
  • 【经】service product
  1. 它向社会提供的不是实物形态的产品,而是一种劳务产品,即集装箱货物的空间位移。

    They provide invisible service , the movement of containerized cargo , instead of physical products .

  2. 而无形体育产品中参与性体育劳务产品不能满足市场需求。

    Non-physical products such as the sports labor service products can 't meet market demand the sports place specially .

  3. 体育物质产品消费大于体育信息产品消费,体育劳务产品消费最低;

    Sports substance consuming goods are bigger than sports information consumption . Sports service consuming is the lowest in the all .

  4. 得出结论:体育健身娱乐产品是一种劳务产品,其市场供求受产品的价格及消费者的收入水平影响较大。

    Employing survey analysis techniques based on microeconomic theory , the paper concluded that sport and entertainment is a form of labour product , its supply and demand are heavily influenced by its price and the income of consumers .

  5. 同时第三产业的劳务产品出口时可以实行增值税的出口退税,使我国劳务产品在税负这个方面站在了和欧盟等国家同一水平上,增强了我国第三产业的国际竞争力。

    At the same time , the tertiary industry labor exports can enjoy VAT export tax rebate , so that our labor products can stand at the same level with the European Union and other countries in the tax , which obviously enhance our international competitiveness of the tertiary industry .

  6. 个人消费者主要是消费体育服务(劳务)产品,商务消费者主要是消费体育无形资产。

    Individual consumers are mainly consuming sports service products while business consumers are mainly consuming sports intangible assets .

  7. 因为此时他们正处于对体育有特定偏好的年龄段,是体育实物和服务、劳务、产品消费的主要群体。

    During this time , they have particular interest in some exercises and they are the main consuming group on the sports products , labors , and services .

  8. 农民负担是具有农村户口的公民无偿向国家、集体和社会提供的剩余价值的总和,包括费用、劳务和产品三种形式,是农民生产成果社会再分配的重要组成部分。

    The peasants ' load , as an important form of redistribution of the peasants ' output among the whole society , is the sum total of surplus value rendered gratis by citizens of rural residence .

  9. 体育产品中实物型体育用品销售增长快速,健身娱乐等劳务型产品尽管总收益不高,增长速度也仍然喜人,但竞赛表演业产生的经济效益较低,亟待提高;

    In the aspect of sports product , matter-formed products like sports clothes and instruments sale well , but service-formed products like gymnastics and entertainment earns little although it increase fast , in which the production of competition show should be encouraged ;

  10. 个人消费指人们为满足自身需要而对各种物质生活资料、劳务和精神产品的消耗。

    Personal consumption refers to the people to meet their needs for information on a variety of material , labor and the consumption of cultural products .

  11. 研究运用一般经济学和产业经济学的基本原理,较系统分析了体育产品的经济学特征,并得出体育产品只能是体育劳务、体育产品的劳动边际产出递减等结论。

    Using the basic theories of economics and industrial economics , this paper has systematically analyzed the economic features of sports products and concluded that sports products are nothing but sports services , and that the marginal output of labor for sports products is diminishing .