
yìn dì yǔ
  • Hindi
印地语 [yìn dì yǔ]
  • [Hindi] 北印度的一种书面语言

印地语[yìn dì yǔ]
  1. 作为一名印度人,我想要在我的Web应用程序中添加对印地语的支持。

    Being an Indian , I wanted to add support for Hindi in my web application .

  2. 选择hi代码,印地语支持将被添加到您的应用程序。

    Choose the hi code , and Hindi language support will be added to your application .

  3. 根据总部位于德里的媒体研究中心(centreformediastudies),现今在印度约有120个频道用英文、印地语和其他地方语言24小时播报新闻。

    Today there are about 120 channels in India running 24-hour news in English , Hindi and other regional languages , according to the Delhi-based Centre for media studies .

  4. InternationalizationAdd-on&它支持为Roo的支架式SpringMVC应用程序添加语言翻译(例如,添加对印地语的翻译)。

    Internationalization Add-on & It supports adding language translations for Roo 's scaffolded Spring MVC applications ( adding translation for the Hindi language , for example ) .

  5. SpringRoo提供一个addoncreatei18n命令,该命令提供对Webmvcinstalllanguagecommand的扩展,添加对印地语等新语言的支持。

    Spring Roo provides an addon create i18n command , which provides an extension to the web mvc install language command adding support for a new language like Hindi .

  6. 昨天是印度独立日,辛格在德里的红堡(RedFort)用印地语发表了低调致词,重点是承诺推动更为全面的经济增长、减少贫困并增加农民收入。

    A low-key Independence Day address , delivered in Hindi at the Red Fort in Delhi , focused on pledges to foster more inclusive growth , reduce poverty and boost farmers ' incomes .

  7. 现在,我们已经讨论了SpringRoo中的默认国际化支持,让我们编写能够添加印地语支持的i18n附加组件。

    Now that we have talked about the default internationalization support in Spring Roo , let 's write an i18n add-on that can add Hindi language support .

  8. HikeMessenger已试图用印度本土内容和隐私模式与WhatsApp对抗。这些本土内容包括英语和印地语双语新闻以及实时板球比分。

    Hike has tried to take the fight to its Facebook-owned rival with local content , including news in both English and Hindi and live cricket scores , as well as a privacy mode .

  9. 这个中心叫“gyanodaya”,在印地语中的意思是“知识之灯”。

    The centre is called gyanodaya , Hindi for " lamp of knowledge " .

  10. 在印地语中,“gudiya”的意思是“玩偶”,它也是一个个头小小的14岁女孩的别名。她长着一张圆圆的脸蛋,肤色白皙,有一头乌黑的长发。

    In Hindi , gudiya means ' doll . ' It was the nickname of a tiny 14-year-old girl with a light complexion , long black hair and a round face .

  11. 如果我不会教那些法国孩子学印地语。

    If I don 't teach Hindi to those French kids .

  12. 斯里兰卡人所说的印地语。

    The Indic language spoken by the people of Sri Lanka .

  13. 印地语短波服务也将停止。

    The short wave radio service in Hindi will also end .

  14. 从历史上看,该地区一直在抗议印地语的一家独大。

    Historically , that region has protested against the supremacy of Hindi .

  15. 这是因为我们还没有安装印地语附加组件。

    This is because we have not yet installed the Hindi add-on .

  16. 你会说印地语吗?是的,会一点。

    Do you follow hindi ? Yes , a bit .

  17. 这次,您将看到针对印地语的代码。

    This time , you will see a code for the Hindi language .

  18. 您不会看到印地语支持。

    You will not see the Hindi language support .

  19. 这个词在印地语中的意思是女神。

    The word means ' goddess ' in Hindi .

  20. “Sanskari”在印地语里是“正直”的意思。

    The term " Sanskari " translates from the Hindi as " virtuous . "

  21. 我们会向你解释印地语,用英语,好吗

    " We 'll explain our Hindi to you , in your english , okay ?"

  22. 我写了这个印地语和英语歌词,我已唱过您在这个混合。

    I penned the Hindi and English lyrics that I have sung in this remix .

  23. 她不作冗长的讨论,言语简洁,讲英语或印地语时带有口音。

    She is not given to long discussion , speaking curtly in accented English or Hindi .

  24. 生活在西部印度的古扎拉地人所说的印地语。

    The Indic language spoken by the people of India who live in Gujarat in western India .

  25. 我会说印地语,而且我喜欢&我希望把一门语言学得再熟练些。

    I speak Hindi and like & I hope to learn a language a bit more proficiently .

  26. 就读于北京大学的周利群和沈逸鸣各自攻读着一门不同寻常的专业&梵语和印地语。

    Zhou Liqun and Shen Yiming study unusual majors – Sanskrit and Hindi – at Peking University .

  27. 就读于北京大学的周利群和沈逸鸣各自攻读着一门不同寻常的专业——梵语和印地语。

    Zhou Liqun and Shen Yiming study unusual majors - Sanskrit and Hindi - at Peking University .

  28. 分布于比哈尔的印地语(巴基斯坦和孟加拉国也有一些人说)。

    The Indic language spoken in Bihar ( and by some people in Pakistan and Bangladesh ) .

  29. 英语是印度的官方语言,其影响力甚至比印地语还大得多。

    English is in fact India 's only national language , far more influential than even Hindi .

  30. 我会说印地语,而且我喜欢——我希望把一门语言学得再熟练些。

    I speak Hindi and like --- I hope to learn a language a bit more proficiently .