story is told not from a religious angle per se , but is effectively presented in a historical , sociological , and humanistic manner by today 's leading New Testament academics .

  20. 毕业于美国西北大学的萨曼塔林表示,大学给他们提供的阅读清单涵盖了从历史到社会学、从后现代主义小说再到文学经典等多种主题。

    Samantha Lin is a graduate of US-based Northwestern University . She said the reading list she got from the university spans topics from history and sociology to post modern novels and literature classics .

  21. 传统文化隐喻:神垕钧瓷历史变迁的社会学考察

    Traditional Culture Etaphor : Sociological Survey of the Historical Changes in SHEN HOU Jun Porcelain

  22. 空间的权利与权力的空间&欧洲城市广场历史演变的社会学观察

    Symbolism of Space and Space of Power : Sociological Observation on the Historic Evolution of European Urban Square

  23. 作为一种古老的地方戏曲文化遗产,广昌孟戏具有独特的艺术价值、历史价值和社会学价值。

    As an ancient cultural heritage of local opera , Guangchang " MengXi " has unique values of art , history and sociology .

  24. 从眼光向下回到历史现场&社会学人类学对近代中国史学的影响

    Return to Historical Reality from a Top-down Perspective : The Impact of Sociology and Anthropology on Studies of China 's Early Modern History

  25. 综合国内及美国本土学者的研究成果,我们大致可以将美国的种族问题研究划分为历史研究和社会学研究两大类。

    Up till now , most of the research and studies on American racial problem can be divided into two categories : historical and sociological .

  26. 所以我们非常高兴的看到这些学生去上这些课程,比如历史,哲学,社会学和教育学。

    We also love when our students take courses in our history , philosophy , sociality and education .

  27. 此后四章,每章包括历史回顾、技术社会学探讨和小结。

    Since then four chapters followed , each chapter includes history retrospect , sociological exploration and a summary .

  28. 对这段历史的回顾对于社会学理论研究同经验社会研究的结合是有积极意义的。

    The review of this history is of positive significance to the combination of sociological theoretical studies with empirical social research .

  29. 浅析美国知识产权反垄断法政策目标之演变&从历史的、法社会学的视角

    The evolution on the policy target in United States Intellectual Property Antitrust Law & From the angle of history and sociology of law

  30. 门主打课程:地理,文学,数学,科学,音乐,体育,历史,艺术,社会学,管理学,西班牙语,法语。

    Main Subjects : Geography , Literacy , Math , Science , Music , P.E. , History , Art , Social Science , Business , Spanish , French .