
  • 网络nato expansion
  1. 他们的议程中最大的难题,仍然是北约东扩和在中欧部署导弹防御系统。

    The most difficult issues on their agenda remain NATO expansion and the deployment of missile defense system in Central Europe .

  2. 本文认为,北约东扩主要是个政治决定,扩大的北约发挥的主要是政治功能,目标是尽快使东中欧国家融入北约和使其成功实现向西方政治和经济体系的转型。

    The NATO expansion is a political decision . An expanded NATO gives full play to political functions , aimed at merging East European nations into NATO and bringing about their transformation into the Western political and economic system .

  3. 北约东扩及其影响分析

    An Analysis on the Eastward Expansion of NATO and Its Impact

  4. 冷战后美国北约东扩战略的选择

    U.S. Strategic Option of NATO 's Expansion After Cold War

  5. 冷战后美国的全球战略与北约东扩

    American global strategy in the post-cold war and NATO enlargement

  6. 冷战后北约东扩与美欧关系

    NATO Enlargement and the Relations between U.S.A and Europe in Post-Cold War

  7. 北约东扩:历史地理规律的延续?

    Nato 's eastward expansion : continuation of the geographical law of history ?

  8. 北约东扩、美日同盟的加强与中国的地缘政治

    NATO 's Eastward Expansion , Strengthening of American-Japanese Alliance and China 's Geopolitics

  9. 北约东扩的发展趋势及其影响

    The Development and Impact of NATO 's Eastward Enlargement

  10. 北约东扩更使俄罗斯战略空间缩小,地缘环境日益恶化。

    NATO enlargement makes Russia face compressed strategic space and worsening geopolitical circumstance .

  11. 从根本上说北约东扩体现了美国主宰全球的战略意图。

    Fundamentally , east-expansion of NATO shows the American strategy purpose to control the earth .

  12. 北约东扩的历史由来&1985~1991年苏联、美国与东欧

    The Historical Cause of NATO Eastern Expansion & USSR , US and East Europe 1985 ~ 1991

  13. 第一部分分析了冷战后北约东扩的背景与进程。

    The first part analyses the background and process of east-expansion of NATO after the cold war .

  14. 俄和西方围绕北约东扩的大较量

    A Significant Trial of Strength between Russia and the West on the Issue of NATO 's Eastward Expansion

  15. 北约东扩的主要目的就是为了抑制俄罗斯,防止俄罗斯的重新崛起。

    Obviously , the purpose of NATO 's eastwards expansion is to restrain the Russia and to prevent the re-risen of Russia .

  16. 冷战后北约东扩的不断推进并不意味着北大西洋关系的团结与稳定。

    NATO 's continuous eastward expansion after the Cold War does not necessarily mean the unity and stability of the Northern Atlantic relations .

  17. 主要表现在:利用北约东扩和南进,挤压俄国,占领巴尔干;

    Which were manifested from the following aspects : squeezed Russia and occupied the Balkan as NATO expanded to the East and south ;

  18. 近年来,由于北约东扩、美国筹建国家导弹防御系统以及车臣战争的爆发。

    In recent years , Russia has come to realize that its national security is threatened by the NATO expansion to the east .

  19. 北约东扩的首要目标是限制俄罗斯的能力,确立以北约为核心的欧洲安全格局。

    This move by NATO is aimed primarily at containing Russia and setting up a pattern of European security with NATO at the core .

  20. 北约东扩是其夺取欧亚大陆地缘战略的需要和称霸世界的必然产物;

    The eastward expansion of NATO is the outcome of hegemonism and it is also the necessity for America to carry out its geo strategy .

  21. 第二部分分析了北约东扩的现实条件与战略意图,第三部分则分析了北约东扩中存在的障碍与影响。

    The second part analyses the reason and strategy purpose of east-expansion . The third part analyses the problem and influence of east-expansion of NATO .

  22. 与反对北约东扩的立场完全不同,俄罗斯默许并赞同欧盟东扩。

    Difference from its attitude to the eastward expansion of NATO , Russia is acquiescence to and in favor of the eastern enlargement of the EU .

  23. 在这次会见中,布什和罗伯逊讨论了一系列问题,其中包括伊拉克问题和北约东扩等。

    During the meeting , Bush and Lord Robertson discussed a series of problems and among them , the issue of Iraq and the expansion of NATO .

  24. 北约东扩以及围绕此间题展开的错综复杂的斗争,乃是新形势下美俄之间斗争的重要方面。

    NATO 's enlargement as well as complicated struggles related to this issue are prominent aspects in the US-Russian conflicts in the pre - sent evolving situation .

  25. 而对北约东扩,却持坚决反对的态度,一直到现在,还一直声称,北约东扩是一个错误。双东扩的政治学&北约和欧盟扩大及其对欧洲观念的影响

    They always express welcome and cooperating attitude to the eastern expansion of EU , while firmly appose to the eastern expansion of NATO . Political Science on Dual Eastern Expansion

  26. 北约东扩是指北约将前苏联加盟共和国和中东欧原社会主义国家纳入该组织。

    The east-expansion of NATO means NATO is going to bring those countries into its own organization , which include leagued commonwealth of pre-Soviet and original socialist countries in mid-east Europe .

  27. 1999年3月和2004年3月,喧嚷一时的北约东扩已实施了两轮,其新增成员国已覆盖了原华约大多数国家。

    That from March 1999 to March 2004 two rounds of the clamorous NATO eastern expansion were executed with its newly increased member countries covering most of the original Warsaw Pact countries .

  28. 北约东扩会对俄与西方关系及欧洲和世界地缘政治格局产生巨大而深远的影响。

    NATO 's eastward expansion will exert significant and far-reaching impact on Russia 's relations with the West and will influence to a great extent the geopolitical patterns in both Europe and the whole world .

  29. 为适应其全球战略需要并与北约东扩和强化美日军事同盟战略相呼应,美国制定了中亚战略。

    A strategy of Central Asia is therefore designed to suit the global strategies of the United States in response to the eastward expansion of NATO and the needs to reinforce the US military treaty with Japan .

  30. 北约东扩有着久远的地缘政治理论根基,马汉的海权论、麦金德的陆权论以及历史上德国的战争地缘政治学和法国的地缘政治学理论无不包含了对欧洲权力意义的论证。

    It has long historical linkage with the geopolitical theories , including Mahan 's " Sea-Power Theory ", Mackinder 's " Land-Power Theory ", and German " Geopolitik " and French " Geopolitique ", all of which had demonstrated the significance of European power .