
  1. 职工为企业提劳务服务以换取薪酬。

    Employees provide services to the company they work for in exchange for pay .

  2. 与此同时,各种劳务服务企业和中介组织也开始兴起,奠定了宁夏劳务产业发展的基础。

    Meanwhile , all kinds of enterprises and agencies of labour services have sprung up , which build up a foundation for the development of labour services industry in Ningxia .

  3. 公共图书馆在为劳务工服务中的功能和作用

    The Functions and Roles of Public Libraries in Serving Temporary Workers

  4. 现代营销学认为:营销的对象不仅是市场需要的产品、劳务或服务,而且还包括思想、观念的营销。

    According to modern marketing theory , the objects by market not only product and service but also idea .

  5. 会计师行业是提供知识型劳务的服务行业,而会计师事务所则是注册会计师的从业场所。

    Categorized in the Service industry , Accountant Industry provides knowledge-based service , and accountant firms serve as the workplaces for CPAs .

  6. 同时,对合同诈骗罪中的诈骗对象是否可以是劳务、服务等诸多在实践中有分歧的问题提出了自己的观点。

    Meanwhile , fraud in the contract whether the fraud could be labor , services , and many other differences in practice have put forward their views .

  7. 劳务输出业服务价格的制定策略和方法

    Pricing Strategies and Methods in the Labor Force Exporting Industry

  8. 全面分析了劳务输出企业服务价格的影响因素,针对这种特定的行业,提出了定价策略、定价方法及定价评价指标体系。

    Concerning this special trade , the factors affecting the price of labor force exporting enterprises are analyzed , and the pricing strategies , pricing methods and evaluation system are put forth .

  9. 随着经济全球化的程度越来越高,包含跨国提供劳务在内的服务贸易的规模不断扩大,对各国经济的影响不断增强。

    With the increasing degree of economic globalization , the scale of service trade including transnational labor service expands continuously , and has a increasing impact on the economies of many countries .

  10. 但随着社会的发展,即使在有些省份农村户口已被取消,拥有农民工身份的人却依旧存在,他们的身份通常与一些固定的职业相连,比如建筑工人群体、劳务群体和服务行业等。

    With the development of society , however , even though country hukou has been cancelled , some people are still being identified as rural migrant workers . They are reported as construction worker , labors or people doing service in the city .

  11. 深圳市劳务工社区卫生服务的利益相关集团分析

    Stakeholder Analysis on Developing Community Health Services for Labor Workers in Shenzhen City

  12. 对外承包工程和劳务合作:对外服务贸易领域继续拓展。

    Foreign contracted projects and labor service cooperation : Foreign services and trade continued expanding to new fields .

  13. 最后本文对劳务派遣、家政服务、非全日制用工、勤工助学、退休返聘等非标准劳动关系中的几个常见类型作了分析并提出建议。

    Finally , this essay analyzes the employment dispatch , domestic service , part-time employment , work-study , Retirement Employment and other non-standard employment relationship and gives some recommendations .

  14. 目的研究深圳市劳务工医疗保险卫生服务满意度,并评估满意度的影响因素,为提高劳务工卫生服务质量的管理决策提供依据。

    Objective Probe into the satisfaction degree of Medicare for labor workers in Shenzhen and assesses the influencing factors of health service .

  15. 浙江省委派的四支工作组将与劳务输出省份在跨省劳务服务方面进行合作,一些企业还会参与现场招聘活动。

    The four teams accredited by Zhejiang province will cooperate with labor-exporting provinces on interprovincial labor services , and some enterprises will participate in on-site recruiting .

  16. 为提高我国劳务经营公司的管理水平和国际竞争力,本文探索性地将项目管理理论和方法引入国际劳务服务行业,可以说,这是一次有意义的探索和试验。

    To improve the level of management and international competitive ability of the labor service company , this article is trying to introduce the theory and method of management into the industry of international labor service , and it is a meaningful exploration and experiment .