
  1. 《劳动争议调解仲裁法》的制度建构缺陷分析

    Analysis on System Structure Defects of Labor Dispute Mediation and Arbitration Law

  2. 第二,劳动争议调解组织的完善。

    Secondly , the organization of labor dispute mediation need to be advanced .

  3. 目前在理论界,关于劳动争议调解制度的进一步研究也在进行之中。

    About of labor dispute mediation system of further research are in progress .

  4. 国外劳动争议调解制度及其启示

    The Mediation System of Labor Dispute in Foreign Countries

  5. 论《劳动争议调解仲裁法》构建的裁审体制及与劳动监察的关系

    On the Relation between the Arbitration System and Court Trail System and Labor Inspection

  6. 劳动争议调解制度设计的本土资源和国际视野

    The Native Resources and International Vision of Designing the Mediation System of Labor Dispute

  7. 浅谈劳动争议调解机制

    Trial Discussion of Mediation in a labor Dispute

  8. 这样,赋予劳动争议调解协议法律效力的重要性是显而易见的。

    So there is importance that gives legal effect to the labor dispute mediation agreement .

  9. 第八十条在用人单位内,可以设立劳动争议调解委员会。

    Article 80 A labour dispute mediation committee may be established inside the employing unit .

  10. 构建区域性劳动争议调解机制的探索

    Trying of Districted Labor-Dispute-Mediating Institution

  11. 劳动争议调解的法理探析&兼论我国劳动争议基层调解组织有关规定的缺陷与完善

    Jurisprudent Analysis on Labor Dispute Mediation & on the pitfalls of the mediation organization at the grass-roots

  12. 企业可设立劳动争议调解委员会,以调解本企业发生的劳动争议。

    Companies can set up their labour dispute mediation committees to mediate labour disputes which occur in the companies .

  13. 从立法上明确规定劳动争议调解协议是民事合同;仲裁阶段如何认定调解协议的效力,法律应有明确的规定:完善支付令在调解协议中的实施。

    Explicit regulations of labor dispute mediation agreement is civil contract , and perfecting the payment in the conciliation agreement .

  14. 第二十条工会参加企业的劳动争议调解工作。

    Article 20 A trade union shall participate in mediation work conducted in relation to labour disputes within its enterprise .

  15. 《劳动争议调解仲裁法》中劳动争议处理体制的适用问题研究

    On Application of Labor Disputes Settlement System Established by " Law of the PRC on Mediation and Arbitration of Labor Disputes "

  16. 试析我国劳动争议调解制度的完善&兼及劳动争议调解与劳动争议仲裁的关系

    Trial Analyses on the Perfection of the Labor Dispute Mediation System in China Relationship between the Labor Dispute Mediation and Labor Dispute Arbitration

  17. 劳动争议调解委员会由职工代表、用人单位代表和工会代表组成。

    The committee shall be composed of representatives of the staff and workers , representatives of the employing unit , and representatives of the trade union .

  18. 而且企业内部劳动争议调解委员会、劳动仲裁委员会以及法院等相关部门的权限划分、职能工作等也亟待完善。

    The division of authority and functions work of labor dispute mediation committee within the enterprise , labor Arbitration Commission and the courts also need improvement .

  19. 应用劳动争议调解仲裁管理信息系统可使社会仲裁经办机构工作规范化、高效化,并实现标准化、法定化。

    Application of labor dispute mediation and arbitration management information system can make the social arbitration agencies work standardization and high efficiency , and realize the standardization , legalization .

  20. 后一部分以劳动争议调解现存的问题为出发点,指出劳动争议调解协议具备更强法律效力的原因在何处。

    To the existing problems of the labor dispute mediation as a starting point , the last part pointed out the reason that way the labor dispute mediation agreement legally binding must be strengthen .

  21. 同时《劳动争议调解仲裁法》的颁布实施,一方面赋予了工会更广阔的履职空间,另一方面也为劳动者提供了公正高效的法律救济的途径。

    Moreover , the law offers not only broader scope of performance of duties for trade union but also more fair and efficient legal channel for laborers to safeguard their legitimate rights and interests .

  22. 本文还以城市社区为例,探索新的劳动争议调解制度的实践途径,尝试构建新型社区劳动争议调解委员会。

    And then the author takes the city community as an example , groping for the approach to practice the new system , trying to rebuild the new type community labor dispute mediation committee .

  23. 第四部分介绍了世界上其他国家具有代表性的劳动争议调解制度,探讨了这些劳动争议调解制度的共性特点、经验以及启示。

    The fourth part introduces the representative of labor dispute mediation system in other countries all over the world , which discusses the common features , experience and enlightenments of the labor dispute mediation system .

  24. 随着历史的发展,时代的进步,特别是新中国建立之后,劳动争议调解就从民间调解分离出来,成为解决劳动争议的一种方式。

    With the development of history , progress of the ages , especially after the establishment of new China , labor Dispute Mediation separated from the civil mediation , as a way to resolve labor disputes .

  25. 日本劳动争议调解机构由劳、资、公益方三方代表各出13人,由内阁总理大臣任命后组成,称为中央和地方劳动委员会。

    Japanese labor dispute mediation organizations from workers , employers and public representatives from each of three sides 13 , after the appointment by the prime Minister , known as the central and local labor committees .

  26. 劳动争议调解主要是在劳动争议发生之后,劳动者和用人单位在调解组织的主持下,将劳动争议解决在基层的一种方式。

    Labor dispute mediation is one way that which occurs primarily in the labor dispute , under the auspices of the mediation organizations , the labor dispute of the workers and employers will be resolved at the grassroots level .

  27. 我国劳动争议调解机制的结构性缺陷为忽视了调解组织中立性、行动能力、行为动因、工会角色安排和交易费用承担等前提条件问题,其基本假设不可靠。

    The structure shortcomings of labor dispute mediation mechanism of China include neglected neutrality , action ability , behavior cause , labor union 's role , and business expense undertaking of mediation organizations . Its basic hypothesis is not reliable .

  28. 本部分首先对劳动争议调解协议的性质、效力存在的争议进行分析,并得出现在我国劳动争议调解协议性质不清,法律效力不高的结论。

    This part first analyzes the nature of the labor dispute mediation agreement and the effectiveness of existing . And reached conclusions that the nature of the mediation agreement of labor dispute is unclear , the legal effect is not high .

  29. 再次,笔者特选取江苏省昆山市的劳动争议调解制度为研究对象展开实证分析,力求以此发掘实践中劳动争议调解制度的运作方式与不足之处。

    Thirdly , the author specially selected Kunshan City , Jiangsu Province , the labor dispute mediation system for the study to expand the empirical analysis , and strive in order to explore the inadequacies of the labor dispute mediation system in practice .

  30. 目前成熟的计算机及网络技术已广泛的覆盖了各个领域,而利用计算机技术处理《劳动争议调解仲裁管理信息系统》国内还处于初级阶段。

    Current maturity of the computer and network technology has been widely covered in various fields , and the use of computer technology to deal with " labor dispute mediation and arbitration management information system " in China is still at the primary stage .