- 名medical insurance;Medicare;insurance for medical care

Medical insurance is very pricey .
We balance the benefits against the costs of medical insurance .
' Medicare ' is available to victims of advanced kidney disease
Health insurance costs are eating up his income .
Should doctors consider Medicare 's budget in deciding what to use ?
It excludes taxes , transfers , and compensation like employer-provided health insurance .
This proposal could save Medicare more than $ 100 billion over the next decade .
Congress needs to find the courage to allow Medicare to pay preferentially for treatments proven to be superior .
The House bill would authorize the secretary of health and human services to negotiate drug prices in Medicare and Medicaid .
The one in the House bill would have to negotiate rates with providers , rather than using Medicare rates , as many reformers wanted .
Medicare could save hundreds of millions of dollars a year if everyone used the cheaper drug , Avastin , instead of the costlier one , Lucentis .
As a result , the bills do not require , as they should , that the results of these studies be used to set payment rates in Medicare .
The health care program has already covered 1.3 billion people .
W : Yes , we have an excellent retirement plan and medical insurance as well .
They had been forced to stop making the payments on Alice 's health insurance since her company had doubled employee responsibility .
The Design of the Medical Insurance Trade System Based on Medium Component Tuxedo
You may be able to continue coverage via COBRA , but be sure before you resign .
The risk of a debt default over the combustible issue of the Medicare deficit hangs over the course of the stock market .
The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act ( HIPAA )
Mr Obama said on Saturday in Grand Junction , Colorado , the public option was not the entirety of reform , even though it remained his preferred means to push down insurance costs .
Given that Mr Ryan is the only politician of note to have proposed a drastic cutback to Medicare , the largest and most popular item on the federal budget , his selection took courage .
Delays in payment usually aren 't deliberate on the client 's part , notes Sara Horowitz , who founded and runs Freelancers Union , a Brooklyn-based nonprofit association that offers health insurance and other resources to the self-employed .
US national debt has risen to $ 14000bn and the unfunded liabilities of social security and Medicare combined are now more than $ 1 00000 BN . How can this be financed without further devaluation ?
Lee In-sook , who lost both her mother and a sister to cancer , considers additional private health insurance a necessity , even though it is expensive .
President Barack Obama 's hopes of overhauling the US 's inefficient and inequitable healthcare system moved a giant step closer to being realised on Thursday , when the Senate passed a sweeping reform bill that would see 94 per cent of Americans with health insurance .
Instead , the plans all aim to cover costs with big savings on Medicare , the public programme for the elderly and many Medicare recipients doubt the assurance that their services will not worsen as a result .
But increased medical cover , through programmes such as Medicare for the elderly and Medicaid for the poor , will further increase the role of the public sector , which already accounts for the majority of US drug purchases .
Today the influential group the American Academy of Pediatrics ( AAP ) declared that the procedure is , indeed , beneficial-and that it should be covered by public and private health insurance plans . The recommendation was published online August 27 in pediatrics .
She had health insurance , a pension and job security .
Analyzing Health Insurance Reform in China : A Welfare Pluralist Perspective