
  1. 协议网关是一种目前解决卫星接入Internet问题的比较看好的方案。

    Gateway protocol accelerator is the best project to settle the problem of satellite access internet at present .

  2. 利用GEO卫星接入因特网

    Access to the Internet via GEO Satellite

  3. 而近年来,由于互联网的繁荣发展以及其自身需求的不断增加,利用卫星接入互联网的宽带卫星网络已经成为卫星通信发展的主流方向,也是未来实现天地一体化网络的重要组成部分。

    In recent years , due to the prosperity and development of the Internet and its increasing demand , the use of broadband satellite access to the Internet has become the mainstream of the development of satellite communications , which is also an important part of the earth integrated network .

  4. 用卫星链路接入Internet或者自身组成一个宽带卫星网络并和Internet互联是卫星通信的重要发展方向。

    Accessing Internet through satellite links or making interconnection between the Internet and broadband satellite networks is important directions in the satellite communication .

  5. 阐述了利用对地静止轨道GEO卫星链路接入因特网的特点,介绍了目前为解决卫星链路时延长带来的问题所采用的一些方法。

    This essay describes the characteristics of access to the Internet using GEO satellite links and the methods used to solve problems caused by long delay of satellite links .

  6. 系统采用windowsSockets网络编程接口(WinSockAPI),构建了移动终端与中心主控端之间的通信和控制平台,实现了卫星网络接入终端管控、语音通话、远程电子白板等功能。

    The system uses Windows Sockets Application Programming Interface ( WinSock API ) to build a communication and control platform between Client and Server . The main functions of the system are Satellite Terminal Control , Voice Calls and Remote Whiteboard .

  7. 介绍了卫星DVB接入因特网的应用模式,采用卫星回传信道时的系统组成以及需要解决的问题,并展望了其应用前景。

    In this paper , two application modes of IP over DVB and the system configuration using a satel-lite interactive channel are introduced and solutions for several potential problems are suggested . In the end , the application of IP over DVB is previewed .

  8. 有模拟卫星信道接入的多媒体网络性能测试

    The Performance Measurement of Multi-media Network with the Simulator of Satellite Channel

  9. 卫星因特网接入TCP/IP协议的改进与发展

    Developments and key technologies for internet access via satellites

  10. 基于跨层的宽带多媒体卫星呼叫接入控制算法研究

    Research on Call Admission Control Algorithm Based on Cross-Layer of the Broadband Multimedia Satellite

  11. 航天器的低轨道卫星网络接入

    Method of Spacecraft Access LEO Satellite Network

  12. 作为地面有线网络的重要补充,卫星宽带接入技术具有其独特的应用特点和应用环境。

    As the important supplement of the ground wireline communication network , satellite wide band access technique has its own special applications and service environment .

  13. 特别地,本章对低轨卫星通信接入与切换进行了深入分析,为后续章节的系统研究提供了理论基础。

    In particular , we deeply analyze the access and handoff procedure in LEO satellite system to provide a theoretic model to facilitate the analysis in the following sections .

  14. 基于卫星通信地面接入设备的QoS仿真及其实现

    Researches and Simulation of QoS Based on the Satellite Communication Ground Access Device

  15. 为了解有卫星信道模拟器接入的TCP/IP多媒体网络的性能,有必要对网络进行测试。

    In order to understand the performance of TCP / IP multi-media network with the simulator of satellite channel , it is necessary to test the network .

  16. 分析有线电视未来的竞争对手:IPTV、直播卫星和ADSL接入,指出其互补性将大于竞争性。

    IPTV , living satellite broadcast and ADSL access are going to be the complements of CATV rather than rivals .

  17. 基于DVB-RCS和WiMAX的卫星宽带无线接入体系设计

    Framework of Broadband Satellite Wireless Access System Based on DVB-RCS and WiMAX

  18. 提出了一种经由基于DVB的直播电视卫星实现因特网接入的方案,并对系统结构、会话建立、协议栈、IP分组的封装和传送作了详细的描述。

    A scheme for Internet access via DVB based direct broadcast satellite is proposed , and the system architecture , session establishment , protocol stack and IP packet encapsulation and delivering are illustrated .

  19. 基于效用和资源借用的移动卫星系统呼叫接入控制算法

    An Admission Control Strategy of Mobile Satellite System Based on Utility and Resource Borrowing

  20. 在卫星用户的接入策略中,本文主要讨论了多星覆盖接入技术,改进了典型的接入策略,并进行了简单的仿真分析。

    In this dissertation , the multi-satellites coverage access technology is discussed with an improved strategy .

  21. 卫星宽带互联接入

    Satellite broad band interlink access

  22. 其二,关于LEO&GEO双层卫星系统的接入控制策略的专题研究;

    Secondly , based on a LEO & GEO two-layered satellite network , the topic of the access schemes and routing policies is studied .

  23. 卫星DVB在因特网接入业务中的应用

    Application of S-DVB in Internet access services

  24. 因此,MC-CDMA在移动通信、卫星通信、无线接入以及超宽带通信等领域具有广阔的应用前景,被誉为4G移动通信的有效解决方案。

    So MC-CDMA has wide application prospects in mobile communication , satellite communication , wireless access and ultra-wideband communication .

  25. 卫星通信多址接入方式的比较和分析

    Analysis and comparison of TDMA , FDMA and CDMA techniques in satellite communication

  26. 分层卫星网络中的接入策略研究

    Studies on access strategy of layered satellite networks

  27. 本文主要叙述VSAT&卫星网络类型及接入方式。

    The paper mainly describes the topology and access mode of VSAT satellite network .

  28. 低轨卫星移动通信系统接入方案

    Access Schemes for LEO Satellite Mobile Communication Systems

  29. 但是现有地面、卫星通信中的接入算法无法满足空天网络快速接入、高可靠性的需求。

    However , the access algorithms used in ground and satellite communications can not satisfy the requirements of short access delay and high reliability in Air & Space Network .

  30. 第三章讨论了低轨卫星通信多星覆盖下卫星接入和切换策略。

    Chapter ⅲ discusses the satellite access and handoff strategy for LEO satellite communication under multi-satellite coverage .