
  • 网络Nanjing Brocade
  1. 第四部分,主要基于对南京云锦文化遗产保护的研究,上升至对南京云锦发展思路,方法的探究。

    The fourth part , mainly based on to the research of Nanjing Brocade cultural heritage protection , rises to discuss the further development and the method of Nanjing Brocade .

  2. 第三部分,主要从南京云锦的纹样的题材、南京云锦纹样的造型、构图方式及云锦纹样中的动静美上来讲述。

    The third part , mainly from nanjing brocade pattern of theme , nanjing brocade pattern modelling , the composition of the way and brocade pattern movement beauty " up " about .

  3. 论南京云锦艺术的传承与发展火腿肠保藏技术研究

    Research on Preservation and Development of Nanjing Brocade Art Preservation of Ham

  4. 这可是南京云锦博物馆的镇馆之宝。

    This is the treasure of the Nanjing Yunjin Museum .

  5. 中国南京云锦

    Nanjing Cloud - pattern Brocade of China

  6. 第五部分,基于对南京云锦的研究,上升至对传统手工艺传承与发展问题的探讨,提出一些建设性的想法。

    The fifth part describes the preservation and development of traditional crafts , and makes suggestions .

  7. 这些啊就是南京云锦。

    These are Nanjing 's Yunjin .

  8. 第一部分,主要讲述了研究南京云锦纹样的意义、方法及在研究背景等方面。第二部分,主要阐述了南京云锦的概述、历史文化内涵及其所反映的科学文化价值。

    The first part , mainly introduces the significance of research nanjing brocade pattern , method and the research background , etc. The second part , mainly expounds the overview of nanjing brocade , historical culture connotation and reflects the scientific and cultural value .

  9. 南京云锦是我国优秀的传统织锦工艺文化的杰出代表,其精湛的工艺、绚丽的色彩、多样的纹样题材和构图格式以及纹样所蕴涵的吉祥文化意义和象征意义都是值得我们去研究探索。

    Nanjing brocade is an excellent Chinese traditional culture and an outstanding delegate . It was worth to research the exquisite craft , the flowery color , the pattern theme , the composition of a picture formats , pattern of contained auspicious culture meaning and symbol significance .