
xié yì zú
  • protocol family
  1. 随着信息网络技术的快速发展,作为Internet基石的TCP/IP协议族正进行着一场前所未有的变革。

    With the fast development of information network technology , being the footstone of the Internet , TCP / IP protocol family is processing an unprecedented transformation .

  2. 对各种支持IPV6协议族的设备进行测试,必然要对其中的邻居发现协议进行测试。

    If you want to test the IPv6 protocol family implement of equipments , you may test ND protocol .

  3. 之后阐述了关于IEEEWAVE协议族以及智能交通系统中的相关技术点。

    Then related background knowledge of IEEE WAVE protocol stack and intelligent transport system is stated .

  4. 把TCP/IP协议族的网络通信技术应用于脉冲X射线数字成像系统。

    Network communication technology of TCP / IP protocol serves as application in pulse X-ray digital radiography system .

  5. IPSec(IPsecurity)是在IP层提供的安全服务的一系列协议族。

    IPSec ( IP Security ) is a protocol suite that providing security services on the IP layer .

  6. 介绍了TCP/IP协议族和ATM交换技术。

    This article introduces the link-tech of the ICP / IP protocol group and ATM .

  7. 其中,对于TCP/IP协议族中的两个最关键的协议TCP和IP协议作了重点的分析。

    Then make the particular analysis of the most important protocol of the TCP / IP stack-TCP and IP protocol .

  8. IPSec协议族是解决公用网上IP数据传输安全性的一个有效手段。

    IPSec protocol is an effective method to ensure the security of IP data transmission in public network .

  9. 文章首先介绍了组播会话管理的现状以及IP网络上最常用的会话管理协议族。

    Firstly , the paper introduces the status quo of session management and its protocol stack which is commonly deployed on current IP network .

  10. 第二章介绍了与动态位速率调整模块相关的H.323协议族和RTP/RTCP协议。

    The second chapter introduces related H. 323 protocols and RTP / RTCP protocols ;

  11. 在基于802.11协议族的无线WI-FI网络中,速率异常是一种普遍现象。

    Rate anomaly is a common phenomenon at wireless WI-FI network basing on 802.11 protocols .

  12. 本文在对TCP/IP协议族的常见协议以及Windows核心编程技术进行深入研究的基础上,对客户机/服务器模型和远程控制技术进行了深入的剖析。

    Based on the research of Windows ' programming technology and TCP / IP protocol , in this thesis the C / S model and remote control technology are analyzed .

  13. GMPLS是应用于控制平面的一个协议族,它是MPLS技术与光传输网技术相结合的产物。

    GMPLS is used in the control plane , and enhances MPLS with optical network characteristics .

  14. 它是针对TCP/IP协议族中缺乏安全保证而开发的,通过在IP层实现来解决安全问题。

    It is developed for lacks of security in TCP / IP protocol family , to add security stuff in IP layer . IPSEC can be divided into two parts .

  15. 本文探讨了在嵌入式设备中实现网络通信的技术难点,对实现嵌入式环境下的网络通信的TCP/IP协议族作了阐述分析。

    The paper discusses difficulty of technology to realize network communication in embedded devices . It represents and analyses TCP / IP suit for realizing network communication in embedded environment .

  16. H.323协议族定义了注册、允许和状态通道(RAS),呼叫建立通道,会议控制通道,实时流通道和数据通道;

    These protocols define the channels for RAS , call setup , conference control , real time stream and data .

  17. 在IPv6协议族中,邻居发现协议是一个基本协议,是一个必不可少的协议,它奠定了整个IPv6网络通信的基础。

    The Neighbor Discovery for IPv6 is the basis of IPv6 protocols and is the cornerstone of the communication between the IPv6 nodes in Networks .

  18. Intranet是企业内部的基于TCP/IP协议族的互连网络,它为企业的员工提供了信息共享和信息交流的手段。

    Intranet is an internet that is inside enterprise and bases on TCP / IP protocols . Intranet provides technique of information share and information exchange for employees of enterprise .

