
xié biàn
  • covariation;covariant
协变[xié biàn]
  1. X2检验公式和r公式能够较好地反映桫椤群落在不同干扰强度作用下主要种间的协变关系,较客观地指示了联结种对在植物空间结构中的格局。

    X ~ 2-test and r formula were available to reflect interspecific covariation relationship of main populations in Alsophila spinulosa community in condition of different disturbance intensity . They also could be used to show pattern of association pairs on space structure .

  2. 人为干扰对桫椤群落植物种间协变影响的研究

    Study on Effect of Human Disturbance on Interspecific Covariation of Alsophila spinulosa Community

  3. baβ是“平面张量”的协变分量,叫做该曲面的曲率张量。

    The quantities ba β are the covariant components of a plane tensor , called the curvature tensor of the surface .

  4. 基于堆积能量和协变信息的RNA二级结构预测算法

    Prediction of RNA secondary structure based on stacking energy and covariance

  5. 为了匹配Java及支持J,.NET数组总是一个协变变量。

    In order to match Java and support J # , . NET arrays have always been co-variant .

  6. Maxwell方程组对于广义Lorentz变换的协变性

    The covariance of maxwell 's equations relative to the generalized Lorentz transformation

  7. 应用N个二能级原子和单模真空腔场相互作用,提出了一个1→2的相位协变量子克隆机的方案。

    We propose a scheme for1 → 2 phase-covariant quantum cloning machine ( PCCM ) with the interaction between N two-level atoms and a vacuum cavity field .

  8. 利用离散增量结合协变判别函数,选取氨基酸组份和N端氨基酸二肽组份为信息参数,对蛋白质亚核定位进行预测。

    Based on the increment of diversity and covariant discriminant function , the protein subnuclear location was predicted by using of the amino acid compositions and N-terminal dipeptide compositions .

  9. 黎曼流形上的弱协变微分与Sobolev空间

    Weak covariant differentiation and Sobolev space on Riemannian manifolds

  10. 另一方面,泛型不是协变的,List不是List的子类型,试图在要求List的位置提供List是一个类型错误。

    On the other hand , generics are not covariant ; List is not a subtype of List , and attempting to supply a List where a List is demanded is a type error .

  11. 本文运用协变方法和么正方法,分别给出了W-N理论和H-N理论量子宇宙波函数的单圈修正;并且讨论两种算法的差异性及矢量-张量引力理论的可行性。

    We calculated the one - loop correction of W - N theory with unitary approach and H - N theory with covariant approach , then discussed the difference between the two approaches .

  12. Chung理论,建立了相对协变的螺旋振幅分析方法,把分波法和相移分析纳入理论,进行统一表述。

    In this part , method of partial waves and phase-shift analysis are brought into the theory .

  13. 规范协变理论中的Casimir效应

    The Casimir effect in a gauge covariant field theory

  14. 通过在一个没有引力场的局部惯性系中给出洛伦兹张量方程,再从局部惯性系转化到一般坐标系,从而得到经典力学含gμv和Γ0μv的普遍协变方程。

    It 's deduce the general covariance expression of classical mechanics through giving Lorentz tensor equation in a locally inertial frame without gravity first , and then transforming it to a general frame of reference .

  15. 追溯过去,C和VB都支持数组协变(out/IEnumerable情况),尽管在逆变的情况下这会导致运行时错误(in/IWriter情况)。

    On a historical note , C # and VB both support array covariance ( out / IEnumerable scenario ) even though it can lead to runtime errors in contravariant situations ( in / IWriter scenario ) .

  16. Vaidya时空中的广义乌龟坐标变换和协变反常

    Covariant Anomalies and General Tortoise Coordinate of Vaidya Black Hole

  17. NET4将在接口和委托上支持安全的协变和逆变。

    NET4 will support safe co-and contra-variance on interfaces and delgates .

  18. 通配符在类型系统中的作用部分来自其不会发生协变(covariant)这一特性。

    The utility of wildcards in the type system comes partially from the fact that generic types are not covariant .

  19. 众所周知,Newton引力理论有一些无法解决的疑难,例如万有引力定律方程式的非洛伦兹协变性、水星近日点的附加进动等。

    It is well known that , Newton 's gravitational theory has some intrinsic difficulties , such as the non-Lorentz covariant of the gravitational field , the orbital precession of Mercury etc. .

  20. 由理想气体方程、黑体辐射的Planck分布及松原函数的协变性给出运动温度收缩关系的新论证;

    The covariance of the state equation about ideal gas , Planck_law about black body radiation and thermodynamic Matsubara_function gives new proof of motion_temperature contraction .

  21. 一旦全面推出,对其能做的唯一改变就是添加协变和/或逆变标记(在VB和C中表示为“in”和“out”)。

    Once released into the wild , the only change that can be made to it is adding the covariant and / or contravariant markers ( expressed as " in " and " out " in VB and C # ) .

  22. 但是如果ln是li的别名,那么这就破坏了蕴含在li定义中的类型安全承诺&它是一个整数列表,这就是泛型类型不能协变的原因。

    But if ln were aliased with li , then it would break the type-safety promise implicit in the definition of li & that it is a list of integers , which is why generic types cannot be covariant .

  23. 具有五维完整协变的Kaluza-Klein理论

    Kaluza-Klein theory with five-dimensionally complete covariance

  24. 具体来讲,本文主要包括以下两部分的内容和结果:一、提出了一种基于堆积协变信息和最小自由能的同源RNA含伪结二级结构迭代预测算法。

    The thesis mainly includes two sections of following contents and conclusions . ( 1 ) Based on stacking covariance and minimum free energy , the thesis presents an iteration algorithm to predict the consensus structure with pseudoknots of homology RNA sequences .

  25. 研究了描述原子核裂变过程的Langevin方程和Fokker-Planck方程的协变性,给出了动力学参数的坐标交换规律。

    The covariant form of the Langevin equation and the Fokker-Planck equation describing the nuclear fission process is studied . The transformations of dynamical parameters are given .

  26. 讨论了Finsler流形的体积形式,讨论了当平均协变为0时,Finsler流形的球体体积增长的下界;

    By discussing the volume form of a Finsler manifold , this paper gives the lower boundary of the volume growth provided that the mean covariance vanishes .

  27. 本文从Lorentz协变方程和推迟势出发,讨论了在脉冲星表面磁层强磁场条件下电子的运动和辐射。

    This paper , taking lorentz covariant equation and retarded potential as starting point , is to discuss the motion and radiation of electron under circumstance of strong magnetic field in magnetic lager of pulsar surface .

  28. 基于张量分析,本文在任意曲线坐标系中导出了用原始变量表达的Navier-Stokes(以下简称N-S)方程组弱守恒型通用形式,其中速度采用了逆变或协变分量;

    A general weak conservative form of Navier-Stokes equations expressed with respect to non-orthogonal curvilinear coordinates and with primitive variables was obtained by using tensor analysis technique , where the contravariant and covariant velocity components were employed .

  29. Einstein-Cartan引力理论中的广义协变守恒定律

    General conversation laws in Einstein-Cartan theory

  30. 谈话法在大学生个性化思想政治教育中的运用Einstein-Cartan引力理论中的广义协变守恒定律

    Use of Conversation to College Students Personalization in Ideological and Political Education GENERAL CONVERSATION LAWS IN EINSTEIN-CARTAN THEORY