
  • 网络Duodenal diverticulum;duodenal diverticula
  1. 方法:对经MSCT和上消化道钡餐(GI)检查确诊的60例十二指肠憩室患者的临床和影像资料进行回顾性分析。

    Methods : Clinical materials and imaging findings of60 patients with duodenal diverticulum provided by MSCT and GI were retrospectively analysed .

  2. 结论MRCP对发现十二指肠憩室较为敏感,也非常准确,并能显示某些并发症;

    Conclusion MRCP is sensitive and accurate in detecting duodenal diverticulum , and furthermore can show some of it 's complications .

  3. 目的:探讨MSCT对十二指肠憩室的诊断价值。

    Objective : To discuss the value of MSCT in diagnosis of duodenal diverticula .

  4. Roux-Y吻合在十二指肠憩室旷置术中的应用

    The application of Roux - Y anastomosis in gastroenterostomy of duodenal diverticulum

  5. 方法对63例疑有十二指肠憩室的患者行低张饮水前、后MRCP检查,比较低张饮水前、后MRCP的影像表现及其对十二指肠憩室的显示率。

    Methods A total of 63 patients with the presumed diagnostic duodenal diverticulum were studied by the routine MRCP and the MRCP before and after hypoisotonic drinking water , and Their radiological characteristics were analyzed .

  6. 结论PCS最为常见的病因为胆管结石和胆管狭窄,其他较为少见原因包括十二指肠憩室、Oddi括约肌运动功能障碍、胆囊管残留过长、残余小胆囊及非胆道疾病等。

    Conclusions The biliary stone and stricture of bile are the most common etiology in PCS. The other causes include duodenal diverticulum , dysfunction of Oddi sphincter , more remnant of cholecyst duct and residual mini gallbladder and non-biliary tract diseases .

  7. 在非梗阻性病例中,MRCP可清楚描绘胆囊结石、胆系术后改变及含液丰富的病变(胰腺假性囊肿、总胆管囊肿、十二指肠憩室等)与胰胆管之间的毗邻关系。

    In the patients with no obstructive jaundice , MRCP could manifested the gallbladder stones , the changes after bile duct surgery and anatomic relation between pancreatic biliary duct and the diseases with abundant fluid ( pancreatic pseudocysts , choledochal cysts , duodenal diverticulum ) .

  8. 十二指肠憩室及其并发症的临床及X线特征

    Clinical and radiological features of the duodenal diverticulum and its complication

  9. 目的:探讨十二指肠憩室的外科治疗。

    Objective : To study the operative treatment of duodenal diverticulosis .

  10. 十二指肠憩室手术治疗42例分析

    Surgical treatment of duodenal diverticulum : An analysis of 42 cases

  11. 结论老年人巨大十二指肠憩室症状无特异性,当有并发症时应该采取手术治疗。

    Conclusion There are no specific symptoms of giant duodenal diverticulum in elder .

  12. 老年人十二指肠憩室的探讨

    Explorations on the Duodenum Diverticulum of the Aged

  13. 目的:探讨十二指肠憩室的诊断和治疗方式的选择。

    Objective : To investigate the method of diagnosis and treatment of duodenal diverticulum .

  14. 十二指肠憩室诊断与治疗

    Diagnosis and Surgical Treatment of Duodenal Diverticulum

  15. 低张饮水前后磁共振胰胆管成像对十二指肠憩室的诊断价值探讨

    A comparative study of MRCP before and after hypoisotonic drinking water in diagnosis of duodenal diverticulum

  16. 目的:探讨十二指肠憩室定位性诊断和术式选择。

    Objective : To investigate the method of topographic diagnosis and surgical treatment of duodenal diverticulum .

  17. 目的探讨老年人巨大十二指肠憩室的临床表现、诊断和治疗手段。

    Objective To discuss the clinical manifestations , diagnosis and treatment of giant duodenal diverticulum in elder .

  18. 探讨老年人十二指肠憩室病及其并发症的诊断和治疗。

    To discuss the diagnosis and therapy of duodenal diverticulum in elderly patients with or without complication .

  19. 结果:60例患者共发现十二指肠憩室73个,其中乳头旁憩室58个。

    Results : In 60 patients , 73 duodenal diverticula were detected , 58 of whom were JPD .

  20. 结果十二指肠憩室出血7例,治愈5例,好转2例。

    Results In 7 cases with duodenal diverticulum bleeding , 5 cases were cured , 2 cases was improved .

  21. 结肠憩室几乎均为多发性,十二指肠憩室常发生于壶腹周围部位。

    Colon resting room all is much hair sex almost , duodenum resting room often happens at crock abdomen all round place .

  22. Ⅴ级损伤3例,十二指肠憩室化术2例;行急诊胰十二指肠切除术1例。

    In 3 cases of grade ⅴ damage , duodenal diverticulization was performed in 2 cases and emergency pancreaticoduodenectomy in 1 patient .

  23. 1例Ⅳ继损伤性十二指肠憩室化手术,死亡。放射性核素显像对梅克尔憩室的诊断价值

    A patient with Grade ⅳ injury was treated by Berne operation and died . Diagnostic Value of Radionuclide Imaging for Meckels Diverticulum in Children

  24. 方法回顾性分析34例憩室的诊断和治疗,总结十二指肠憩室的诊治经验。

    Methods Diagnosis and treatment were retrospectively reviewed for 34 patients with duodenal diverticula to summarize the experience in diagnosis and treatment of duodenal diverticula .

  25. 结果:十二指肠憩室病人应严格掌握手术适应症,而术式选择是手术成功的关键。

    Results : To hold the indication strictly , and to choice the method of operation are the most important reasons to treat duodenal diverticulosis successfully .

  26. 结论胃肠造影是发现和诊断十二指肠憩室的主要方法,有症状十二指肠憩室的手术治疗效果确切。

    Conclusion Upper digestive tract barium radiography was the major methods in the diagnosis of duodenal diverticulum . The surgical treatment was advisable for the patients with symptom .

  27. 十二指肠憩室1例,胆汁返流性胃炎10例,功能性消化不良5例,慢性胰腺炎1例,溃疡病1例,采用内科保守治疗好转。

    There were respectively 1 duodenal diverticulum , 10 bile back flow gastritis , 5 functional dyspepsia , 1 chronic pancreatitis and 1 ulcer , which were cured via expectant treatment .

  28. 十二指肠憩室的胆石和胰腺炎并发率分别为34.2%和10.1%,且降段憩室并发率显著高于非降段憩室(P<0.05)。

    The incidence of cholelithiasis and pancreatitis in patients with duodenal diverticula was 34.2 % and 10.1 % respectively . And the incidence of cholelithiasis and pancreatitis in descending segment was significantly higher than that in non descending segment ( P < 0.05 ) .

  29. 胃肠钡餐和CT提示十二指肠巨大憩室(直径大于10cm)。

    Barium meal and CT examination showed that there was a giant diverticulum ( > 10 cm in diameter ) in the duodenum of 3 patients .

  30. 继结肠源,十二指肠是憩室最多见的部位。

    After the colon , the duodenum is the most common site for diverticula .