
  • North Island;【地名】【日本】Kitajima
  1. 整整一周时间,我穿梭于南岛与北岛(NorthandSouthIslands),入住新西兰LuxuryLodges旗下多处酒店。

    In a week I had crossed between North and South Islands visiting some of the 31 properties that make up the Luxury Lodges of New Zealand .

  2. 北岛气候温和,常年绿草如茵。

    North island has a mild climate , perennial grass .

  3. 北岛和南岛由什么分隔开?

    What separates the North Island and the South island ?

  4. 它(新西兰)由两大岛组成:北岛和南岛。

    It is made up of two large islands : North Island and South Island .

  5. 介绍了高效蓄热式工业炉(北岛炉)的技术特点及其在工业生产上的应用效果。

    The technical characteristic and commercial application of North-Island highly efficient regenerative industrial furnaces are introduced .

  6. 马达加斯加岛的灵猫。首都惠灵顿位于北岛。

    Civet of Madagascar . Wellington , the capital city , lies on the North Island .

  7. 新西兰北岛的火山密度高居世界第一。

    The North Island of New Zealand has the highest concentration of volcanoes in the world .

  8. 人口接近一百万,位于北岛。

    It has a population of just under a million people and is located on North Island .

  9. 纽西兰的北岛以拥有温和的气候和可享受这宜人气候的海滩为傲;

    North Island in New Zealand sports a balmy climate and the beaches to make use of it ;

  10. 她由南岛和北岛两个年夜岛组成,年夜天色上可以划分为九父髦植区。

    New Zealand consists of two islands , the North and the South , and nine distinct growing regions .

  11. 从于坚和北岛、王家新诗歌看诗歌和生活的关系

    Through poems of Yu Jian , Bei Dao and Wang Jia-xin to see the relation between poem and life

  12. 北岛褐几维鸟还被国际自然及自然资源保护联盟列为濒危物种。

    North Island brown kiwis are listed as endangered by the International Union of Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources .

  13. 很多年轻女孩喜欢浪漫的朦胧诗,这是一种现代诗歌,以北岛、舒婷等为代表。

    Many young girls enjoy romantic misty poetry , a form of modern poetry represented by Bei Dao and Shu Ting .

  14. 南岛最大的河流是克鲁沙河,北岛最大的河流有2个,是怀卡托河和黄加雷河。

    The largest rivers in South Island is the clutha , and in the North Island is the Waikato and the wanganui .

  15. 世界上著名的间歇泉主要分布在冰岛、美国黄石公园和新西兰北岛的陶波。

    The famous geyser in the world mainly in Iceland , Yellowstone National Park , and New Zealand 's North Island Taupo .

  16. 北岛是塞舌尔共和国的旅游圣地,位于非洲东海岸的群岛附近。

    North Island is a secluded resort in the Seychelles , a small cluster of islands off the Eastern coast of Africa .

  17. 他们带着狗、鼠和植物,主要定居在气候较为温暖的北岛。

    They brought dogs , rats and plants with them and settled mainly on the North Island where the weather was warmer .

  18. 北岛以一个地区的温泉而著称,其中的一些温泉喷到空中的水很高。

    The North Island is famous for an area of hot springs , some of which throw hot water high into the air .

  19. 朦胧诗那一代诗人们,如北岛、江河、杨炼等,我们谈得不多。

    Poets in the generation of Misty poetry , such as Bei Dao , Jianghe , Yang Lian , we had not talked much .

  20. 位于北岛的陶波城被认为是全球跳伞之都,它拥有每年最多的多人串联跳伞次数。

    Taupo , in the north island , is considered the world 's skydiving capital , with the highest number of tandem jumps per year .

  21. 新西兰是个重要的农业国,北岛以养牛业为主,多丘陵的南岛则放牧羊群。

    New Zealand is an important agricultural country , with cattle farming on the North island , while the hilly South Island has more sheep farms .

  22. 由于南岛的人口比北岛少,喜爱独自和原始海滩的人在此将会讶于他们的好运。

    As fewer people live on South Island than on North island , those who crave solitude and pristine beaches will be amazed at their luck here .

  23. 本文试图采用文本细读的方式,以诗歌意象为中心,就其变化来考察北岛诗歌风格的变化。

    This article attempts , based on careful perusal , to examine the change of style in Bei Dao 's poems with the poetic images as center .

  24. 这种怀疑和批判,不只是针对所处的环境,而且也涉及人自身的分裂状况;这是北岛“深刻”的地方。

    The skepticism and criticism , which accounts for Bei Dao 's profundity , involve not only the relevant surrounding but also the division of men themselves .

  25. 北半球的英格兰和爱尔兰群岛以及南半球的北岛和南岛就是这样的一种巧合。

    The islands of England and Ireland in the Northern Hemisphere and the islands of North Island and South Island in the Southern Hemisphere are just such a coincidence .

  26. 特别是置于华文文学创作这个大的背景之下,北岛的散文创作不应仅仅看作是一种文学现象,更成为一种文化现象。

    Chinese literature in particular , placed in the context of this large , Bei Dao prose should not be viewed merely as a literary phenomenon and became a cultural phenomenon .

  27. 这首作品的音频织体来源于天气科研站的声化数据,数据测量了位于北岛中部采矿地的二氧化碳排出量。

    The audio texture for this piece is sourced from sonified data from a scientific weather station which measures the CO2 emissions from a mining site in the central North Island .

  28. 研究队冒险来到了新西兰北岛的南端,并将爆炸性浆液倒入许多50米(160英尺)深的钢制隔热钻孔中。

    The team ventured to the southern tip of New Zealand 's North Island and poured explosive slurry into a series of 50-meter-deep ( 160 ft ) , steel-insulated bore holes .

  29. “雷纳”号5日在新西兰北岛东部附近海域触礁,货轮前半段扎入暗礁,后半段浮在水面。

    " Reina " No.5 in eastern North Island of New Zealand waters near the rocks , cargo tie into the first half of the reef , half floating in the water .

  30. 北岛富有特色的地形风貌莫过于有着三座活火山的中部火山区,以及以热泉、歇泉和沸腾的泥浆为特征的地热活动。

    A special feature of the north island is the central volcanic region with three still active volcanic peeks and internal activity featuring hot springs , geysers , and boiling mud pools .