
  • 网络halftrack;half-track
  1. 盟军M3半履带车和吉普车装甲不再对投射武器具有很高的抵抗力。如何对抗红外成像制导武器也已成为世界各国研究的重要课题。

    Allied M3 Halftrack and Jeep armor is no longer highly resistant to projectile ammunition . Four kinds of IR imaging guidance countermeasure technique were presented and analyzed .

  2. 装甲精英步兵半履带车造价由240人力/15油料增加为240人力/20油料。

    Panzer Elite Infantry Halftrack cost increased from 240mp / 15fuel to 240mp / 20fuel .

  3. 不过,德国人不是经常有坦克可用,但是装甲掷弹兵和半履带车是一直都有的!

    However , the Germans did not always have tanks , but Panzergrenadiers and half-tracks were always there !

  4. 软地面半履带式气垫车的功率分析

    Power Analysis of a Semi-track , Air-cushion Vehicle on Soft Terrain

  5. 半履带式气垫车的模糊控制系统

    Fuzzy Control System of a Semi-tracked Air cushion Vehicle

  6. 半履带式气垫车最佳载荷分配比的研究

    Study on Optimal Load Distribution Ratio of a Semi track Air Cushion Vehicle

  7. 本文从理论上分析了半履带式气垫车的重量匹配和功率匹配关系,提出了最小功率消耗时的理论模型及车辆的最佳工作点。

    In this paper the relation between the load distribution and the power distribution is analyzed , and the theoretical model and the operation optima of the vehicle are put forward as the gross power consumption is minimized .