
  • 网络Labor shortage;labour shortage
  1. 虽然这项新举措意在解决日本面临的劳动力短缺挑战,但是劳资双方均对该举措可能导致的后果表示担忧,因此,专家对该举措能否被广泛接受也存在分歧。

    Experts are divided , however , on whether the new initiative , intended to address challenges posed by the country 's labor shortage , will be widely accepted , with labor and management both voicing concerns about possible unwanted outcomes .

  2. 农业劳动力短缺对烟叶生产的影响及对策研究

    Effect of Agricultural Labor Shortage on Tobacco Production and Its Counter Measures

  3. 出生率下降也是许多发展地区的一个主要问题,这可能在几十年内造成灾难性的全球劳动力短缺。

    Declining birth rate is a major problem in many developing regions too , which might cause catastrophic global shortages of work force within a few decades .

  4. 美好集团(MusicalGroup)总部设在香港,其在中国南部的旗舰工厂遭遇了严重的劳动力短缺,而且工人工资飙升,于是该集团决定在印度修建最新的孩之宝工厂。

    The Hong Kong-based Musical Group decided to build the latest Hasbro factory in India after facing severe labor shortages and soaring wages at its main factory in southern China .

  5. 我的研究已经表明,由于劳动力短缺导致蓝领劳动者的薪资提高,私人消费占国内生产总值(GDP)的比例有所上升。

    my research has shown that as labour shortages have led to higher wages for blue-collar workers , private consumption has risen as a share of gross domestic product .

  6. 俄罗斯最大的银行之一阿尔法银行(AlfaBank)负责人彼得•阿文(PeterAven)表示,劳动力短缺是一个真正的问题。

    Peter Aven , head of Alfa-Bank , one of Russia 's largest , said labour shortages were a real problem .

  7. 渣打银行(StandardChartered)在今年2月和3月对珠三角地区290家制造商展开的调查显示,企业转移产能的主要动机是劳动力短缺推动薪资上涨,并使得企业不得不支付更为慷慨的社会福利缴款。

    The main motivation for the capacity relocations is labour shortages that are driving wages higher and reinforcing pressures for more generous social welfare payments , according to a survey of 290 manufacturers in the delta region conducted by Standard Chartered in February and March this year .

  8. 该报告把工资高与劳动力短缺联系在一起了。

    The report relates high wages to / with labour shortages .

  9. 珠三角这些一度繁荣的沿海地区出现劳动力短缺的原因很多。

    There are many reasons for the shortage in once-booming coastal regions .

  10. 批评人士指出,劳动力短缺可能带来社会问题。

    The labour shortages may have social ramifications for Macao , critics say .

  11. 有理由相信劳动力短缺不是一种暂时的情形。

    There are reasons to think that the slowdown in labour-force growth is permanent .

  12. 企业一直在抱怨劳动力短缺。

    Companies have been complaining about labour shortages .

  13. 移民在弥补未来数十年的劳动力短缺方面能够发挥什么作用?

    What role can migration play to fill labor shortages over the next decades ?

  14. 这一状况引起了政府对税收收入不足以及劳动力短缺的担忧。

    The decline has stoked government fears of tax revenue shortfalls and labor shortages .

  15. 珠三角地区再次出现劳动力短缺。

    Rising labor shortage hits delta regions .

  16. 他们也有劳动力短缺的问题。

    They also have tight labour markets .

  17. 波动的市场价格,劳动力短缺以及阴晴不定的鬼天气让人知难而退。

    Why put up with fluctuating market prices , labor shortages , and uncertain weather ?

  18. 对失业的担心已让位于对劳动力短缺和工薪阶层持续要求加薪的担心。

    Fears about unemployment have given way to concerns about labour shortages and spiralling wage demands .

  19. 在劳动力短缺时期,日本人说他们恨不得让猫来帮忙。

    In times of need , Japanese say they can even ask the cat for help .

  20. 30年来对家庭规模的限制,造成了中国当前面临严重的劳动力短缺。

    China is facing a critical shortage of labourers caused by 30 years of restricting family size .

  21. 鉴于地区、行业和技能水平上的巨大差异,要量化劳动力短缺是极其困难的。

    Quantifying labour shortages is extremely difficult given large variances by region , industry and skill level .

  22. 鸿海面临环保法规加强、劳动力短缺和潜在的贸易保护主义挑战。

    Hon Hai faces the challenges of stricter environment rules , labour shortages and potential trade protectionism .

  23. 超级宽松的货币及财政政策导致了房地产泡沫、产能约束和劳动力短缺。

    Super-easy monetary and fiscal policy has led to real estate bubbles , capacity constraints and labour shortages .

  24. 出生率下降也能导致劳动力短缺,德国就面临着熟练劳动力的缺口。

    Declining birthrates can also lead to labor shortages , and Germany has faced a gap in skilled labor .

  25. 在过去的一些年中,一些沿海的城镇甚至出现了劳动力短缺。

    So for the past few years , the coastal areas , they found themselves in a shortage of labor .

  26. 由于日本劳动力短缺,无人机指导下的机器人推土机正在参与奥运会的建设。

    Robotic bulldozers led by drones are helping with construction for the Olympics due to a labor shortage in Japan .

  27. 每年的棉花收获季节,劳动力短缺的问题就凸显出来,而且近几年来有恶化的趋势。

    Harvesting of cotton each year , the labor shortage became prominent , and the worsening trend of recent years .

  28. 这是可能发生的:日益扩大的劳动力短缺以及利率的上涨趋势可能会顺利实现这种转变。

    This can happen : the growing labour shortage and a move towards higher interest rates might deliver it smoothly .

  29. 财政预算趋于收支平衡,失业率也处在低水平范围:事实上,劳动力短缺问题日益严重。

    The federal budget is close to balance . Unemployment remains low : indeed , labour shortages are an increasing problem .

  30. 其次,劳动力短缺将迫使企业以资本取代劳动力,提升企业的投资率。

    For another , the scarcity of workers will force companies to substitute capital for labour , increasing their investment rate .