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dòng jing
  • movement;activity;the sound of sth. astir;the sound of sth.astir
动静 [dòng jìng]
  • (1) [the sound of sth.astir]∶指动作或说话发出的声音

  • (2) [movement;activity]∶[打听或侦察的] 消息;情况

  • 牢城营里都没有动静。--《水浒传》

动静[dòng jing]
  1. 他注视着那所房子里的动静。

    He watched for signs of activity in the house .

  2. 他注视着那所房子里的动静。

    He watched the house for signs of activity .

  3. 那狗站着,竖起耳朵听动静。

    The dog stood listening , its ears cocked .

  4. 带夜视镜的摄像机一有动静就会启动。

    Video cameras with night vision can be activated by movement .

  5. 他们被关在一个小屋里,没人能听到他们的动静。

    They were shut away in a little room where nobody could overhear

  6. 后门窗户后面有动静。

    There was movement behind the window in the back door

  7. 她一睡觉,就不会发出一点儿动静。

    You don 't hear a peep from her once she 's gone to bed .

  8. 来琼比湾消磨时光,动静皆宜,尽可随心所欲。

    Time spent at Jumby Bay can be as energetic or as languid as you wish .

  9. 屋子里静悄悄的,一点儿动静也没有。

    All was quiet in the room and nothing stirred .

  10. 我发现灌木从中有些动静。

    I detected a slight movement in the undergrowth .

  11. 周围一点动静都没有,只有树林中的风声。

    There were no sounds , except for the wind in the trees ,

  12. 坦普尔曼的牙使劲儿地嗑着木头,弄出很大的动静。

    Templeton 's teeth scraped loudly against the wood and made quite a racket .

  13. 我俩共用一个房间,晚上听到动静对我们来说并不是什么新鲜事。

    We shared a room . It wasn 't strange to us to hear things at night .

  14. 头上的主楼那里也没什么动静:牛正在休息,马在打盹儿。

    Overhead , on the main floor , nothing stirred : the cows were resting , the horses dozed .

  15. 无论是有较大的声响还是异乎寻常的动静,所有人都抬起头来,目光越过隔间的隔板,想看看发生了什么。

    Whenever there 's a loud sound or other unusual occurrence2 , everyone pops up to look over the walls to see what 's happening .

  16. 开放式办公室中的员工在听到喧哗的声响或者其他声音时,总忍不住在格子间抬头张望,观察四周的动静,这就是“土拨鼠效应”。

    Prairie-dogging refers to the practice of workers in an open-plan office raising their heads above the partitions1 surrounding their desks when they hear a loud voice or other noise .

  17. 美联储(fed)随后也采取了类似举措,不过动静要小得多。

    The US Federal Reserve followed suit although in far less dramatic fashion .

  18. 调Q光器的阈值动静比

    Ratio between Dynamic and Steady threshold for Q-Switched Laser

  19. 全自动插动静簧机的气动和PLC控制系统的设计

    The design of the pneumatic and PLC control system of the full automation dynamic and static spring leaf inserting machine

  20. 动静载荷耦合作用下PDC刀具的失效机理

    Mechanism of PDC cutter failure under coupling dynamic and static loads

  21. 测量了调Q后激光输出的能量、动静比、脉宽、谱宽等,并从理论上进行了一些分析。

    The laser output energy , dynamic to static ratio , pulse bandwidth ana spectral line width etc. by Q-switching ware mea-sured and analysed theoretically .

  22. 再一次,当太阳没什么动静时,NASA试图将附近的X星引起的地球变化归咎于太阳。

    Once again , when the Sun is quiescent , NASA chooses to blame the Sun for Earth changes caused by the near presence of Planet X.

  23. 东海大桥PHC试桩垂直动静试验及水平荷载试验

    Vertical Static and Dynamic Load Tests and Horizontal Load Tests for PHC Trial Piles of East China Sea Bridge

  24. 然后在动静校正后的CMP道集内,采用简捷的算法来估算信号的振幅成分和噪音的协方差矩阵;

    Then , the signal amplitudes and noise covariance matrices are estimated by using an algorithm in CMP gather after static and normal moveout .

  25. 利用高温高压釜设备辅以失重法、采用扫描电子显微镜(SEM)和X射线衍射(XRD)技术,研究了在动静两种状态下CO2分压对P110钢腐蚀产物膜的影响。

    Influence of CO2 partial pressure on corrosion scale of P110 steel in stimulated oil field environments was investigated by using scanning electron microscopy ( SEM ) and x-ray diffraction ( XRD ) .

  26. 将电动静液压作动器EHA(Electro-HydrostaticActuator)应用于汽车主动悬架中,并提出了基于EHA的主动悬架样机结构。

    An electro-hydrostatic actuator was introduced into vehicle active suspension and the prototype structure of active suspension with EHA was proposed .

  27. CAI课件作为辅助教学的工具,在课堂教学中以图文并茂、声像俱佳、动静结合的表现形式丰富了教学内容,提高了教学效率,调动了学生的学习积极性。

    The CAI courseware , as a teaching assistance , has enriched teaching contents , improved teaching efficiency and enhanced students ′ learning enthusiasm , by illustrating with vivid picture and words , sound and image , etc.

  28. 利用研制的岩石动静组合加载SHPB试验装置,系统研究岩石在一维动静组合加载下的冲击破坏特性。

    The impact failure characteristics of rock subjected to one-dimensional coupled static and dynamic loads are conducted with a modified split Hopkinson pressure bar ( SHPB ) .

  29. 介绍了将短时傅立叶变换(STFT)和连续小波变换(CWT)用于先天性心脏病(房间隔缺损、室间隔缺损、动静导管未闭)心音信号进行时频分析、特征提取的研究。

    Short-time Fourier Transform ( STFT ) and Continuous Wavelet Transform ( CWT ) were used in the time-frequency analyses of heart sounds of congenital heart disease .

  30. 当然,你可以花费100多美元购买一部婴儿监视器,或者你可以把旧iPhone设置成观看宝宝实时监视视频,并且监听宝宝动静,甚至和宝宝说话。

    Sure , you can spend $ 100 or more on a baby monitor , or you can just set your old iPhone up to watch streaming video of your baby as well as hear and even talk to him or her .