
  • 网络Demigod;Demi-god
  1. 半神半人是神只与凡人所生的后代。

    A demigod is the offspring of a god and a mortal .

  2. 崇拜半神的神职人员也是十分的稀有。

    Priesthoods based on the worship of a demigod are extremely rare .

  3. 从林守护者是半神塞纳留斯的儿子们。

    The enchanted Keepers are the favored sons of the demigod Cenarius .

  4. 他是个主宰风和海的半神

    He was the demigod of the wind and sea .

  5. 而且他们的半神照旧规避在森林里!

    And their demigod still lurks in the forest !

  6. 那他是什么?算半神半人吗?

    What is he , then ? Does that make him a demigod ?

  7. 只有少数的半神拥有显示其荣耀的神殿。

    Few demigods have temples built in their honor .

  8. 他们把他当作半神和神秘的导师。

    They considered him a demigod and mysterious teacher .

  9. 毛伊主宰风和海的半神

    Maui , demigod of the wind and sea

  10. 半神在魔兽世界里属于不朽种族,但他们既非无所不知也非无所不能。

    Demigods in Warcraft are immortal , but they are neither omniscient nor omnipotent .

  11. 半神人们在无生命的苍天之上四处巡视,他们并不在意你们。

    Demigods patrol the lifeless expanse above , and they don 't care about you .

  12. 然而与神不同的是,大多数半神从来没有被当作膜拜的对象。

    Nevertheless , unlike gods , most demigods have never been the objects of worship .

  13. 已经有几个半神在远古战争时期被恶魔杀死。

    Several demigods were killed during the War of the Ancients , overwhelmed by demons .

  14. 主宰风和海的半神

    Demigod of the wind and sea !

  15. 我并不是天生的半神

    I wasn 't born a demigod .

  16. 除非你不想做回从前的毛伊那个主宰风和海的半神所有人的大英雄

    Unless you don 't wanna be Maui , Demigod of the Wind and Sea , Hero to all

  17. 他们不是为迎战威胁,而是像强权下跪,就像面对半神一样。

    Instead of standing up to threats , they kneel to the powerful as if before a demigod .

  18. 他主张“逻各斯”是神圣的但并非上帝,是半神半人。

    He taught that the " logos " was divine but less than god , a sort of demigod .

  19. 面临着危机的展开,塞纳留斯教给玛法里奥所有他能做的事,然后开始搜寻艾泽拉斯大陆上的其他半神。

    As the crisis unfolded , Cenarius taught Malfurion all he could and then sought out the other demigods of Azeroth .

  20. 在泰兰德的帮助下,伊利丹控制住了自己,并帮助兄弟找到了隐居的半神塞纳留斯。

    However , with Tyrande 's patient support , he was able to restrain himself and help his brother find the reclusive demigod , Cenarius .

  21. 具有典型意义的是,它们总是讲述创造世界与人类的神和半神的活动以及宗教礼仪的起源。

    Typically they deal with the activities of gods and demigods , the creation of the world and its inhabitants , and the origins of religious rituals .

  22. 某些证据表明梅利凯在人类的崛起前曾是一个精灵半神,因此她也常展现出人类和精灵的混和特征。

    There is some evidence that mielikki was an elven demigoddess before the rise of humans , and she is often depicted with mixed Elven and human features .

  23. 他的命运不是神只、也不是半神、更不是人所能知悉的;但他已消除垢秽,变得受人敬重;我会叫他做婆罗门。

    He whose destiny neither the gods nor demigods nor men do know , he who has destroyed defilements and become worthy , him I call a Brahman .

  24. 强大的神和半神血统的人类女性-这是在宗教史上的一个共同的主题,就非常怪异了。

    Powerful gods and demi-gods impregnating human women - it 's a common theme in the history of religion , and it 's more than a little rapey .

  25. 随着继续依据半神指导的暗夜精灵人数逐渐的减少,塞纳留斯伤心的意识到他所有的努力已经化为泡影。

    The number of night elves pursuing their studies with the demigod dwindled , and Cenarius was grieved to realize that all his work had been for naught .

  26. 其他半神对于联手合作的提议表示不接受,结果塞纳留斯费了很大的力气去说服他们最终同意一起行动。

    They were unaccustomed to the idea of working together ; as a result , it took no little persuasion from Cenarius before they finally agreed on a course of action .

  27. 在暗夜精灵的传说中,阿莱克斯塔萨与半神塞纳留斯是非常亲密的朋友,在燃烧军团第一次入侵的过程中,正是塞纳留斯召唤她参战的。

    Rumors among the night elves suggest Alexstrasza and the demigod Cenarius were close friends , and that it was he that called her during the first invasion of the Burning Legion .

  28. 目的很清楚,尽管有理智上的问题,但否认的是阿里乌主义,主张的是耶稣不是创造物或半神,而是神。

    The purpose was dear , to deny Arian ism and to assert that , in spite of the intellectual difficulties involved , Jesus was not a creature or a demigod but god .

  29. 这3个暗夜精灵决定寻找塞纳留斯必然是一场刺激的冒险,尽管实际上他们并不比他们其他的族人更相信这个半神。

    The three night elves decided that it would be an exciting adventure to search for Cenarius , though in truth they no more believed in the demigod than the rest of their people did .

  30. 众人把他当半个神来崇拜。

    People worship this guy like he 's a demigod .