
  • 网络Regional market
  1. 笔者在保健品行业有多年的工作经验,在北京DHS公司也负责过两年的区域市场的开发,对护眼类保健品市场有一定的了解。

    As a veteran in health products marketing , the author had taken in charge of regional market development for DHS and acquired a quite recognition towards the market for eye-protecting products .

  2. 副国务卿Sherman阐述了2022互联计划如何使地区受益。他提到,新的区域市场规则已经落实到位,这将改善能源投资的商业环境。

    Articulating a vision for how Connect 2022 can benefit the region , Under Secretary Sherman noted that new regional market rules have been put in place that will improve the business climate for energy investments .

  3. K公司洗发用品东北区域市场营销策略的研究

    Research on Sell-Strategies of Shampoo Productions by Corporation K in the Northeast Region Market

  4. 比如说,当1996年法案改变了关于收购的相关规定以后,clearchannelcommunications公司通过购买各个区域市场的无线电站来建立其业务。

    For instance , clear channel communications built its business by buying radio stations in many geographic markets when te Telecommunications Act of 1996 changed the regulations regarding such acquisitions .

  5. 本文的研究成果,对ZJ市卷烟市场核心品牌的培育模式及过程有一定的实际参考价值,并达到夯实国产卷烟品牌区域市场基础、增强企业的核心竞争力的目的。

    The results of research has certain practical reference value to the cultivating mode and process of the core brands in ZJ cigarette market , more over , it can firm the regional market foundation of domestic cigarette brand , thus improve the core competitiveness of the enterprise .

  6. 华东区域市场月度购电决策模型实证比较

    Empirical Comparison on Monthly Purchasing Models for East China Regional Market

  7. 区域市场是全国统一市场的有机组成部分。

    Regional market is an organic part of the national market .

  8. 目前世界天然气正处于由区域市场向全球市场过渡的发展阶段。

    Gas is in transition from regional markets to global market .

  9. 中小白酒企业的区域市场营销与管理

    Marketing and Management of Regional Market for Medium-scale and Small-scale Liquor Enterprises

  10. 试析区域市场合作的博弈

    An Analysis of Regional Market Cooperation With Game Theory

  11. 品牌区域市场资源竞争及品牌分布规律

    Study on the Region Market Resource Competition and Distribution Rules of the Brands

  12. 区域市场地位变得更加重要;

    The status of regional market becomes more important ;

  13. 它将深化区域市场之间的联系。

    It will deepen the connections among regional markets .

  14. 品牌区域市场经济行为模型分析

    Model analysis for the regional market behavior of brands

  15. 中国现在是该公司仅次于美国的第二大区域市场。

    China is now the company 's second-biggest regional market behind the US .

  16. 完善区域市场网络促进城市化发展

    Optimize the Regional Market Network Promote the Urbanization Process

  17. 东北区域市场中长期交易安全校核改进方法

    An Improved Security Correction Method for Medium and Long-term Transaction of Northeast Electricity Market

  18. 新疆区域市场发育状况分析

    An Analysis of Xinjiang Regional Market Developmental Situation

  19. 黑龙江省区域市场一体化的制度创新与环境优化研究

    Research on System Innovation and Circumstance Improvement of United Regional Market in Heilongjiang Province

  20. 汉堡储蓄银行:深耕区域市场

    Hamburger Sparkasse : Penetrate the Regional Market

  21. 中国期刊的区域市场特征

    Characteristics of Periodical Regional Market in China

  22. 处于经济现代化时期的今天,研究区域市场问题可以说是一项具有重大理论意义的课题。

    In contemporary times the study of regional markets is significant both theoretically and practically .

  23. 在对现有的方法进行比较分析后,最终选取价格相对方差来衡量区域市场一体化程度。

    After an analysis of the current methods , the price relative mean-variance is chosen .

  24. 论区域市场与统一市场

    On Regional Market and Unified Markets

  25. 选择定则的分类与计算产品随机选择与运输的跨区域市场均衡

    THE CLASSIFICATION AND CALCULATION OF SELECTION RULE Stochastic Spatial Price Equilibrium with Transporation Competition and Congestion

  26. 1985~2007年京津冀区域市场一体化水平测度与过程分析

    Study on the level and procedure of Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei metropolitan regional market integration from 1985 to 2007

  27. 长三角区域市场的地区分割&基于边界效应模型的分析

    Market Segmentation in the Yangtze River Delta Region & Based on the Analysis of the Border-effect Model

  28. 其次,加强大别山区各县经济联系,培育区域市场体系。

    Second , though consolidating the economic link , Dabie mountainous area can cultivate the market system .

  29. 地方保护和行政壁垒严重阻碍了泛珠三角经济区市场一体化进程。增强该区域市场的统一性,客观上要求塑造具有高度权威性的协调机关;

    Local protection and administrative barriers have severely hindered the integration process of the Pan-Pearl River Delta .

  30. 正确确定企业的竞争定位,明确界定企业的进入领域,实施市场细分和区域市场选择策略,并以此获得市场机会;

    Making correct competition position . Regional market choosing and market segmentation are crucial for taking market opportunities ;