  19. Internet已走过了三十余年的历史,随着Internet越来越广泛的应用,作为Internet基础的TCP/IP协议族,也面临着各种各样的问题。

    The Internet has seen its 30 years , and as wider and wider the Internet has been deployed , the foundation of the Internet , TCP / IP protocol suite has been confronting with various problems .

  20. 文章根据TCP/IP协议族的体系结构,详细讨论了TCP/IP网络中网络层的基于IP协议本身所存在的安全隐患并提出了相应的防范策略和措施。

    According to the basic architecture of TCP / IP protocol family , this paper introduces the IP layer potential secu - rities and give us some suggestions or policies of improving TCP / IP network security .

  21. 在Internet中,TCP/IP协议族的稳定运行依赖于一些特定的假设:源节点与目的节点之间存在一条端到端的路径;往返时间不宜太长;具有较小的丢包率。

    In the Internet , the stable operation of TCP / IP protocol depends on some specific assumptions : there is an end to end path between the source and the destination ; the end-to-end loss and the TTL value are relatively small .

  22. 其网络接口模块分为:网络设备接口、网络接口核心、网络协议族及网络接口socket层。

    Interface modules of network are divided into interface of network device , the kernel of network interface , and the family of network protocol and socket layer of network interface .

  23. 在介绍TCP的时候把它当做TCP/IP互联网协议族的一部分,但它是一个独立的通用协议,也适用于别的传输系统。

    Although , traditionally , TCP is regarded as a part of the TCP / IP Internet Protocol Suite , but it is a generally independent protocol , and can be used in other transmission systems .

  24. IPSec是一个协议族,相关的技术主要有安全协议(AH/ESP)、密钥交换和管理协议以及加密和认证技术等。

    IPSec is a serial of protocols including IPSec security protocols ( AH / ESP )、 Internet Security Key Exchange and Management Protocols 、 Encrpytion and Authentication techniques etc.

  25. 介绍了清华大学研制的高性能安全路由器中基于IPSec协议族的路由器安全子系统的设计与实现。

    This article introduces the design and implementation of Router Security Subsystem based on IPSec , which is the part of High Performance Security Router made by Tsinghua University .

  26. TCP/IP协议族和Internet体系结构中安全和可靠性的缺乏是导致网络资源可用性的缺乏-网络拒绝服务(Network-DoS,N-DoS)发生的两个主要因素。

    The lack of security and reliability in the TCP / IP suite and the Internet infrastructure are the two major factors contributing to the lack of network resource availability - network DoS .

  27. 本文分析了TCP/IP协议族的特征及其漏洞,阐述了不同的网络拒绝服务是怎样利用这些漏洞的,研究了在基于互联网协议的网络中网络拒绝服务的检测和防御。

    This dissertation analyzes the features and vulnerabilities in the TCP / IP suite and Internet infrastructure , expatiates how to use these vulnerabilities for different N-DoS , and explores detection methods and defense strategies against N-DoS in Internet-protocol-based networks .

  28. 本文就是以PKI规范、PKCS协议族为基础,设计并开发了一套CA系统,系统的结构以层次结构设计。

    In this paper , we analyzed the design and implementation of a certificate system , which based on PKI specification and PKCS protocol , and the structure of certificate system is hierarchal .

  29. 具体分析研究了IPSec协议族的体系结构、工作模式和三个主要协议,包括验证头AH、封装安全载荷ESP、密钥管理IKE。

    Third , the article studies IPSec architecture , working mode and main protocols which include Authentication Header ( AH ), Encapsulating Security Payload ( ESP ) and Internet key exchange ( IKE ) .

  30. 为了满足嵌入式分布处理结构和网络应用的需求,嵌入式系统要求配备标准的网络通信接口,并需要TCP/IP协议族软件支持。

    In order to meet the requirement of the embedded system distributed processing structure and network application , it is needed to provide the standard network communication interface for embedded system , and TCP / IP protocol family software is required for supporting .