
  1. 城市b的博伊西州立电台报道这场大火蔓延到西北s镇的火势正在增长。

    City B of Boise State radio reports a massive wildfire burning northwest of the town of S is growing .

  2. 大火迫使居民离开自己的家。城市B的博伊西州立电台报道这场大火蔓延到西北S镇的火势正在增长。

    One of those fires has people ready to leave their homes.City B of Boise state radio reports a massive wildfire burning northwest of the town of S is growing .

  3. NPR新闻,斯卡特·博斯,爱达荷州博伊西格罗特报道。

    For NPR news , I 'm Scatt groth in Boise Idaho .

  4. 我是弗兰基·巴恩希尔于爱达荷州博伊西,NPR新闻。

    For NPR News , I 'm Frankie Barnhill in Boise , Idaho .

  5. 实际上,最终发起的反击采取了更为美国的形式:一家名为美光科技(MicronTechnology)的创业企业,公司所在地令人意外地位于爱达荷州博伊西。

    Instead , the fight back , when it came , took a far more American form : an entrepreneurial start-up from the unlikely location of Boise , Idaho , called Micron Technology .

  6. 博伊西州(左)和圣何塞州大学啦啦队长。

    Boise State ( left ) and San Jose State University cheerleaders .

  7. 博伊西州立公共广播电台的弗兰基·巴恩希尔有更多报道。

    Frankie Barnhill of Boise State Public Radio has more .

  8. 这名叫做汉娜·安德森的女孩在博伊西的一家医院同她的父亲布雷特·安德森相聚。

    Hannah Anderson was reunited with her father Brett Anderson at a hospital in Boise .

  9. 在爱达荷州博伊西,警方正在寻找哈默菲斯特,一个新纳粹主义的音乐节。

    In Boise , Idaho , police are looking for Hammerfest , a neo-Nazi musical festival .

  10. 如果你需要一个强大而有活力夜生活,博伊西可能一个更好的选择。

    If you need a strong and vibrant nightlife , Boise may be a better choice .

  11. 家里博伊西州立大学,博伊西,是现代城市与小城镇的感觉。

    Home to Boise State University , Boise is a modern city with a small town feel .

  12. 现在正因为我的兄弟和我,单单在博伊西已经有更多德罗巴和阿卢纳。

    Boise alone now has more Drogba and Dindane fans just because of my brother and me .

  13. 没时间自己动手堆雪人或是你住在博伊西地区?

    Don 't have time to " roll your own " and live in the Boise area ?

  14. 他们在星期二在博伊西聚集在发现中心通过视频连接问宇航员问题。

    They gathered at the Discovery Center in Boise on Tuesday to ask the astronauts questions by video link .

  15. 尽管他已经74岁高龄,但身体依然很健壮,是爱达荷州博伊西商界中最老的水管工。

    At the age of74 , he is still going strong as the oldest plumber in business in Boise , Idaho .

  16. 阿姆斯特朗的家位于美国爱达荷州的首府博伊西。她是一位社区健康宣传者,在训练的同时还要养家糊口。

    At home in Boise , Idaho , she works as a community health advocate , finding time to train alongside raising a family .

  17. 跻身该榜前十名的城市还得克萨斯州的圣安东尼奥(位居第五),其次是科罗拉多州的丹佛、得克萨斯州的奥斯汀、爱达荷州的博伊西和芝加哥。

    Other cities in the top10 included San Antonio , Texas , at No.5 , followed by Denver in Colorado , Austin , Texas , Boise in Idaho and Chicago .

  18. 当博伊西(美国爱达荷州首府)的动物管理官员听说一只杰克拉塞尔狸被卡在了某处时,他们采取了合理措施,用排水管救助这只小狗长达持续了19小时。

    Animal control officers in Boise , Idaho took suitable action when they heard about a Jack Russell terrier caught in a tight spot , like a drainage pipe for some 19 hours .

  19. 奥斯卡提名者的照片在3月7日的颁奖晚会后将被张贴到从美国爱达荷州的博伊西到印度孟买的各个地方,还会出现在数不清的博客上面。奥斯卡还将拥有超过3500万的电视观众。

    The Academy Award nominees ' photos will be plastered from Boise to Bombay after the March 7 awards show , which will be watched by something north of 35 million television viewers & and seen on a gazillion blogs .

  20. 总部位于爱达荷州博伊西的美光最著名的业务是为移动电话和个人电脑提供大规模存储产品。该公司也为全世界的数据中心提供先进系统、高性能计算技术和闪存。

    While Micron is best known for bulk memory products that go into mobile phones and personal computers , the company , based in Boise , Idaho , also contributes to advanced systems for global data centers , high-performance computing and flash memory ,