
láo dònɡ shǒu duàn
  • means (or instruments) of labour
  1. 先进的科学技术只有凝聚在劳动对象和劳动手段上,体现为先进的设备、材料和工艺(统称为物化劳动),才能成为现实生产力,从而提高劳动生产率。

    Advanced science and technology become productive forces raising productivity only if applied to the objects and means of labour , in the form of advanced equipment , material and process , i.e. materialized labour .

  2. 智能化的高科技劳动手段也创造和形成价值

    The Value Can Be Made by Labor Instruments with High Intelligence

  3. 其次,它包含物的因素,这就是由劳动手段的自然富源引为的制造生产工具的物质材料。

    Secondly , it contains material element , that is the material for making production tool .

  4. 固定资产对一个企业来说是其主要的劳动手段,固定资产的投资间接得影响到了一个经济体的产出。

    Summary of fixed assets of an enterprise is the main means of labor , fixed assets investment was affected indirectly , an economy 's output .

  5. 以劳动手段改造罪犯是基于马克思主义的认识论和劳动学说而产生的,是我国社会主义社会改造罪犯的一个特色。

    The arising of labor reform of offenders , which based on the Marxist theory of knowledge and labor theory , is one of features of the reform of offenders in our socialist society .

  6. 马克思在《资本论》中这样写到:要认识已经灭亡的动物物种的身体组织,研究遗骨的构造是重要的;要判断已经灭亡的经济社会形态,研究劳动手段的遗物,有相同的重要性。

    Marx writes about like this in " Das Kapital ": Must know already perished the animal species bodily organization , the research remains structure was important ; Must judge the economic society shape which already perished , the research means of labor relic , had the same importance .

  7. 教师教学个性与教学风格、教学艺术的相同点表现在本质相同、追求个性发展的目标相同、创造性的劳动手段相同和表现风格相似;差异表现在三者的成熟度不同。

    The common of Teachers ' teaching personality , teaching style and teaching art sums up like : same essence , same goal of pursuing personal development , same labor style of creativity , and similar express style . The differences of these three points are different maturity level .

  8. 这个相互影响的关系,体现在人以劳动为手段来人化自然时,其自身也为自然所自然化之上。

    That is , once applying labour as a mediator to " humanizing " nature , humans in the meantime are also " naturalized " during the process of labouring over nature .

  9. 约定竞业禁止是以限制劳动者劳动权的手段来保护用人单位的商业秘密权的制度。

    Contractual prohibition of business strife is to protect the right of business secrecy by means of limiting labourer 's working right .

  10. 团队是协作劳动的重要手段,其内部成员的互动行为构成有效协作的心理基础。

    Team is the main tool of collaborative work because the inter-dynamic behavior of team members is the psychological basis for the formation of an efficient cooperation .

  11. 经济补偿在其法律性质上具有劳动者保护手段和劳动关系调整手段的法律性质,是保护手段与调整手段的统一体。

    Financial compensation in the nature of the legal means of protection with workers and labor relations adjustment means of the legal nature is to protect the unity of means and adjusted means .

  12. 此外还有许多矿井生产的一线企业,仍然采用传统的人海战术和手工劳动的技术手段,不仅浪费人力资源,而且不能够科学管理。

    Worse still , many mining enterprises still adopt traditional labor intensive approaches with manual labor as their main means of production , which is not only a waste of human resources , but also an obstacle to scientific management .

  13. 无损检测是工业生产中实现质量控制、节约原材料、改进工艺和提高劳动生产率的重要手段,也是设备安全运行的重要监测手段。

    NDT plays a important role of quality controlling and saving raw materials and improve productivity in industry manufacture .

  14. 农机化是提高农业劳动生产率的主要手段,是发展现代农业的重要标志。

    Agricultural Mechanization is to improve the agricultural productivity of the primary means is an important indicator of the development of modern agriculture .

  15. 工资集体协商谈判是协调企业内部劳动关系的重要手段,工资协商的过程也就是劳资双方博弈的过程,因此,掌握必要的博弈知识,对正确认识工资协商的意义,提高协商的水平,十分有益。

    The collective consultation on wages is an important means in coordinating labor relations in enterprises . The course of it is a game between the parties to industrial relations .

  16. 针对目前岩石巷道掘进速度慢,制约煤矿可持续性生产的问题进行研究,通过爆破参数设计、劳动组织优化等手段实现岩石巷道快速掘进。

    The paper aimed to open out the condition of group rock segment celerity construction , moreover offered theory gist for the scheme of grubbing in the profound stand well .

  17. 企业制定内部适用的规章制度是法律赋予的一项重要权利,是组织生产经营、进行有效劳动管理的重要手段。

    Law endows enterprises with an important right to establish their own rules and regulations , which is a significant method to organize business production and to manage business effectively .

  18. 在我国当前阶段更被公认为是解决当前有效需求不足,农村剩余劳动力转移,提高农业劳动生产率的有效手段。

    In China , it is deemed as the effective way to promote the demand , accelerate the rural labour movement , and improve the agricultural productivity . The output point is the point to send out the means of labour through labour movement .

  19. 随着社会和经济的发展,高速公路在国民经济中发挥的作用已经不仅仅是服务于工业化和城市化,现已成为国家经济生活中,带动工业企业增长和增加劳动就业的重要手段。

    With the social and economic development , expressway in the national economy has not only become the role of services in the industrialization and urbanization , but also the important means in the state economy life to lead the Industrial enterprise to grow and to increase the labor employment .

  20. 在资产阶级社会里,活的劳动只是增殖已经积累起来的劳动的一种手段。

    In bourgeois society , living labour is but a means to increase accumulated labour .

  21. 在资产阶级社会里,活的劳动只是增殖已经积累起来的劳动的一种手段。工作认真负责,积极主动,能吃苦耐劳。

    In bourgeois society , living labour is but a means to increase accumulated labour . Works is responsible earnestly , positive initiative , can bear hardships and stand hard work .

  22. 监狱组织罪犯劳动,有其历史渊源,新中国依然坚持用劳动手段改造罪犯,监狱组织罪犯劳动改造,也是国际通行做法。

    Prison labor organization has its historical origins , the new China labor measures still persist in using the rehabilitation of offenders , prison labor reform criminal organizations , and it is also international practice .

  23. 但《劳动合同法》实施四年以来,用人单位规避无固定期限劳动合同的手段层出不穷,劳动合同短期化现象并未根本解决。

    However , for four years after the implementation of the Labor Contract Law , employers have been inventing all kinds of tricks to circumvent the non-fixed term labor contract system .

  24. 劳动关系的主体与内容在变化,不同所有制中劳动关系在发展,各种调整劳动关系的手段在变化,这一系列的变动导致劳动争议案件逐年增加。

    Subject and content concerned to labor relation change , labor relations in different ownership systems develop , and various kinds of methods adjusting labor relation change .