
  1. 试论劳动形态的新变化和劳动政策的新发展

    On the New Change of Labour Formation and the New Development of Labour Policy

  2. 人类劳动形态与功能的三次大变迁&关于劳动演化史的研究

    Three Great Changes in the Form and Function of Man 's Work & On the Evolution History of Work

  3. 就中国而言,劳动权形态经历了计划经济时期和目前社会转型时期(不完全的市场经济阶段)两个阶段。

    In China , the pattern of right to work went through two stages : planned economy and primary market economy .

  4. 经济组织利用特定的经营模式规避正规用工,劳动者为了获取工作接受各种形式的就业方式等原因都导致了劳动关系形态的改变,由此产生了一种特殊形态的劳动关系&非典型劳动关系。

    It causes the changes in the shape of labor relationship that the economic organizations take advantage of specific management modes to evade the formal employment , the employees take all kinds of employment to get employed , the employees and employers get into labor relationships in the illegal circumstance .

  5. 通过对模型的分析,认为较低的知识弹性系数、较低的R&D学习效率、较大的物质和劳动物理形态产出弹性系数和干中学学习效率,是导致我国科技投入强度偏低的重要原因。

    By analyzing the model , the authors conclude that small coefficient of knowledge elasticity , low efficiency of learning by R D , large coefficient of material-and-labor-physics-formed output elasticity , and high efficiency of learning by doing are the important factors which lead to small R D expenditure intensity .

  6. 劳务派遣作为一种非典型的劳动关系管理形态,在我国发展非常迅速。

    Dispatch services as an atypical form of labor relations management in thedevelopment of our country very quickly .

  7. 编辑是精神生产方式与社会劳动分工复合形态的活动。其中精神生产的量的变化决定着其作为特殊运动形式的存在形态。

    Editing activity is a compound category of work involving means of spiritual production and division of social work , of which the change of amount of spiritual production determines the existing form of edition as a special form of movement .

  8. 在中国长期的封建社会中,劳动关系的主要形态是一种身份关系。

    In the China long-term feudal society , the work relations mainly is one kind of status relations .

  9. 劳动关系的具体形态取决于雇主的身份、劳动者的身份和雇主对劳动者的使用方式。

    Its specific form is determined by the identity of employer and employee , and the employment ways .

  10. 资本与科技成果作为价值,虽是抽象劳动,却是凝结形态的劳动。

    Capital and science and technological achievements , as value , are abstract labor , yet in coagulated form .

  11. 作者首先对劳动工具、劳动形态、劳动价值和人力资源等相关概念进行了描述;

    The authors first describe a number of relevant concepts , including instruments of labor , forms of labor , value of labor , and human resources .

  12. 知识劳动是知识经济时期劳动形态所呈现的一种新的劳动形式。

    The knowledge labor is a new labor form in the time of " Knowledge Economy " .

  13. 在马尔库塞看来,劳动存在着必然劳动和自由劳动两种形态。

    According to Marcuse 's views , labour has two forms : necessity labour and free labour .

  14. 中国劳动关系的转型,指我国的劳动关系形态和调整劳动关系的模式正在从以往的计划经济体制向市场经济体制转变。

    The transformation of China 's labor relations means the form and coordination mode of labor relations has been transforming from planning economy into market economy system .

  15. 从劳动过程的三要素出发,分析劳动过程的复杂性和劳动形态;

    According to the three factors of a labor process , the complexity and states of a labor process are analyzed .

  16. 情绪劳动是有别于体力劳动和脑力劳动的第三种劳动形态,现已成为组织行为学的研究热点,近年来随着服务业的发展,它越来越受到人们的关注。

    The emotional labor is different from the physical and mental shape of the third labor , has now become the research focus of organizational behavior in recent years with the development of the service industry , it is more and more attention .

  17. 从世界范围看,劳动权经历了一个从无到有、从简单到复杂的历史过程,不同的劳动权形态充分体现了各个不同历史阶段的政治经济条件。

    It has experienced the process of nothing toward something , the simple toward the complex . Different rights to work patterns reveal different historical periods of political and economical condition in history .

  18. 档案职业作为社会职业构成中的组成部分,是在社会劳动分工基础上,以满足一定个体和社会需要为目的而形成的、具有特定技能要求的社会劳动形态之一。

    Archives occupation is an integral part of the social division . In order to meet the needs of the community and individuals , Archives occupation play an important role .

  19. 我国《劳动法》调整范围以外的雇佣关系与劳动关系应是同质的社会关系,雇佣关系为劳动关系的特殊形态。

    Employment relation beyond the regulations of The law of labor and Labor relation are the same social relations in nature .

  20. 劳动派遣是派遣机构与派遣劳工订立派遣契约,在得到派遣劳工的同意后,使其在要派企业的指挥监督下提供劳务的劳动形态。

    Labor contract law regulates and restricts labour dispatch agencies which is beneficial for the development of labour dispatch , protecting the legitimate rights and interests of dispatched labourer .