
  • 网络district center;Davenport Perth Neighbourhood Centre;RC-IRBM;EPCOT Center
  1. LSA外侧缘与主动脉弓的交汇点到高速血流区中心点或内膜撕裂口的距离数值(BD)的变化,反映了主动脉弓降段形态扭曲度的改变情况。

    LSA lateral margin of the aortic arch and the intersection of the high-speed flow of endometrial district center or tear away from the mouth numerical ( B D ), reflecting a drop of the aortic arch shape distortion of the change .

  2. Tl2Ba2CuO6布里渊区中心声子模的计算

    Calculation of zone center phonon modes of tl_2ba_2cuo_6

  3. TEDA天桥及下沉广场&天津经济技术开发区中心区局部城市设计

    TEDA Pedestrian Overpass and Sunken Plaza & Partial Urban Design for the Central District of TEDA

  4. 靶区中心平均位置法的平均靶体积为(23.61±14.61)cm3。

    Cm 3 , the volume with mean target center was ( 23.61 ± 14.61 )? cm 3 .

  5. 基于实际的数值计算,讨论了Brillouin区中心Γ点手性管晶格振动模的分类;

    According to the numerical results , the classification of the vibration modes for chiral tubes at the center of Brillouin zone were analysed .

  6. 冷冻区中心CT值为负值,术后即刻CT检查病灶CT值平均下降30~50Hu(P<0.001)。随着氩氦刀冷冻治疗后时间延续,大部分肿块有不同程度的缩小或消失,同组治疗前后比较P<0.001。

    The center of refrigerant area show negative CT value , the mean decreased CT value of lesion instantly treatment were about 30-50 Hu with P < 0.001 . Most of lesions appear different smaller or disappear with the processing after Ar-He cryoablation ( P < 0.001 ) .

  7. 通过地震危险性概率分析计算,认为只有当潜在震源区中心点离场点距离(R)很近时,潜在震源区面积越小,地震烈度、地震动峰值加速度越大;

    Through seismic risk probability analysis , some useful results are obtained : when the distance ( R ) between construction site and center of potential seismic source area is very near , the smaller potential seismic source area is , the bigger seismic magnitude or peak acceleration ;

  8. 主要为了迎合国内游客的阿卡普尔科(Acapulco)实际上已经由于酒店区中心的频繁枪击事件而变得空空荡荡了。

    Acapulco , which caters mainly to domestic tourists , has virtually emptied thanks to frequent shootings in the heart of the hotel zone .

  9. HIFU组靶区中心亦为阴性表达,手术组及HIFU组靶区边缘皮肤组织的上述四种血管生长因子的阳性表达率均为100%,而表达细胞均为炎症细胞;

    The positive expression rates of all these factors in the specimens taken at the edge of targeted area in HIFU group and surgery group were 100 % and the positive cells were all the inflammation cells .

  10. 监测系统48h内调查率、14d内双份合格粪便标本采集率,标本7d内送达自治区中心及时率均为100%。

    The within-48-hour investigation rate of the monitoring system , the within-14-day sampling rate of double qualified stool specimens and the timeliness rate of sending the sample to the center of the autonomous region within 7 days were all 100 % .

  11. 局部晚期食管癌在三维适形放疗中靶区中心偏移的研究

    Iso-center shift during 3-dimensional conformal radiotherapy for locally advanced esophageal carcinoma

  12. 济南高新开发区中心广场规划设计

    Analysis of the planing of center square of Jinan High-tech Development Zone

  13. 广州市番禺区中心商务区的新形象

    Central Business District 's New Visualize of Panyu District , Guangzhou City

  14. 艾伯塔省南部的一座城市;是一个大的农业区中心。

    A city is S Alberta ; center of a large agricultural region .

  15. 这是我们杜区中心,留着它人人都会受益的。

    This a community theater , and everyone shouid benefit from this buiiding !

  16. 联合国人类住区中心(人居中心)

    United Nations Centre for Human Settlements ( UNCHS )

  17. 结论散瞳后瞳孔中心普遍发生偏移,根据其偏移量在术中对切削区中心作相应调整可提高彗差的矫正效果。

    Conclusions Pupil center shift after dilation is common .

  18. 我住在一个旧区中心的一家旅馆里。

    I stayed in a hotel in the centre of the old quarter .

  19. 拉加经委会/人类住区中心人类住区联合股

    Joint ECLAC / UNCHS Unit on Human Settlement

  20. 亚太经社会/人类住区中心联合人类住区股

    ESCAP / UNCHS Joint Unit on Human Settlements

  21. 沈阳旧居住区中心邻里空间环境改善研究

    Research on the Improvement of Central Neighborhood Space Environment of Shenyang Old Residence Area

  22. 寒地城市居住区中心绿地色彩设计

    The Color Design for the Central Green Spaces of Residential Areas in Winter Cities

  23. 提出了拿破仑定理在城市建设规划中确定新发展中心区中心位置时的应用。利用拿破仑定理可在老市区为任意形状时科学地确定新的发展中心区的位置。

    The Napoleon theorem was applied on siting the new center of urban developing district .

  24. 公路经改造后,到市场和大区中心的出行时间缩短了一半;

    Travel time to markets and district centers was cut by half after road rehabilitation .

  25. 松江区中心医院已暂停门诊服务,并为所有员工安排了核酸检测。

    The hospital has suspended outpatient services and arranged nuclear acid tests for all employees .

  26. 松江区中心医院已被关停,并在其入口处设置了格挡物。

    Songjiang Central Hospital has been locked down and barriers set up at its entrances .

  27. 谈海峡西岸经济区中心城市建设

    Construction of the key cities in the economic zone on the west side of the Straits

  28. 我出生于阿巴拉契山脉煤矿区中心的肯塔基州柏定市。

    I was born in Burdine , Kentucky , in the heart of Appalachian coal-mining country .

  29. 松江区中心医院表示,核酸检测是对其员工进行例行检测的一部分。

    The hospital said the test was done as part of routine testing of its employees .

  30. 锦州建设辽西沿海经济区中心城市的对策研究

    Research of Countermeasures for Building Economic Zones in Coastal Center Cities of Jinzhou in Western Liaoning